expensive! Let everyone wait a long time~~~~(>_<)~~~~

It was not long before the Dongpu player team finally launched an attack in the big bang, and once it came up, it was the total attack of the whole army, just like a fierce beast, which was weak for them before they rushed to the gate. prey.

"Blood wheel, let us be the striker." He said that we are seven people except the Star Treasure and Murong Qiu Shui of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary... only seven people!

"It's too dangerous." the blood wheel shouted.

"Hey, we are not so easy to die... Don't forget, our mission is to defend, we must not let them break the gates... So, control the team, not scattered, not too far from the gate! Everyone, we Let's go together... Even if you want to destroy the group, at least one hundred and eighty are enough!"

After the roar, the left-breaking army first rushed ahead...

In Dongpu, the team of 30,000 people surged into the water. Before the gate, there were only seven teams, rushing up to them...

The status quo of Tianchen City has caused too many Chinese players, as well as the attention of the world players. After all, this battle is related to the dignity of China. This scene suddenly triggered various reactions.

"Ha ha ha ha, this corpse mercenary group is a fool army? So seven people rushed to the death can not wait?" Dong Haoguo players burst into laughter.

"I admire their courage... but the truth is, they are really stupid. They are like a few small muds that rush to the terrible sharks. Immediately, they will be swallowed up without even shadows." The players of the country say gloating.

"Although the defending city does not have any odds, they should do whatever they can to resist as much as possible... but it is stupid to do so. As the most powerful mercenary group in China, they should stay in the city gate. The last party, if it is so extinguished in such a second, hey, I think their entire group’s reputation will never want to be back again."



They can't hear the outside world, but they know what they are doing.

The rushing to the East Army was the seven left-handed army. The first attack was Murong Qiu Shui on the city wall.

boom! !

boom! !

Two overlapping gunshots, two flashes of space, and the raging Dongji team broke out with a large number of fears and screams before death. These two gunshots, the terrible "broken plane" Under the stern, two straight blood lines appeared in the Dongpu team. The two blood lines are extended by two hundred meters in the team of Dongpu, so that over 100 players in the East are killed.

I haven’t come from this terrible attack, but two more shocking gunshots, “哧” and “哧”, the countless bodies are forcibly pierced, the sound of the hole is superimposed, and the loud whims The blood wheel above the city wall was clear, and the blood flower that broke open again merged into two straight blood red lines, and this time it was longer than the bloodline just now, and spread among the ranks. The range of four hundred meters runs through the body of more than two hundred players...

Murong Qiuhui raised a pair of guns and double guns, and at the same time, she shone with a red-black light: "Fear, cry, look at your own bursting body, flying blood and internal organs, this will make you remember Beautiful scenery for a lifetime, hahahaha..."

Murong Qiu Shui rarely laughed. At least, the blood wheel was the first time he heard the laughter of Murong Qiu Shui. What he felt was a chill that penetrated directly into the depths of the bone marrow. He even turned his head and glanced at him. No courage...

Hey! ! ! !

Hey! ! ! !

Two shuttles of the kilometer space, tearing up the bullets of the myriad of bodies, is the horror of the heart that everyone in the room is twitching...

One of the fascinating worlds of bliss - the end of the hurricane that can run through the kilometer!


There are four blood lines in the ranks of the Eastern Army. The two guns are like two blood-stained butchers. They are ruthlessly cut in the Dongpu team and cut the complete team into three parts. All the people who were hit were not only penetrated, but also killed, none of them were spared. Under the great power of "the empty plane, the end", even at least half of the players who were penetrated directly burst into the body. The two blood lines have spread from the front end of the team to the last side of the team, which is at least twice as thick as the previous four.

Standing on the wall of the blood wheel, the two blood lines that spread to the distance of kilometers were clearly seen. He held the video recorder, his eyes widened and he stayed there directly. At his height, the video recorder in his hand is also really recorded. The players who are watching here, whether it is Huaxia or other countries, are shocked and shocked, and can’t return to God for a long time. ......

The Qiushui Yi people of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps used guns... This is what all Chinese players know. It was also because of him that the entire Huaxia District had set off a wave of searching for hot weapons. Later, because no one had hoped to settle down, they had seen the horror of Murong Qiu Shui, whether it was the first Magic Wu Conference or the second Magic Wu. General Assembly……

However, none of them knew that the gun in his hand turned out to be such a horror!

This power...the roots are beyond the scope of the "gun", at least more terrible than the strongest heavy guns they know in the real world.

All three skills have entered the cooling of different lengths, and the eyes of Murong Qiu Shui are smashed... The "Origami of the Broken Air", "The Broken Sky", and "The End of the Empty" Need to aim, and at this time, face the enemy 100 meters away...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the sound of the sound of the music flowing in the water, the rifle and the mother gun of the blissful world began a continuous attack... 100 meters away, a blood flower burst on the head of the Dongpu player, one, two Blossom, three, four...

