Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 906: Neighboring debates

The registration of the second Devils Competition in Chinatown of Destiny World has finally officially started. In this competition, the system also decides the opening time based on the level allocation. As a result, most of the players can be cancelled and signed up. Only the top players who have reached the 80th level in the first time are greatly relieved of the registration pressure and the problem of the competition.

Since Huaxia District has the highest theater honor value, it has the highest experience bonus. Therefore, the highest average country in the world is Huaxia, Huaxia, and naturally became the first in the world to open the second magic. The country of the Wu Conference. The second-ranking Murray country, if calculated in the same proportion, wants to reach the conditions for the opening of the second Magic Wu Conference, at least for half a month, the gap is obvious.

Let Huaxia State be so far away from other countries... The whole world understands that the foundations are all dependent on evil days. This also determines his unparalleled prestige in China. It’s just that he is used to it, and he has no ambitions. Otherwise, no one will doubt it. As long as he screams, he can form a huge organization that is better than the wing of the sky and the gods.

However, the excessive strength of the players in China is inevitably causing the uneasiness of players in other countries. In any world, the most basic premise of stability is balance. But in today's destiny world, the total number of players in China is almost one-fifth of the total number of players in the world. Today, the average strength will be far below the players of other countries. As a result, the overall strength of Chinese players. It has formed a unique situation. Nowadays, the national borders are not open, and their respective developments are mutually inviolable and naturally calm. However, if the national border is open and the national war breaks out, the Chinese nation will inevitably become a well-deserved giant. After all, the world of destiny is not a real world of science and technology, with weapons of mass destruction. The quantity represents the strength... Moreover, the average strength is equally high.

And this has also led to an inevitable result... multinational alliance against China.

Because if there is no unity, each fights, in the face of China, China is not bullying which one is bullying.

Speaking of it, the time when the borders are open seems not too far... because the three-turn era has arrived.

The average time human beings are in the world of destiny has long since surpassed the real world. With the influence of the world of destiny, the personal strength in this world has been directly related to the overall ability of a person. The strength of the theater in this world also affects the influence of a country in the international arena. Therefore, the opening of national borders is approaching, and governments of all countries have to focus on this place... more attention than players. In countries with strong ambitions, the first obstacle we want is China... because this is the biggest obstacle. If there is an opportunity to weaken the strength of the Chinese theater, then I believe that many countries will act after they are ready to move.

Lost in the mainland, the tower of destiny.

"Oh... your level has been successfully upgraded to level 80..."

"Great!" Sophie's body floated a circle of brightening aura, and her level finally rose to 80. And Meng Yuyi has reached the 80th level before her. Seeing the upgraded aura of Sufifi, Meng Yuyi quickly cleaned up several werewolves around him and returned to her and Ye Tianxie. All day, Ye Tianxie was a soul, and he usually regarded these werewolves as scum. There have been several deaths almost under the wolf claws... I will be forgotten by the werewolf, and I will forget to use the bombardment to smash the sword. If it is not the double cure of Sui Fei and Sufifi, the cleaning of the Beckham Heaven fist He has hanged several times today. In the end, he simply retreated to a safe area, relying on the wall, silently watching the dream feathers shuttle in these terrible monsters, there are Beckham and squatting, plus the strength of Sufifi and the strength of Meng Yu. He also does not have to worry about her safety.

In the brain, it is still the string of light blue wind chimes, every minute is stuck in his thoughts. Even if he wants to think about it for a while, he can't do it.

If you can easily look down, how can you deeply touch his heart.

Sophiefei rose to the 80th level, Ye Tianxie did not respond, apparently the root did not notice, so that Sophie’s excitement was a lot weaker, the lips were flat, and went over, holding his hand and said: “Heaven Evil, I am eighty."

"Amount...Oh." Ye Tianxie looked up and responded for three seconds. He said: "That... we will sign up for the competition. Now people are not very special. Then go to the three-turn mission."

Sophie did not say anything and nodded. The three people used the empty magic beads to return to the lost city.

The registration method for the second Magic Wu contest is exactly the same as the first Magic Wu contest. After getting the number plate of the game, Ye Tianxie just looked at it casually and took it away - aa006008, indicating that he had already registered 6008 people in front of him. Although the way the game is opened has greatly limited the number of applicants, in a big country like China, the players who participate in the competition will still be a very large number. The first day of registration is the same. After seven days, I don’t know. How many players reach level 80.

