Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 932: Disaster coming

Mi lost city arena.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the dullness of the air is becoming more and more obvious. More and more people are beginning to feel the boring of the xiong mouth, but this dull feeling is not particularly strong. People subconsciously attribute it to the weather. And did not care too much in the warm atmosphere of this game. The black cloud over the sky is moving faster and faster, and the third game of the 16th round is finally approaching the beginning.

At this point, Meng Yuyi and the killing endless are standing on the stage, standing ten meters apart.

The two sides of the fight, one for the "Sword Knife" to kill endless, one for the "God City Shura" dream feathers - also the original blood demon month. They were all in the same place, but for the first time in many years they are still fighting for the first time. One is known as the "King of the Heavenly Knife", a name with the "God of Shura", two of the ultimate powerhouses standing on the peak of China's strength, their first matchup will be a long-term battle, or...

Killing the endless look is cold... The first time I played against Meng Yuyi, his heart was slightly excited. Now, he can finally personally teach the strength of the blood demon month with the sword in his hand. This person who is the same as him, he actually wants to fight.

In contrast, Meng Yuyi, no matter when, no matter what opponents, is completely indifferent to face the dead. The endless killing has been staring at her eyes, but she has not found any feelings other than indifference from her eyes.

"Maybe, it will take a long time." Killing endlessly silently. He knows his strength and has witnessed the strength of Meng Yuyi... The battle between the two powers should be a long-term battle. He didn't have full confidence to win the dream coat, but he also confident that Meng Yuyi would not easily win him.

However, if he heard the words of several people in the **** servant regiment, it would be estimated that he would be angered by the spurt.

"Well... how much time do you need to spend the elder sister?"

"About ten seconds?"

"What? Ten seconds! **** light! You are an insult to the strength of Yu Yijie, I guess up to five seconds!!"

"No, three seconds, three seconds is enough!"

"Oh... left: Tian **** mercenary group belongs to: dream feather clothing - vs - right side: free man: kill endless, the game begins!"

When the sound of "the beginning of the game" fell, the body of Meng Yuyi was shot like a string of arrows, and the beautiful black sè was pulled behind her. The endless killing has already held the epee in his hand. In the face of the dream of the feathers, his body receded and his eyes flashed, and the body close to the dream feathers would be shot with a sword, but suddenly, his eyes flashed. The dream feather coat in sight has turned into two...

The two dreams of the feathers are just like the physical, without any illusion of the afterimage, in his stagnation, the two dreams of the feathers suddenly become four, and from four to eight, in his The front side is neatly arranged side by side, and the entire eight images are all as physical.

The subconscious bun let the endless attack kill, but immediately, his brow sinks, closes his eyes directly, no longer sees these afterimages, a wide range of attack techniques rushing forward...

"Great return 斩!!"

Suddenly, the giant sword in the hands of the inexhaustible violently rose up a five-meter-long silver sè sword, and as the blade moved, it slashed forward and shrouded a large distance in front of it...

Hey! !

A torn voice, the epee that was wielded, shrouded all the body shadows of Meng Yuyi. In an instant, all the eight feathers that rushed to him were cut off, and then disappeared in an instant...

The real dream feather coat, already standing five meters behind him, chilled back to him.

-13000, -13000, -13000, -26000!

Cut off the eight afterimages, but none of them is the real dream feathers. When he began to turn quickly to find the location of the dream feather coat, he saw the four damage figures floating on his head.

Killing endless eyes is so big, how can I not believe my eyes, from the beginning of the game, his eyes have not left the dream feathers. He watched her rushing from one to two, from two to four, from four to eight... but the root did not see her shot, and there was no touch on her own attack. ...but these eight, even all of them are not the real body of Meng Yuyi...

How did her real body escape from her own sight and how she attacked her.

The ignorance of killing infinity is not clear. When it falls, the root does not understand how he died.

Today is his first time with the blood demon month, thinking that he will be a fierce battle, but he did not think that the game ended so fast...

The timer on the arena shows a horrible number for him -


He has countless brilliance in the virtual game world of China. In the last session of the various countries, he led the Chinese team as the captain of the Chinese team and won the fifth honor. He has won numerous praises since then. He has the name "Heavenly King". His superior ability is similar to Lingyun. At the same time, he integrates the "knife" of his own knife into the virtual game world, and uses the sword in his hand to display the real world of the knife, which makes him invincible.

This battle made him fully understand that he has always been sitting in the sky.

In front of the real powerhouse, in front of this dream feather dress that he thought he was similar, he was so vulnerable. The so-called eponymous, has always been his wishful thinking.


The killing is endless on the stage.

"Oh... kill endless death, dream Yuyi wins and enter tomorrow's quarter-finals."

After two seconds of silence in the arena, there was a burst of noise. The first showdown between Allure Shura and Tiandao Pluto ended in this way. I thought it would be a wonderful showdown. I didn't expect to see a cold and ruthless spike.

