Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 928: Ling Jie VS Ling Yun

The light of the enchantment of the Light makes the dust completely lose its vision, so that the demons that have just appeared are in hell, and they have no influence on Sophie and the Snow Wolf. They can clearly see the dust standing in the eyes. The corners of the arena, as well as the devils around. This summoning technique of Dust is quite horrible. Even if it is the left-handed army and Murong Qiu Shui, it will be a mess for a while. Ordinary players will only have to turn around and jump to the stage. But unfortunately, the object he is playing is Sufifi, she has the power to inherit from the sages, and the strongest power of the sage is the sacred light, the natural enemies of these dark demons, holy When the light comes out, these demons no longer have any threats.

The cold snow wolf whispered, and rushed out, quickly passing through the already devilish group of devils, going straight to the dust, leaping high when approaching, when the dust noticed dangerous closeness, The sharp wolf claws had stabbed him on his body, emptying his life, and the body flew far away, flying off the arena.

The sound of the end of the game did not sound. The "dust" that fell on the arena disappeared like a fog, and another dust appeared on the diagonal of the arena. It was still painful, squinting eyes, just Strong and bright stimulation will at least make him unable to open his eyes within ten seconds. The snow and ice wolf quickly turned back, and once again rushed toward the dust, Sufifi also teleported to the side of his body to open the sacred bow, the sacred image is ready to go.

Once again, I felt the dangerous cold wind approaching the dust and rushing forward and moving forward, avoiding the attack of the ice and snow wolf, but Sophie’s sacred sacred sacred sacredness followed, just right shot. He stopped his body and cleared his life directly.

The dusty body slammed down on the arena.

At this point, the enchantment of the light finally began to become dim, shrouded the light and quickly dissipated the entire arena. After a few seconds, the surrounding players finally had the ability to look directly at the arena with their eyes. Just ten minutes before, no one knows what happened on the stage. Naturally, I don’t know that the dust has died twice. They only saw that when the light dissipated and the arena reappeared in front of the eyes, the demon group that had originally covered the entire stage had disappeared.

The demons that disappeared were not extinguished by the strong light, and the absolute brightness of a dozen seconds was not enough to make them completely deadly. But all of them fell to the bottom of the arena because of the rush of the glory under the light, and turned into a dark mist disappearing...

The third heavy, the last heavy one, was once again in the corner farthest from Sufifi. He slammed his head hard and his eyes finally became clear. He still didn't die, it made Sophie a surprise... The ice wolf killed him twice, he killed him once, three times, and he still didn't die.

The dust is gasping, and he knows that he must be very embarrassed. The original tricks that were intended to be concealed were forced to be used. Unexpectedly, the vast momentum did not have any effect. Instead, it was wiped out in a blink of an eye, and even oneself was attacked by successive attacks in a bright environment. Lost the last two substitutes. He was completely angry.


A gloomy low sigh, when the ice snow wolf rushed to him again, he screamed, his body rose again and lingering black light... The air suddenly became disordered. It seems to be sensing the dangerous approach, the body of the cold snow wolf suddenly stopped, the whole body hair was upright, the body blocked in front of Sophie, and the cold and vigilant cold light was released from the eyes.

The black mans on the dust became more and more intense. Then, the tremble began to tremble, and gradually trembled more and more intensely. Then, even the space trembled faintly... as if in fear Deep shudder.

"The loyal guardian from hell... obey my call... lend your strength to me, let the humble souls tremble with fear under your power... earth-prison-shoud- - Door - God!"


In the ear, a landslide-like sound came, and as the dust sang loudly, the black light on his body surface was so strong that the black light swirled around his body, on his body surface. Gradually condensed into a dark... armor!

"It is the dusty **** of the gatekeeper god!!" Feng Liyao stood up and said nervously. At the beginning, Dust used this skill to force him into a desperate situation, and forced him to use the wind of disaster.

Zuo Bianjun and others all frowned, and the **** guards the power of the gods. They knew it very well half a year ago. And half a year later, there is no doubt that this time the **** gatekeeper is more than many times stronger than the last call, Sofi Fei, how to deal with it!

There was a terrible black shadow over the top of the arena, a huge double-horned, similar to the head of the cow, the alien creature of the human body. With the appearance of this shadow, the body of the dust quickly grows bigger and expands in the black mans, from the normal height to two meters, three meters... five meters... In the expansion, the body of the dust is also Grow into a monster dressed in black magic armor, cow's head, human body...

