Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 918: God's goal

The Iron and Blood Mercenary Corps is a mercenary group with a high reputation in Huaxia District. The reincarnation is the first assassin of this mercenary group. The strength of the self is not necessary, but in the face of a healing profession, it is only a total After three shots, he fell to the ground and died. Although, the end of this game is Sophie's fairy-level pet cold snow wolf, but before she just right long-distance teleport, will not stop the reincarnation of the attack directly blocking the translucent barrier, everyone in the presence will see In the eyes, the heart is turbulent.

But in any case, this game is over. The only priest of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, Su Diyan, easily defeated the strongest assassin of the Iron and Blood Mercenary. The priest's victory over the assassin is a rather amazing scene. Moreover, on the one hand, it involves the evil spirits and the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps. On the other hand, it is the strongest assassin of the Iron and Blood Mercenary Corps.

At the end of the game, Sophie Fei left the scene and there were many arguments in the audience. The name "Sacred Priest" was also quickly spread out... The game has just begun, "Phantom Demon", "Poisonous Ghost", "Sacred Priest" Three unheard-of-professional names appeared on the field, and all of them belonged to the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. People have the same hunch in their hearts. In this game, there will be more ordinary times. The masters of mountain leaks appear on this field with their special occupations. New hidden occupations will emerge one by one. Those who have the ability to get and have a special career are naturally the ultimate players who stand at the peak of the strength of China.

"Fifie sister, it's amazing!! It's amazing!" Shen Xiaoyao and Ling Jie are both excited and excited. Before that, they were still full of tension, because the priest-type occupational attack ability is too limited, and the high attack is high. The speed of the assassin is the priest's biggest nemesis. Their attack on the priests can be fatal, but in front of them, Sufifi is easily defeated without injury. They naturally want to be comfortable.

"Look at your excitement. In fact, this is normal... Don't forget, the dear head of our dear, who inherits the power of the Holy Word, is still a full set of equipment from the Holy Words, estimated to be equipped, all China In addition to our head, it is the head of the group. Just the next ten runs of the dragon will not have a second result." Situ Xu said slowly.

"You two hairs have left nostalgia for us during that time. Of course, they have not enjoyed the time of Feifei’s sister. What she has just shown is only the most basic ability... well? What is the mask that blocks the attack? I admit, this skill I didn't know before, is it the unique bodyguard technique of the holy priest? It can protect the partner's immortal healing and protection ability, and can help the partner's strength to surge. Ability, it can also bless the perfect protection... Even if the cake is sold, the original priest can be so terrible."

When Sophiefei returned to her seat, she heard that they were talking about herself. She didn’t listen to what they were saying. She said directly: "Okay, let’s go to the 666. The 10th in the 666. The two games are evil."

Sophie’s words immediately silenced them all. Then I took out the ticket and sent myself to the 666. Although they all know that Ye Tianxie can no longer appear on the court, but in the bottom of his heart, he is eager to see that he will once again appear on the arena at the last moment.

Because, he is the core and soul of the entire soul machine mercenary group.

In the 666th game, the twelfth game is coming soon. As the system prompts to fall, a person appears on the arena. The person is not Ye Tianxie, but his opponent... Seeing the name of his opponent, the left-handed army almost didn't squirt out.

Not destroying purgatory!

Just five minutes before, he was defeated by Sophie Fei, and now he is in the field of Ye Tianxie... The opponent is also him!

In the first round of qualifiers, each player has a total of ten matches. The matches, matches and opponents are random. A person's ten games may be scattered for several days, or it may be finished in one day. But the opponent in front of Sufifi is him, and Ye Tianxie’s opponent is also him... This is too clever.

"... um, there is something that makes me run into him too." Murong Qiu Shui rubbed his smooth, white face, very boring.

"Is it a big brother, will he come?" Ling Jie said nervously. He has not seen him again for half a year, regardless of the real world or the game world. Unlike the Situ brothers and the gods, he swayed in Jinghua and lived close to the evil days... It seems that their expenses are also given by Ye Tianxie.

"Don't ask this question. Big Brother, whether or not he appears, our Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps will once again make the world look good." God stared at the stage, and it was rare to show a serious look.

"Hey... there are still 30 seconds from the start of the game. Please enter the game as soon as possible... otherwise, it will be considered as a waiver."

"Hey... the start time of the game enters the countdown stage, please enter the game as soon as possible."

