Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 884: Dragon White Emperor, Dragon Black Emperor

"What is going on here?" Long Black Emperor turned his head and said with a dignified face. !! Dragon spirits with light or dark attributes appear rarely, and once they appear, they tend to be the strongest of the dragon generation. Just like now, there are many dragons in the dragon family, but with the attributes, only he is the dragon black emperor and the dragon white emperor. At the same time, the dragon soul with the attributes of light and dark has never appeared, and has never heard of it... even this is a violation of common sense. Because light and darkness restrain each other, they cannot coexist. If it really appears in one's body at the same time, the theory will also neutralize each other, and how it will coexist in one's body.

"As you can see, before he bursts the Dragon Soul, he has a dragon soul that combines light and darkness. If I don't bring him and tell you directly, you will think that I am in the mouth of the yellow, just If I don't see it with my own eyes, I won't believe it, but now, he is standing in front of you... Your feelings don't deceive yourself, he has the dragon soul that combines light and darkness. Why do you have such a dragon soul, I don't know." Long Baidi said.

The dragon black emperor began to seriously look at Ye Tianxie at this time, his eyes moving from his head to his feet. Suddenly, he turned his head and said to Long Baidi: "You brought him here, just to let me know that the dragon has such a freak with light and dark dragon spirits, and bursting the dragon soul is not dead or not?"

"Oh, the black emperor, with your understanding of me, if there is no special thing, will I bring him to you personally? I will bring him here, let you know that he is only one of the purposes, the most important purpose It is hope, you can help me, and repair the dragon soul that he destroyed with me." Long Baidi finished, staring at his reaction.

"Repair his Dragon Soul" Dragon Black Emperor's eyes sighed coldly and said: "My Dragon Black Emperor never knows how to repair after the Dragon Soul burst. You, find the wrong person!"

"No, you know. And, you should know before me." Long Baidi slowly said: "After all, you should be the emperor of today's dragons, but you dismissed the position of the dragon. I categorically refused. What I know now, you must have known earlier than I know, something that I don’t know, you may also know. The history of the dragon has never had a precedent for the successful restoration of the dragon soul, but it exists. One possibility, one that you and I know."

"You want me to sacrifice my dragon ball for this person..." The dragon black emperor's voice is plain and cold and does not contain any emotional turmoil. When Long Baidi said "Repairing his Destroyed Dragon Soul", he already knew the purpose of Long Baidi to come here.


"Ha ha ha ha!" The dragon black emperor turned his head and gave a big laugh: "Dragon White Emperor, this is the best laughter I have ever heard in my life! You actually want my dragon black emperor, go for this A human kid who doesn't know where to come out sacrifices his own dragon ball. Have you kept your brains stupid in these years of retreat! If you are so interested, why not use your own dragon ball!!"

The reaction of the dragon black emperor at this time is normal. Long Baidi’s smile, which is not careless, said: “No attribute corresponds to no attribute, light corresponds to light, darkness corresponds to darkness, and he has both light and darkness. If it is to be repaired, it naturally needs dark and bright dragon beads. So not only The Dragon Soul attribute corresponds to the double healing power and the stronger Dragon Soul Power."

The dragon black emperor’s laugh stopped. He turned his back to Long Baidi and Ye Tianxie. He said coldly: “You want us both... to sacrifice your own dragon ball? Just because he is a light and dark soul. !?"


"It's ridiculous! What about the dark and dark souls, what did he do for the dragons? What is his status in the dragons? What qualifications does he have for you to let me sacrifice dragon balls!!"

"He didn't do anything for the dragons. He even just stepped into the dragon field some time ago. But I believe that I will not look at the wrong person. He may not be a good person, but he is not a wicked person. He may not fully admit that he belongs to the dragon family. However, even though the dragon soul is broken, the blood of the dragon is still flowing in his body. Only this point determines that he belongs to the dragon for the rest of his life. He never wants to cut off the connection. Just like you, even if you swear, you will not return to Long. You still belong to the Dragon Dragon, and you will not change until you die."

Dragon Black Emperor: "..."

"As for the qualifications you said... the dragon soul combined with light and darkness, isn't that enough? This kind of vision that has never appeared, is a miracle, isn't it a hope that God gave me the dragon? You and I have it clearly A single light and darkness is already the strongest light and dark dragon of the dragon. He is dark and dark. If he grows up, he may reach the peak that we can't reach for a lifetime... This peak will lead the increasingly declining dragon. Once again, once again, even beyond the peak of the past!” Long Baidi’s look is awe-inspiring, and the words are like iron.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

What Long Baidi said at this time is almost exactly the same as Ye Tianxie thought before. As a dragon dragon god, he is willing to make a commitment to sacrifice his dragon ball so easily to a different person in the world of the dragon, just because he saw the hope he had just stated from his vision. . In order to hope that he could not find it in his life, he meditated overnight and made the decision that was almost incomprehensible... Bright Dragon God, he has a yearning hope, sadness, and can’t be the dragon’s The hope of blooming must be spared, and at the expense of your own light.

