Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 924: Tree of pledge, lake of pledge

How advanced planting can a person's planting move from low-level to step-by-step?

The seeds of the gods? The seeds of the Holy Ghost?

Under the influence of the rhinoceros scroll-cooking, Situ Rain completed the cooking rebirth of “Miracle of Life”. As one of the seven ultimate props of the world of destiny, its rank is unquestioned. After the success of Situ’s rain, the cooking skills also advanced from the advanced level to the level of the fairy spirit... but the roots did not reach the sky. Because the sky has become the peak of life profession, it is difficult to reach the sky. The Shenxuan level only exists in legends. With the skills of heavenly life, what Ye Tianxue knows is only Star Treasure. How strong is this level of life career, Star Baoer has always been a perfect interpretation.

At the beginning, Star Baoer became a heavenly engineer in just three months, which made Ye Tianxie feel shocked. But at this time, he was only a short period of interest... became the second person he knew to have a career in heaven.

The seed he planted... its level is more than holy!

Then the big tree that grows from this seed...

The big tree stopped growing, quietly releasing the blue light of the ripples. From time to time, there were blue light stars floating from the branches and leaves, gently floating around the tree. Ye Tianxie stunned for a while...not his heart was not strong enough, but the scene of the eyes, and the impact of the ear sounds was too big, so that he could not believe for a moment. Can not accept.

He planted it successfully, and in such a short period of time, he will complete it. This is obviously a scene that will appear in mythology or science fiction movies.

After a long time, Ye Tianxie finally went forward, and the heart still has a deep sense of guilt. The hints just mentioned have not mentioned what exactly he planted successfully. Standing in front of the tree, looking up at the dense foliage above, and reaching out to the tree, the tree leaves are also innocent and green, in the near future. It’s just the strange ray of the outer circle.

? ? ? ? :? ? ? ?

Under the knowledge, he still could not know the information of this tree. Ye Tianxie stepped back two steps, took out the star detector and put it on the eyes, and looked back at the tree in front of him...

Tree of Pray: A magical tree that was born from a magical seed before the end of the ancient **** Hesfield's life. It contains the mysterious power of hope, and can listen to the soul through prayer. The desire and realization of it, each realization of a desire, the power of the tree of prayer will disappear, and it will wither, return to the initial form of the seed, only in the lake of the praying lake can be bred again, and can only grow I pray for the lake.

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!"

this is……

Pray for the tree! !

Ye Tianxie's eyes opened to the maximum, shocked and looked at the thick trunks in front of him, and there was a huge storm in his heart. He was the first to see the praying tree... but definitely not the first time to hear the name of the praying tree, because...

Ye Tianxie took out one of the things from the backpack at the fastest speed... a color water droplet bead that is only the size of a nail and releases the dreamy glass.

Pray for colored glass!

In the introduction of the cherished glass, an illusory and beautiful legend is recorded. In the legend, there is a mythical pledge lake on the land lost in the mainland. There is a green tree of pledges on the lakeside. They don't exist in a certain place, but they are like a duckweed in the wind. They don't know where they will appear next. As for the rumors, just find the Prayers Lake, pour the wishing tree with the water of the Pray Lake, then hold the prayer glass in front of the praying tree, close your eyes, and make the wish with the most sincere heart, pray that the tree will listen. To your inner desires, and to achieve for you in the near future.

To achieve a wish, this effect will only appear in illusory fairy tales and myths. When Ye Tianxie got this prayer glass, he was different from the existence of this kind of prop... Indeed, no matter who is in the hands of this kind of prop, it is impossible to think that it really has the ability to fulfill its wishes. Because this is only a game world after all, there is something in a game that might actually have this effect. Otherwise, the game developer is not really a god.

But at the same time, Ye Tianxie has been looking forward to whether it will have any magical effect... especially when it catches the gray sheep and the red tai sheep, confirming the existence of the tree of pledge and the lake of pledge after that. However, no matter whether the tree of pledge or the lake of pledges is a legendary thing, and as the duckweed in the wind changes its position at any time, no one knows where they are. No one even dares to determine if they still exist.

Therefore, praying for glaze is not useful except for the mysterious aura of that layer.