"Hey... please enter the game asa006008 as soon as possible..."

The time passes by one second and one second. The time from the start of the game has been compressed to ten seconds, five seconds... The name of the opponent will not be announced before the game in the qualifier, so as not to cause the calculation outside the game before the game, all no one Know that "aa006008" is the number of evil days. The invincible purgatory on the field has always been calm. Although he has just lost to a priest, he does not seem to have much shadow. This is the psychological quality that a powerful assassin must possess. Although he lost in the first game, if he can win in the next nine games, he can still enter the second round of qualifiers.

The Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps is getting faster and faster, and everyone, with their eyes wide open, looks at the timer on the field with growing hopes...

"叮...aa006008 No.1 player "Evil Day" was not present, as the aa006008 contestant 'Evil Day' gave up the qualification of the Magic Wu contest, not killing the Purgatory without winning, the qualifier points +3. ”


Zuo Bianjun and others long sighed. What they are eager to appear does not appear as they wish. This game is destined to have no shadow of Ye Tianxie.

"It doesn't matter. The head is the soul of our group, but it does not mean that there is no head. We can't hold up the badge of the Souls of the Souls... Old left, autumn water, bitter face, happy boy, Xiaojie, regiment Mrs. Long, beautiful Yu Jiejie, work hard together, and on the day when the head of the team returns, we will give him the biggest surprise, let him know that he chose us to join this group and did not look at it at all."

When Situ was finished, everyone stared at him. For a long time, no one spoke. He straightened the hair of Situ, and shrank his neck and said, "Is it wrong?"

"Your words are all right. Every one of us thinks this way, but..." Murong Qiuqiu picked up the peach eyes and licked his lips and said: "As a small company to sell by selling his sister. Members, this is not the case for you. My dear Fifi sister, that is, our head lady has not spoken yet, huh?"

"This... um... ah... well, dear head, can you ask a question?" Stuart turned to Sufifi.

"What's the problem?" Sufifi replied, and there was some loss between the gods because of the absence of Ye Tianxie.

"The head of the team is not there, we have not appeared before, and you... in your profession, why are you so obsessed with wanting to participate in the competition? Now the head of the team has finally not returned, will you still ride with us? Stuart asked a question that seemed to be very owing, after all. Sophie Fei just used her own strength to destroy the invincible purgatory. She has no cowardice in her ability to fight.

Sufifi’s answer was beyond everyone’s expectations.

"This game, my goal is the top 16, then, under the gaze without any doubt, and the evil spirits, and you ... participate in the debates of the countries." Sophie looked at the front, in She said calmly in her smile... Her firm voice and soft eyes are all manifesting... This is not her temporary thought, but the goal she has been entangled in, and longed for.

The debates between the countries...

Sophie’s words provoked the blood of all of them.

The Magic Wu contest is the competition of China.

The debates between the countries are the confrontation of the world's top powerhouses.

The goal of the soul of heaven should not be just China... but the whole world!

Situ was so stunned for five seconds before he said quietly: "It’s not our lady’s head... In front of you, how small is my rhetoric. The country’s debate is good... the champion there is Our goal, this Magic Wu Conference, is just a journey we have adopted... Partners, come on!"

When they were talking, the arena was already a noisy one. Because from the beginning of the game to the present, the name of the "evil day" that has been expected is finally emerging.

However, what appeared with this name was that he abandoned the tone of the game. This means that evil days will not participate in this game!

Disappointment, embarrassment, incomprehension, depression, surprise... A variety of emotions mixed up in the auditorium of the arena, and the news was spread at an extremely fast pace. After all, as the winner of the last game, he received the highest attention in this game, and people want to see how strong he is in this game. I got such news, they are naturally disappointed, but for many of the participating players, this is not a good news. Many of the top players who have no ambitions for this game have boiled when the news came. blood.

Of course, the most complicated thing is the immortal purgatory on the field. In two games, I actually encountered two people of the soul of the day. It is rare to be unlucky to this extent. But at the same time, God gave him a big pie... In the face of the evil battle of evil, he won because his opponent did not arrive. Invincible Purgatory stood on the stage, tangled for half a minute before thinking of leaving the arena.

At the same time, lost in the sky above the mainland, suddenly gave birth to a piece of gray cloud. These gray clouds are also commonplace and have not caught people's attention.


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