From leaving, to swimming without a goal, he calms his heart and precipitates his own spiritual hun. He hopes that the lost memory can gradually emerge...

One day passed...

Two days passed...

Five days passed...

Ten days passed...

Fifteen days passed...

Seventeen days passed...

Ye Tianxie sighed for a long time, stopped the pace of marching, and looked at the gaze in front, finally showing a deep mi茫 and helplessness.

At the beginning, he limited himself to a month. He firmly believes that since he can be touched, he must not completely forget the memory. When he concentrates all his attention and spirit on finding that memory, he believes that he will remember. Because the lost memory is so important to him, how can he be willing to really forget, it must be printed somewhere in the depths of Ling hun, waiting for himself to wake them up.

If he really can't remember, he will not make this move again, because he is not only affecting himself, but also the people around him. He can't let the people around him fall into boring because of himself. Among them. He would rather keep this cone of heart, he will no longer leave them. He can ask Xiaoxi... He knows that even if Xiaoxi does not want to, he will tell him... she is too obedient.

Just, he is really not willing!

Why can't I remember it at my own point, is this method of choice chosen by me completely wrong? Or... Are you really completely forgotten? But since it was forgotten...and why it was so huge because of the wind chimes, the purple room. If you are completely forgotten, those things that should be unfamiliar will not be arrogant.

"Beckham, hey, why can't I remember it at all... In the end, I can remember those things that I have forgotten." Ye Tianxie looked at the front and murmured. Beckham and his beggars around him looked at their masters, and did not know how to answer them. They could only use their bodies to sway on his body to comfort him comfortably.

This deep sense of loss, powerlessness, mi茫...even more than a hundred times of frustration to make him unbearable.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the black pressure was pressing on the people. He was unaware. Even though he was pouring down the rain, he could not scatter the boring in his heart. This kind of spiritual **** is incomplete, and the most important part of life is cut more than the pain of any skin bone. Looking up at the sky, Ye Tianxie once again sighed for a long time... In the first few days, he smiled in peace no matter what he faced. But as the day passed, he could no longer maintain the peace of mind. How strong is the dull feeling, only he knows.

The Magic Wu Conference should have entered the knockout stage... Are Fifi and Yu Yi already entering the knockout stage? They should also be back when they broke the army. They must have a stronger strength and all the way to suppress the group into the knockout.

Ye Tianxie thought silently... He also understood that his heart could not stand still. Thought that before this, all his attention was placed on his lost memory, never thinking of anything else. Now they think of Sufifi in the powerlessness of Mi.

The heart is already chaotic, and it is hard to calm down. Always determined and decisive, he never doubted his judgment and he finally wavered in his current practice.

"Is it raining..." Ye Tianxie said softly. He stumbled and picked up the cockroach and Beckham. He said, "Go back to rest. It will always be very tired to follow me. Now, I need to find a place to calm down."

After that, Ye Tianxie moved his mind and took the cockroach and Beckham back into the pet space. He continued to play for a while and took out an empty magical bead...

The light flashed, he disappeared in place, and then appeared in a secluded place.

The edge of the windy town.

Even he didn't know why he came to this place. When he used the empty magic beads, he sent himself here subconsciously. Perhaps it is because this is the place he has always liked, because the grass and the wind here are pure and pure, and here is the place where he and Chen Xue and Xing Li come the most. Here, there is also a girl named Salsa. However, since her mother's terminal illness has healed, he has not come here with Chen Xue again. It has not been seen for a long time. Perhaps she should grow up a lot like Chen Xue. .

Silently, in addition to the dark clouds in the sky, the light here has become a little dim, and nothing else has changed. He closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the wind here, the chaotic heart, and even the strange slowness. Down, but I don’t know where to go, I don’t know what to choose, but I’m still deeply entangled.

It is to continue to search for such a mi茫, which is almost impossible to have any results, or to return early, and no longer let Fifi worry about them.

Time passed by, and I don’t know how long it took, Ye Tianxie opened his eyes.

Go back... The heart is chaotic, continue, the heart will only become more and more chaotic, and instead of doing so, it is better to go with Fifi, at least, you can also witness their glory in this game.

Another sigh, he picked up the empty magic beads, ready to return to the city of lost.

At this moment, behind him, a slight footstep sounded, followed by the footsteps, and a girl’s pleasant voice came from behind him...

"Big brother, is that you?"

Very familiar sound, crisp and sweet. Ye Tianxie turned around, a 12-year-old girl standing on the green grass, a lovely shofar, a princess dress with a pale yellow sè, the face of white nèn was thick Rich joy... is a salsa that has been missing for a long time.

"Sasha, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Tianxie said, he tried to give a gentle smile, but moved his mouth... The smile was very stiff.

"Wow! Big brother, it's really you!" Salsa shouted in surprise and ran to him in a small step: "Great, great. Sasha hasn't seen her big brother for a long time. I finally see you today." To my big brother... For my big brother, my mother’s illness is completely good. Now I am playing with Salsa every day. Really thank you big brother, if it wasn’t for the big brother’s help, Sasha is”

Sasha said, the eyes are red again, and the eyes that are stained with water fog look at Ye Tianxie with a star-like light, and I feel deeply...

Ye Tianxie smiled and said: "Sasha, I said, don't thank me, because we are friends..."

"Uh-huh!" Sasha nodded hard, then bent her eyebrows and said: "Big brother, are you looking at Salsa?"

"I... looking for something that I lost." Although a good-faith lie can be exchanged for the girl's long-term happiness, Ye Tianxie did not deceive the girl, with a sly look, and some disappointment.

"Looking for...throwing things?" Sasha blinked her eyes. She looked at Ye Tianxie for a while and condensed her sweet smile on her face. She said with concern: "Big brother, you don’t seem to be at all Happy... is it something that is important to you?"

"Well, it's important... more important than my life." Ye Tianxie said. g@.

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