"Is it?" The dragon black emperor still disdain and cold: "Well, what is the hope you said, how big?"

Dragon White Emperor: "..."

"In the history of the dragons, there has never been a precedent for the restoration of the dragon soul. To repair the dragon soul with the dragon ball is just a legend. Do you have a certain grasp of this legend is true? Even if it is true, you have some grasp Let it succeed? This person... He has a bright and dark double dragon soul, he is a freak, and you can be sure that the light and dark double dragon beads can repair his weird dragon soul! You can think about it... They all sacrificed Dragon Ball, but the result is a failure, what will be the consequences?" The dragon black emperor turned, dark as the night of the dark abyss stared straight at the dragon white emperor: "Dragon Ball in isolation, our strength It will be greatly reduced. After tens of thousands of years of repairing, the overall strength of my dragon will fall into the lowest point of history... and he will die because he cannot withstand the powerful power in our Dragon Ball. Back 10,000 steps, even if the legend is true, even if we really succeeded in repairing his dragon soul, why do you think that he has the double dragon soul that can make him reach the height we can't reach! His double dragon Soul coexistence may not be a gift Intrinsic more likely to be a disaster! A way for his strength in the darkness and light of mutual restraint offset, never really grew up in a disaster! "

In fact, don't say that Long Baidi, even Ye Tianxie does not know, the last sentence of the Dragon Black Emperor is the fact that has always existed.

Once the dragon, in order to prevent his dark dragon soul from being exposed, his mother, the dragon dragon princess, completely blocked it with the dark dragon force. Only his bright dragon soul grew up, so his dragon power grows incomparably. Fast, when he was an adult, he was already the general of the Megatron and the Luo Luo.

The dragon soul that Ye Tianxie once owned... Although the Dark Dragon Soul and the Light Dragon Soul reached an incredible coexistence in his body. The quality of this coexistence is actually due to the existence of the holy mark and the magic mark. Otherwise, the light and the darkness will be completely offset in a short time, making Ye Tianxie a common dragon body without attributes.

The light and darkness eventually coexisted, and then under the influence of the holy mark and the magic mark, the strange fusion of impossible existence began, and the special dragon spirit technique that Ye Tianxie is not quite the same as the normal dragon is given. However, this fusion is Extremely slow and unstable, because the natural laws of mutual exclusion between light and dark are disturbed by magical sacred marks and magic prints, but before the holy marks and magic prints are fully grown, this interference is by no means complete. The light dragon power and the dark dragon force are only a small part of the fusion, most of which are offset by the increase of the leaf heaven evil force...

The direct result is that the growth of Ye Tianxie Longli will be slow and infinitely thousands of times slower than any normal dragon. Unless the holy mark and the magic mark are fully awakened, it can completely break the natural law of light and darkness and mutual exclusion...that is, change the natural order.

Nowadays, the power of the holy mark and the magic mark is completely silenced because of the loss of the carrier. The power originally belonging to the holy mark and the magic mark is completely disappeared. Even if the dragon soul is completely restored, the power of the holy mark and the magic mark can only be 0" restarts. Without the interference of the holy mark and the magical power, the growth of Ye Tianxie Longli will be even more difficult. Lifelong, even the day is not possible.

However, no matter whether Long Baidi or Long Black Emperor, naturally, they do not know the existence of Ye Tianxie's body mark and magic mark. Even Ye Tianxie has never understood the root cause of the coexistence of the Dark Dragon Soul in his own body.

In the face of the reluctant remarks of the Dragon Black Emperor, Long Baidi did not refute, but looked at him and said slowly: "Black Emperor, do you know that the root cause of this decision today is not me...but you."

Dragon Black Emperor: "I?"

"You can still remember the words you said before you left the Dragon Field. That sentence, let me keep remembering today, and that is the sentence, let me make this decision that is in your eyes or allows you to laugh and be stupid... You said: 'As long as it is the hope of the dragon, even if it is small, you should do whatever it takes!! What I did today is exactly what you said."

Dragon Black Emperor: "..."

This is indeed a sentence he said that year... In a wrath, what he said.

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