Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 912: One's journey

Star Baoer understands her physical condition. Once, except for doctors, she is the only one who knows her physical condition... I know how long I have left. So she began to work hard to make money, to complete that pure dream, and to want the greatest desire in the remaining life. For death, she is not afraid at all, but she is always so happy to face every day... a little bit of realization of her dreams, and now she has completed all the goals she had been craving.

If she does not encounter Ye Tianxie, she should be unconcerned now, and the stress-free smile faces a little bit of life that is exhausted.

But now, she is so afraid of death.

Because of death, it means that we can no longer see the person who has been quietly buried by her, deeply buried in the heart... that silently pushes her to fulfill her dreams, that is looked up by the world and is quietly worshipped by her. The person who has the most fascinating smile in the world... From today, more than a year, she clearly remembers their encounter, and every minute and every second together...

If she is healthy and healthy, she will stalk him with her face...just, she has no future qualifications. She can only bury this all deeply. The tender age, innocent appearance and words and deeds... is a heart far beyond age.

"...I am willing...I certainly want to, I said, you are the boss of my life, I want to follow the boss for the rest of my life, of course I am willing to..." Star Baoer bit his lip, trying not to let himself fall out of tears. Sometimes, she really hates him...because, in the face of death, facing the mother's terminal illness, she will not cry when she faces so many sufferings, but she always shed tears because of him...

Just, do you really... can you really have a future?

Have a beautiful future that only appears in a dream...


At this time, Star Glass is sleeping very sweet, Ye Tianxie did not bother her, but let Star Bao help tell Star Glass his departure. The touch of a string of wind chimes also made him suddenly understand a lot of things in the evening. Loss and forgetting are really terrible things. With the bitterness and confusion of disappointment and forgetting, he is determined not to let any people and things he cares about leave his life and memory, or even want to let them leave. I am too far away. Some decisions that were not in the past have also appeared in his mind.

For example, he wants to bring Xing Baoer to his side, to go to pro-autonomy and her strange and terminal illness, and she will never be allowed to disappear into her own life one day. And... After returning, he will start to seriously look for the life and identity of Star Glass, forget to be free, but lose his memory, he will have a torn soul, and he will compare his heart. He believes that Star Glass must also be eager to know that he is Who, where is it... He can no longer selfishly treat her as her own sister and generally bind her to her own world.

Leaving the house and standing in front of the door, Ye Tianxie did not know where to go. He took out the empty magic beads and remembered the places where he had been to. He had just sent it. A voice suddenly sounded in his talker. It was a happy and pleasant voice: "Heavenly brother, you are ...do you hear my voice?"

Very beautiful voice, because the owner of this voice is the little demon who is known as the goddess of music.

Ye Tianxie picked up the talker and said, "Water, why are you?"

“Hey,” Mu Xiaoyue always liked Ye Tianxie’s name for her “water child” because it would make her feel intimate and intimate: “Because I suddenly had inspiration, I wanted to record the inspiration immediately. ...but I am too lazy to get up, so I went into the game and wrote it."

"It will be your third concert soon, are you ready?" Ye Tianxie smiled and asked, in his mind, echoing the demon to conquer the songs of the world... He found that he was very early, I began to obsessed with her singing. If she could stay at home, listen to her voice every day... That should be the dream that almost all men in the world long for.

"Ready, because the mood has been very good during this time, so the inspiration is particularly good. Liu sister is also ready there, can start at any time. Liu sister just told me yesterday, is to be before the Magic Wu Conference One day, you can start selling tickets tomorrow... God, brother, you will come to listen to me singing, right?"

Listening to her voice, Ye Tianxie completely imagined that the **** the opposite side of the water must have a beautiful smile on her face. She has always been an elf in the eyes of people. Such a girl, no one should be willing to hurt.

"And, there is..." Mu Xiao's voice went down, with a noticeable twist and tension, and she whispered: "Heavenly brother, my father, he... He wants me...takes you Brought back to my house...he wants to see you."

Bring a man home, and the little demon certainly knows what it means. Although she was not face to face with Ye Tianxie, but with her soft and watery character, she still had a great courage to finish it. When she finished, her face was full of red clouds. Her father had dreamed of letting her marry the city of Solitary, but the only time she saw Ye Tianxie, he was scared of cold sweat, and then he was uneasy for a long time... Then calmed down, feared Every day, I am happy, a person who makes the left family and the sacred lord show a respectful attitude. A person who is so evaluated by the solitary city, his identity is definitely enough to break the sky, even more than the solitary City, if such a person becomes his son-in-law...

Therefore, from the initial tension, he quickly immersed himself in the dream, not only greatly supported his daughter and his contacts, but also often slammed the question of Ye Tianxie. For months, he has never seen Ye Tianxie, and there is no movement about him. Finally, he couldn’t sit still. From time to time, he suggested that Mu Xiaoyue brought him to his home, so that he could quickly give the two things, otherwise if he suddenly gave up his daughter, then It’s empty... After all, the daughter’s empathy is not in love, and it’s impossible to estimate it.

Of course, there are thousands of people who are willing to bring Ye Tianxie to their homes, but he is also surrounded by Sufifei. With her personality, she has never been able to courage and say that he finally said it today. Mouth, after she finished, she suppressed her heartbeat and waited nervously for his response.

Ye Tianxie was silent for a while before he said: "Water, I have to leave very far during this time. I should not be able to go to your concert site. I should not be able to go to your home... there may be nearly one You will not see me in the month."

"...ah? Where are you going?"

"Go travel alone for a while, alone, quiet. When you travel, you may think of a lot of things, figure out something... Hey, this thing, you will ask Fifi later, she will tell you "Ye Tianxie said.

"That... you didn't participate in the Magic War contest?" Mu Xiaoyan said, in the voice, there is a deep loss.

"That game doesn't mean anything to me. If you don't participate, you can take care of yourself and protect yourself. These days, I will come back." Ye Tianxie said.


"When I come back, the water don't forget to take me home. I should have been to see the family where the water grew up, and the future father-in-law and mother-in-law." Ye Tianxie smiled. Said. After he finished speaking, he did not wait for the response of the little demon, but raised his head and hung up the talker. The words that he left and refused to give Mu Xiao Yao will be a huge loss, perhaps her concert will be affected, and the last sentence will definitely make her completely happy.

After leaving a long paragraph for Liu Yuyue, Ye Tianxie cleanly shut down the talker, then took it from his wrist and threw it into the backpack. As a result, he could not make a call, anyone Don't even want to talk to him. Although he suddenly chose to leave quietly, he did not feel that his decision was impulsive or wrong... The instigation of his heart told him that the lost memory was too important, he must go as fast as possible. Finding it back, must, nothing, can be more important than this.

Out of the empty magic beads, Ye Tianxie closed his eyes for a while and disappeared into the same place.

The white light flashed, he has appeared in a desolate area. The dry wind slowly blows. Bringing sand and dust, the land is ridiculous, no one smokes, even the shadow of animals can not be seen.

This is the location between the Lost City and the Sky City, and it was the place where he met the No. 2 mysterious businessman. Tian Xuancheng has already been set foot by the players, and this place is lost in the continent's largest ridiculous area, such as the desert spreads thousands of miles and there are no signs of life. Players go to Tian Xuan City through the return to the city scroll, almost no longer step into this place.

Here, he became his lonely travel... It is also the starting point of the wandering of the heart.

At this time, the dark tide over the lost continent, a dark disaster that has been brewing for a long time, has quietly approached. However, the residents lost in the mainland are all ignorant...

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