The dangerous atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and the cold screams in the mouth of the snow wolf, and the body has a slight tremor. Sophie Fei has been calmly watching the changes of the dust. When he finally turned into the complete form of the Hellkeeper, she stepped forward and stood in front of the snow wolf, patted its head and smiled. Road: "Little snow, don't be afraid, let him go immediately."

When she spoke, she lifted her right hand with the staff and shouted in her mouth: "Go, the sacred scepter... the end of the light wing!"


A white light flew out of her hand with a swift wind... It was the wings of her colorful cane that had been given life and suddenly opened, with a stick flying out, bringing up A dazzling white afterimage...


The flying sacred scepter is in the middle of the chest of the gods, but as if it has not been blocked, the original speed is maintained, and the body of the gods of the gatekeeper is flying far away.


In the **** of the gatekeeper... also a scream of dust, his body has been brought to the outside of people's field of vision. The players present only saw a white light shot from the hands of Sufifi, flying away with the dust, wherever they left, leaving a long white line...

"Oh... the dust fell off the court, congratulations to Su Di's rain and victory, and entered tomorrow's quarter-finals."

When people have not fully reacted, the tone of the game is over at the height of the arena. A white light also flew from a distance at this time, and a beautiful arc was drawn in the air, precisely falling in the hands of Sufifi. Sophiefei took back the snow and wolf, smiled and left the arena in silence.

After Sophie’s departure, there was a burst of exclamation on the arena.

The priest, the strongest auxiliary and the weakest attacking profession among all players.

But today's Sufifi has completely broken their understanding of the priest profession. Let them witness the priesthood profession can also be strong enough to stand out. The dust is very powerful, no one doubts, his call, his trick is more scary than a player. There are few players in the roots who dare to say that they can be on the dust without losing heart... but Sophie does Arrived. This game is not a dust in the water, on the contrary, he even used the skills of the bottom of the box to the end ... can only say that his opponent is too strong.

"Fifie sister! It's too powerful, it's just amazing! I have never been able to believe my eyes!"

Sophie Fei just returned to the seat, and several people shouted with excitement and excitement at the same time. They only now discovered that those who were worried about the pressure before the game had nothing to do. The Sufifi on the stage had always been so calm and calm. It was not that she was calm and calm, but she did not think she would be from the beginning. defeat.

"I don't want to be our head lady... Oh, Fifi sister, you already have a sultry face, and there is a good man like a head, why do you have to care for you so much... well, I Admit that I am stunned again. In this world, there has never been such a thing as fairness." Situ squinted and squinted.

"Xiaojie, the next game is your game. Are you ready?" Zuo Bianjun patted Ling Jie's shoulder and said.

"You can start at any time." Ling Jie nodded hard and held the sword in his hand firmly.

"Haha, come on, I believe that you will be able to beat your brother... Because, we are the strongest team, we can only lose ourselves, and we have no reason to lose to others. Come on and cheer." Road.

In fact, the most hidden one is Ling Jie, because since the beginning of the game, he has only used one skill... and this skill, let him kill the 16th. Because no opponent has ever avoided his attack, the name of this skill has been remembered by many players after the second round of pre-match...

Star soul afterimage!

A sword throws out, five afterimages... and still can attack the shadow of the sword in the five-meter range!

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the second game of the 16th round finally began.

"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: Shadow Star Spirit, Level: 81, Occupation: Star Soul Juggernaut - vs - Right Side: Invincible Reincarnation: One Sword Lingyun, Level: 83, Occupation : Vengeance swordsmanship, the game begins!"

The "beginning" hints have been falling for a long time, but no one has taken the first shot, and they are all motionless.

"There was another encounter, the last game was like this, this time it is still like this." Ling Yun said, his eyes are like swords, and the momentum is forced. If this is a coincidence, then this coincidence is indeed too clever. At this time, Lingyun is only a few times stronger than the last game. Although he is only in his twenties, the style of the strong is already unmistakable.

"After the last time I lost in the game, I have been waiting for this day for a long time." The movie star soul said quietly, facing his opponent, his own brother - the most wanting to defeat in his life. Man, he converges all the usual temperament, a face, only the firm and resolute. The sword in his hand was a grasshopper sword known to the world, but when he spoke, he took the grasshopper sword and put it on another sword...

A 50-level gold one-handed sword! In a tight handshake, point to Lingyun.

"What do you mean by this?" Lingyun brows slightly wrinkled, said.

"Last time, I lost this sword in your hands. This time... I will use this sword... defeat you!" Ling Jie looked straight at Lingyun, his voice was like iron, and he could not resist it!

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