At this time, the tree of prayers appeared in front of him. Moreover, it was planted by him personally, sprouting from a seed in front of his eyes, until he grew up to be the real tree of prayer.

That seed... the one that Sasha had picked up and gave him... It turned out to be the seed of the tree of prayer!

He vaguely remembered that Sasha had said that she was at a small lake. Is that the little lake is...

Wait... The tree of pledge can only grow under the water of the lake of the pledge, and it will only grow on the shore of the pledge, is this small lake...

Ye Tianxie turned and looked at this clear and calm lake... Is this lake... the lake of prayer! !

The Lake of Prayer: The tears of the ancient **** Hesfield's life before the disappearance of the life fell on the lost continent, a hundred years later, formed a lake of pledges. Pour the lake of the Prayers on the tree of prayer, and wake up the magical power of the tree of prayer.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The result of the star-detecting glasses made Ye Tianxie no longer have doubts. The tree in front of him is the tree of prayer. This lake is the lake of prayer! When he was unprepared, he found the legendary lake of prayer and planted the tree of prayer.

And if it weren't for the seed that Salsa gave him, even if he saw the lake, he wouldn't use the stars to detect the eyes to detect its information, and would not know that it turned out to be a lake of prayer.

The turmoil in Ye Tianxie’s heart is extremely fierce, and the brain is chaotic. It’s hard to wake up from the facts of this dream for a long time. There are so many incredible things in his life. Today’s scene makes him once again. Over and over again, I wonder if this is my own illusion.

The Lake of Prayer...The Tree of Prayer...

There is also a prayer glass in the hand.

Pour the tree of prayer with the lake of the Lake of Prayer, and then pray for the glass under the tree of prayer. All the elements of the beautiful legend have gathered around him, if the legend is true... ...

Really, can you achieve a wish?

The growth of the tree of pledges stops. Except for the slight wind, everything is so quiet, and Ye Tianxie can still hear his own heartbeat. At this time, he is like being in an illusory fairy tale world. And myself, the protagonist in this fairy tale, in the face of only the scenes that appear in fairy tales, to do things that only fairy tales can do.

He walked forward and looked at the tree of prayers, then turned and squatted by the lake of prayer. He took the lake of the Lake of Prayers with both hands, carefully picked it up and turned around, with a gentle touch. The action drenched the lake of the Praying Lake on the tree of prayer. Suddenly, he saw the light blue light around the tree of prayers being abruptly strong, and the blue light stars floating around the tree of prayer. It is also like a fast and exciting dance that has been injected into life, intertwined with a beautiful dream light.

Standing under the tree of prayer, Ye Tianxie clasped his hands, and prayed for the glazed glass in his hand, slowly closing his eyes.

If that legend is true, if it can really fulfill the wishes of the heart...

Then, listen to the most desired wish in my heart, the most sincere prayer...

If I can hear the sound of my heart...

Asking you...

Let me find what I lost...

All the memories...



Ye Tianxie held the prayer glass and stood under the tree of prayer. He turned all his thoughts, spirits and will into the purest and strongest sincerity, piety and desire.

If ordinary people get a chance to make a wish, then the original will be thoroughly inspired... money, beauty, strength, rights, eternal life... they will say these cravings.

For Ye Tianxie at this time, nothing is more important than letting him remember all the lost. If there is no complete life and soul, more money and beauty, stronger power, and greater power, even if there is a permanent life, will live forever in the shadow of dullness.

Above his combined hands, a group of colored lights flickered slightly, then slowly faded...

Pray for the glass, so it disappears from the hands of Ye Tianxie, such as the complete disappearance of gasification.

The tree of prayers flashed a strong pale blue light, and the surrounding stars danced more quickly. Gradually, the light on the tree of prayer begins to slowly fade away... It is not disappearing, but rising from the bottom to the top, the light of the whole tree begins to concentrate upwards, praying The top of the tree of hope is condensed into a strong group until the entire tree of prayer has lost the blue light.

The blue light group released a strong blue light in the sway, and the shape of the light group began to change. A pair of blue light wings extended, followed by the head, the two claws, the body... Finally, one The long tail is generated, dragged down... When it is formed, it is a small light phoenix that is only two meters long with a long tail.

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