A distance of 100 meters, each energy bomb must have a target, and the head of the target must be in the head, the blood wheel is a **** shooter occupation, the eyesight is far more than ordinary players, he and Murong Qiushui stand not far away, the ear is bliss The gunshots of the world, the rhythm of the gunshots is fast and even. In the distance, the blood flower that blooms on the head of the Dongpu player is actually at the same rhythm... One second, two seconds... Ten Seconds... The blood wheel shocked a burst of throat, so fast, so the distance of the shooting, but the other side is all in the goal of moving and running, the bullets shot by Murong Qiushui are all like long eyes, every hit must, and... ...all hit the head.

Nothing is lost! !

It’s terrible... it’s terrible.

He shouted in his heart... and what he saw was also photographed by the video recorder in his hand to the outside world. I don’t know how many players were shocked and couldn’t even say it... This is in the game world. Still shooting a science fiction movie... Is that really a person shooting? Instead of hundreds of the most elf snipers in a rhythmic sniper?

It’s impossible for the players in the East to invade. They will face it in the first place, and they will shoot **** like this. It is obviously a person, and a person who is far away from the distance... brings them the feeling, but it is like a dozen people using a real-world machine gun to shoot at them...

"Up! Destroy the city gate and occupy Tianchen City! We will all be heroes!!"

After all, there are too many players in Dongpu. Unreserved Murong Qiu Shui is as terrifying as a demon. It makes the bodies of Dongpu players fall down, but after all, it is impossible to completely block their offensive. At this time, the left-breaking army also rushed to the team of the Dongpu players, and they collided with their team...

"Come on!! You are the hybrids of Dongpu!! The taunt of Overlord!!"

The left-wing army's strongest provocative skills are launched, and players around the 50-meter area... No matter the front, the left and right, the players who rushed over the body and rushed to the gates of the city all screamed at him like a demon. He was blinded to Su Feifei and others around him, and he greeted him with his knife, gun, shield, axe, bow and arrow, and magic.

"Hey, since I came up to die... then I am so embarrassed not to entertain... poison fog!!"

God moved away with his hands and did not see any movements. A strong green smoke erupted from his body, and then spread quickly, spreading for a distance of 30 meters, and all the rushing Dongpu players were contaminated. This green smoke, the body has also turned into a light green, on the top of the head, a huge number of damage quickly floated...

The poison attached to the smog of the gods is not a devour of a fixed life per second, but a phagocytosis of 20% per second for 20 seconds. If it is not replenished or detoxified, it will take five seconds. Will be directly poisoned. Looking at the Dongpu players who rushed into the poisonous fog array and the body was stained with poisonous fog, God smiled in sinister sinisterness, then raised the monster snake, and the body wind rushed up. The ghosts were generally in the player group. Between the vertical and horizontal, the "fatal poison" of the demon snake is attached to them one by one.

A player who was exposed to poisonous fog rushed to the left side of the army, countless swords and arrows hit his body, but no doubt...

-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1...

No one can enter the top 100 players in China, and no one can break his defense. How can these ordinary players of Dongpu break? If it is so easy to be broken, how can he be called "Overlord", and the shield in his hand is called the most powerful "Shield of Heaven" in China!

The dream feather coat is still in black, only a pair of eyes like the dark night stars are exposed. And she has always been the most calm person. In that year, she once entered the unmanned territory in the army, killing thousands of people and leaving safely. No one has ever forgotten since the First World War. The name of the city, Shura, is known to the whole world. These players from Dongpu, she will have the slightest fear, the slightest pressure. She rushed into the player group, and the blade in her hand fluttered with icy murderousness. Wherever she went, the player in Dongpu only saw the flash of cold in front of her eyes, and the roots could not make an attack or retreat. The sound of being buried. Her steps are extremely different, no one can judge where her next second will appear, but there is no exception, every time she moves, the person where she goes will fall down...more than half of them I don't know how I died.

Speaking of assassination ability, in the blood dream paradise of that year, Situ was ruthlessly second only to Meng Yuyi, and there was not much difference. He was also in black, just like a ghost of night, moving his body and making his own cold knife. Piercing into the body of one target after another, his expression is always cold and ruthless, hunting real people can not cause the emotional waves in his heart, not to mention the killing of the world... Perhaps it is too slow to feel such a killing, he The eyes of the cold star flashed, the body suddenly jumped high, the black awns on the right hand, the dark fingers, the dark claws, spread quickly in the dark, and spread to more than ten meters long. The huge "Devil's Claw" is reflected in the eyes of countless Dongpu players' fears...