Heavenly Knife, the King of the Nguyen, was killed by the Allure Shura. Even the Celestial King died to death, all of them looked like mi茫, and did not know how to die.

Even if it is a fool, you should thoroughly understand the huge gap between them.

The dream of winning the triumphant feathers is no joy and no sorrow. To destroy such an opponent, she will not have the slightest sense of accomplishment. In the noise of the audience, she silently left and returned to her seat.

"Call, for a little seven seconds, we still overestimate that killing is endless." Murong Qiu Shui slammed his mouth and said. The time he said before is three seconds.

"No, it's that we are still underestimating the feathers sister. Well, I admit that the '5 seconds' I said before is a rather stupid number." Stuart said with a grin.

The dream feathers that returned to the seat kept the original silence and no response to what they said.

"The next game is the game between the kid who covers the sky and the kid of the gods. The game time should be 12 o'clock... Hey, there is another hour, I should choose not to look at it. Or do you choose to give up or not to watch it, or do you choose to give up?" Situ was holding his fingers and thinking very painfully. At this time, a tone suddenly sounded in the air.

"Oh... all players present, please note that due to the weather, we will shorten the time limit of the game as much as possible. The fourth game scheduled to be at 12 noon will start in two minutes. Please inform the two sides of the game. Get ready now, and you can enter now."

"Hey... all players present, please pay attention..."

A prompt tone, let a lot of players who are just preparing to leave temporarily stayed up and looked up at the sky... Does this sound indicate that it is going to be a heavy rain soon? Indeed, the dark clouds have been smashed for so many days, it should have rained for a long time, and if it doesn't rain, they will doubt whether it is a dark cloud or a black fog.

Just, it seems that no matter how you look... the movement of these clouds is a bit strange...

And the cloud seems to be too low, as if it were on top of his head, black pressure seems to fall at any time.

On the stage, the Son of Heaven and the funeral **** appeared at the same time. People also turned their attention away from the dark clouds above the sky and concentrated on the arena.

The Son of Heaven meets with the burial god, and the four eyes meet, naturally it is accompanied by thunder and lightning. However, these two power giants, which should have been "divided into the world" and at the same peak, were completely suppressed because of the appearance of a "day **** mercenary regiment." The number of people known by the Tianhun mercenary regiment is only ten... evil days, Su Diyan rain, shield broken Qianjun, Qiu Shui Yiren, Jianshou Cangwu, Zero, God Happy, 桀影星 hun, and almost defeated evil in the last game The mysterious "seeking dreams" of the sky, the team of ten people, the prestige, has already completely suppressed the wings of the heavens and the gods with millions of strengths.

Of course, the real number of members of the Tianhun Mercenary Corps is eleven... There is also a Star Treasure. The day **** mercenary regiment does not count the head of the regiment. The maximum number of people is only 12, and the difference is two, which will be full.

The two stood side by side in the field, but they could see their mouths chun moving, and the people outside could not hear their voices. But with the toes, I can think that they must be ridiculous with each other. Not long after, the time of the game was approaching, and the two men also took out their own weapons...there were two devices of the Faerie. A blade of Faerie, a shot of Faerie.

"Hey... the game starts!!"

The tone of the sound fell, and after the two men tried each other, they fought together. Whether it is a burial **** or a son of heaven, a large part of their strength is piled up by powerful equipment. As for the warfare method... At least after the left-wing army and others looked at the eyes, the base would not bother to look at the first. Three eyes, a few people have a sentence without saying a word, just wait for the outcome of the game... As for who wins and who loses, it is exactly the same for them.

On the stage, with the special skill of the burial god, there is a black sè shadow behind him... This is a shadow that follows itself and then assists the attack. It can follow his own attack and display the same skills. . With a hidden assassin class, he naturally has a strong speed and explosive power. He is circling around the Son of Heaven, and the son of the sky is waving a rifle in his hand. Each attack shrouds most of the area around his body, again and again. Avoid the funeral god. However, the attack intensity of the gun is high, the attack range is large, and the attack speed is the slowest. It is difficult for the root to hit the funeral. After the two men retreat and retreat for half a day, the funeral **** finally grasps the recruitment of the son of the sky. Flaws, the speed suddenly increased, and went to the blade of the hand...

And just as his Blade of Faith is about to stab the body of the Son of Heaven, there is a huge earth-shattering screaming above the sky...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The Son of Heaven and the body of the burial **** were simultaneously shaken on the ground by the shackles. Just a loud noise, no more than the most terrible thunder that they heard, not too many times. Under the loud noise, the ground occurred. It was extremely fierce and trembling. It was not only the Son of Heaven and the funeral **** that was shaken. Almost all the players were shocked from the seat, and the whole stadium exclaimed. g@.

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