"My is aa006009, the feather sister is aa006010! Just connected together, the evil spirits you see." Sophie Fei took her number plate to the face of Ye Tianxie. This time, she also signed up for the individual match. The Sacred Word Sacrifice has a power that is far more powerful than the ordinary sacrificial "Sacred Arrow", and a larger reliance is her fairy pet snow ice wolf. Now that the snow and snow wolf has grown, the strength tends to mature. In this game, Sophie has the confidence to let it be remembered by all Chinese players.

“Is the registration of the team competition the same as last time?” Ye Tianxie asked the receptionist.

"Hello, heroic evil day... The biggest difference between this magical war meeting and the last time is to cancel the team battle and only keep the single player." The official said with respect and respect. There are hero badges in the body, and Ye Tianxie is respected and welcome everywhere.

“Cancel the team competition? Why?” Ye Tianxu asked.

"This... I don't know much, but it seems that it is because of the world's magical war between human beings in different worlds... The debates between the various countries are about to start. The single-player ranking of this competition will make it easy to decide who is eligible to participate in the debates among the countries. Therefore, in order to improve efficiency, extend judgment and preparation time, the team competition is cancelled. The team competition is more about the teamwork ability, and the participation in the national debate cannot be the original fixed team, but the strongest in the first theater. Strong alliance, the ranking of the team competition will cause some interference to the judgment result... Heroes, you can understand what I mean?"

Controversy in the countries! ?

Is it going to start so soon...

But counting it, it’s been four years since the last national debate in another virtual world.

Oh, it’s true that time is like an arrow, so unconscious.

In the chaos of the countries, Ye Tianxie did not have much interest. He had never participated in the chaos of the past countries, and he did not even pay much attention to it. The last time he participated in the Magic Wu Conference, his only purpose was to transfer the volume of the novice village, otherwise there would be no interest in registration. This time, he is to accompany Sufifi and Meng Yuyi, but also looks forward to meeting them on the arena with the left-handed army... Intuition tells him that they will come back to participate in this competition. Otherwise, with the strength he now has, in fact, the roots have been distracted from competing with ordinary players.

He also had little interest in this national debate.

The debates between the countries are not only the nature of the World Magic Congress... because every debate in various countries will be the prelude to a large-scale national war.

"Okay, I understand." Ye Tianxie nodded in response.

"Wow! The debates between the countries... really have to start? Someone predicted before, because of the influence of the world of destiny, the influence of this year's national debates will probably be comparable, even surpassing the Olympics! At the same time, the competition The result will have the potential to affect the political landscape of the world and greatly influence the status of a country in the international arena. Heaven and Evil, Yu Yijie, will you participate in this time? The girl’s Sophie is obviously excited. It is no exaggeration to say that the high level of attention received by the countries in the chaos may exceed the Olympics.

Meng Yuyi did not speak, looked at Ye Tianxie... Now she is completely centered on Ye Tianxie. Although she has no interest in any country debates, she has never participated in the past, but as long as Ye Tianxie wants her to go, she will definitely go.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's go pick up the three-turn mission... Yes... How do you change your career?" Ye Tianxu asked. Sophie Feather - Sacred Sacrifice, Dream Feather - Demon Shadow, are special occupations, and can not be transferred through the transfer hall of the transfer hall.

Meng Yuyi shook his head and said that he did not know. Her career is born of her own strength, not by external forces, missions or professional scrolls. She has never been aware of how to proceed with career advancement. There is also a possibility that she will reach the level and complete the three-turn task, and then she will naturally advance.

"...I don't know. However, the sage who gave me this career should know, should I go to her? Heaven, do you know how to find her?" Sufifi also shook her head, she The occupation is from the Holy Words. Knowing how to make this career advanced should be only her.

Ye Tianxie sank a bit and said: "We will go to the transfer hall first and complete the task."

Turned around and looked at the front, in the brain, still the string of pale blue wind chimes.

He is like a spell that cannot be solved. Another example is that the soul is blocked by the wind chimes and cannot be separated...

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