The body of a dozen players was directly shattered.

Situ ruthlessly, in the Dongpu player group, he waved a dozen meters of demon's claws. Every time he waved, all the players who are close will be killed in an instant. Situ was standing slightly behind, and the bow in his hand shot the arrow of rapidity. The speed of the arrow he shot was more than double that of the average player. Almost no one can avoid it, let alone the ability of the devil's eye. His bow and arrow with an incredible tracking effect, even if he has escaped, is not spared under the tracking effect, just like Murong Qiu Shui's gun, the arrow and arrow are never empty.

Ling Jie's sword skills are all self-understanding, so the use of these swords is as easy as driving his own hands. His various swords are followed by one. Every time you attack, the sword in your hands will disappear as quickly. There are few players in Dongpu who can see how they have been attacked and they have already fallen to the ground... Ling Jie’s swords are often more than a moment, and the power is amazing, plus the attack power of the grasshopper and the gods, and These Dongpu players have an additional 25% damage bonus. Each hit is only a hit.

Under the taunting technique of the left-wing army, all the targets of the Dongpu players in a short period of time are all alone. The others are in a state of no worries, and the attack is vivid, but it is only a blink of an eye, close to the players. They have already been killed, they have not been drowned by the huge team of Dongpu, but they are like a bayonet, and they pierced into the ranks of Dongpu, and they were traumatized in an instant...

Falling down, all of them are the bodies of Dongpu players, in a short time... dozens, dozens, hundreds, two hundred...

The left-handed army was subjected to almost all attacks. The surrounding Dongpu players fell one after another. The one who suffered the most attacks did not fall. He held the shield with both sides, and the large shield stood on the ground. He was the whole person. Such as a sculpture supporting the shield, still lingering under the storm. Not far from him, Sophie Fei filled his life again and again... Yes, under his strong defense and Sufifi’s powerful healing power and healing speed, his life is full from beginning to end. !

In the poisonous fog of God, the dream feathers and the ruthless assassination of Situ, the arrow of the chasing soul of Stuart, the outstanding hand of Ling will be under the attack of seconds... The speed of the rushing players is as fast as the wind The fallen leaves, not long after, hard to create a vacuum in the crowd of players.

They exert their full strength without reservation, but they don’t know that at the beginning of the battle, they have begun to let players all over the world tremble with them...

"This... This is China's ... Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary?"

"That Shield Guard, is his body beaten by iron? God! He hasn’t fallen down all the time! I haven’t fallen because of many attacks. I can’t believe my eyes! How could there be such a perversion? Shield Wei! He is simply a humanoid iron barrier!"

"Is this the most powerful corpse mercenary group in China? I thought they would be not far from the strongest Red Lotus Knights in our country. I didn't expect... Oh!! I would rather believe that the people who make up this group are all It’s a group of monsters!! Look at the female assassin, she is the Chinese city of Shura! She shattered all my pride as an assassin, I feel in front of her, I am just a glimpse!"

"That Shield...the two terrible assassins...the one that can release such a large toxic fog at once, the invisible shadow...the gun...the swordsman.........my God! Are they all monsters? Are the players in China such a group of monsters?"

They thought that the scene that would appear was that the district was flooded by the huge team in the east for a few months. I didn't expect that it would be like this. Looking at the team that was not overwhelmed by the Dongpu Army, but the team that was heavily invaded by the East Army, they completely subverted the cognition of the summer soul mercenary group in China.

In the face of the invasion of Dongpu and the weakness of the guards of Tianchen City, the Chinese players who are desperate in the original heart began to feel like a fire is burning... They witnessed the mighty mercenary group, watching them eight people in the district, but Let so many Dongpu invaders fall to the ground one after another, one after another, and they are sulking, they start to cheer and scream, even if they know they can’t hear, they cheer for them loudly...they Once I felt that the power of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary was a matter of pride. Because they are resisting the invasion of Dongpu, they are fighting for the whole of China.

Some people are shocked, some are excited, some are roaring, others are ashamed...

In the face of the attack of the Mozu, the invasion of other countries, not all players have joined the ranks of counter-attacks. Many people are hiding in their homes in the world of destiny... They are worried that their homes will be destroyed, all first thought It is to protect the small family that they have bought a lot of money. Many players choose to go offline in order to avoid death, and then watch them through various media reports.

In this world, there will never be a lack of selfish people. People are not for themselves, and they are destroyed by nature. This is the nature of human beings.

And watching the Soul Mercenary Corps, even if it is such a few people, can rush to the tens of thousands of troops without fear... They can not be ashamed.

As a result, more and more players who did not participate in the resistance began to rush to the nearby battlefields, and many more, rushing toward Tianchen City at their fastest speed to support...

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