Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 956: Tianchen City broke

"Oh... your teammates are dying of God."

"Oh... your teammate ‘The Shadow Star Soul’ is dead.”

Connect two prompts to sound in the ears of the souls of the soul, let them all mess together. Then, their ears rang Ling Jie's voice: "Everyone! Don't worry about us, I have found a happy now, and immediately take him back home, I will look at him before he wakes up, then go back together... Also, my grasshopper sword has not been exploded. You come back, we will go back!!"

The soul of the soul received the prompts of God's Happy and Lingjie's death, and the Eastern Army... although the news was suppressed as much as possible. But the height of the watchtower is 30 meters, and there are so many Dongjun troops who can see what happened above. The emperor was killed under the heavy protection. The most powerful eternal sun in Dongpu was directly destroyed by one of the souls. The news of the regiment was quickly spread in the East Army. The East Army knew that this was the Emperor’s personal supervision. It was no secret, because it was a great weapon for the players. But at this time, when I saw it, or heard the death of the emperor and the annihilation of the eternal sun, there was a riot in the east and the east, as if the faith and the pillars collapsed in an instant.

"No chaos!! All are not allowed!! The Emperor is watching us now, our victory is in front of us, breaking into the city, and by the way, the Emperor of the Emperor!! Never let the Emperor of the Emperor disappoint, he I personally came to supervise the war, and even died because I came here personally. This is how great glory we are. We must not let the Emperor of the Emperor disappoint, understand that there is no!! The gate will soon be broken, the victory is coming, the soul of heaven People have already been killed by us, give me a bang!!"

The Dongpu commanders who were present were yelling at each other. Their arrogance finally allowed the riots of the Dongpu Army to calm down a bit, but no matter how he was jealous, the death of the Emperor was already a fact. This is undoubtedly the soul of the heavens. The army, with a very loud slap in the face of the entire East. And after this war broke out, even if they could successfully occupy Tianchen City, he would once again become a laughing stock.

"Xiaojie...do it well, keep it well, we will hold it... the last moment, ah ah!" The left-handed army burst into a blast, and it was attacked, and the shield in the hand slammed up. He slammed into the front and flew a few rushes out of the Templars.

Before the city gate, the gates of Tianchen City were already broken, and they would completely collapse. Above the high wall, Murong Qiu Shui has already retreated far away to avoid the bow and arrow, but his shooting has almost never stopped. Facing the attacking city of Dongpu Army, his shooting concentration point also falls before the city gate. The terrible bullets shot a long line of blood in the Dongying player group in the siege, so that the land before the gate had already been stained with blood. He alone, let all the Dongjun troops have been timid seven points before they have reached the gate of the city. When they attacked the city gate, they were even more timid, fearing that the next **** flower would burst on their heads. He was alone. The time for these East Army to destroy the gates has been doubled.

The persistence of the soul of the soul is still going on. No one gave up, escaped, and no one fell. At this moment, with the flash of a black mang, the claws of the ruthless demon of Situ disappeared and disappeared. Normal right hand status.

The time that the Devil's Claw can last today has come to an end.

Stuart’s ruthless face was cold, and the dark short blade had been caught in his right hand and re-killed to the enemy. Stuart silently sighed and released his attention to the limit... He knew that the devil’s claws disappeared. The pressure they are exposed to will be a lot of time, and the time they can support will be shortened several times. And in the most dangerous situation is he...

Without any suspense, without the ruthless demon's claws of the Situ, the large-scale sweep of the enemy, the pressure of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps multiplied, less than half a minute is already a series of dangers. Behind them, with a huge roar, the gates of Tianchen City collapsed completely and collapsed.

The sound of the collapse of the city gates was all heard in the ears. Although they had already realized this kind of consciousness, this moment finally arrived. They still hated it in their hearts, attacking the enemy in front even more fiercely, and even releasing the vent. Great awkwardness.

I have been paying attention to the Chinese players here and all of them have a long breath! The city gate of Tianchen City is still broken...

At this point, an hour has elapsed since the first wave of the East Army.

Three thousand invincible players, and a Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, have defended these tens of thousands of invaders for an entire hour...

In addition to the "miracle", what else can be described? Besides them, who else can copy this seemingly short-lived hour?

Although Tianchen City is broken, it has let the world witness this miracle that belongs to China.

And then, give it to them...

More and more players have sent themselves back to Tianchen City. Tianchen City has been broken. It does not mean that they have been occupied by them. There are countless players who will stay in the city and stay in front of the Resurrection Stone. However, in many ways, the city gate has been broken, and it is not far from occupying the city. Because the resurrection stone of a city is broken like a glass, the number of Chinese players is quite large, but... even if it is ten times the blocking power, can it really guarantee that the resurrection stone guarded by it will not be attacked?

After the resurrection stone was crushed, the players in China could not return directly to the city. They were placed on the resurrection stone of Dongpu, and they will be protected for seven days. Within seven days, Chinese players will not be able to attack this resurrection stone. At that time, Dongpu Players are constantly pouring into the lost continent, and then can be seen in the center of Tianchen City by returning to the city... At least seven days, there will be their world. As the initial place for Chinese players to come to the lost continent, new players will not be able to transfer jobs, can not accept the task here, can be imagined the impact of the entire Huaxia District.

Even if the city can be retaken after seven days, the stains given by this Dongpu can never be erased.

But now, the gate has been broken, and it is no longer possible to have any kind of turnaround... unless there is any miracle.


Just as the Tianshen Mercenary Corps was in a huge crisis, when the Dongjun Army began to madly go into the city, there was a loud sound of long-sounding sounds in the distant sky, when everyone looked up and looked up. However, I found that the sky was already red, and the original dim sky was filled with the evening glow. With the red sky falling down...


The wind blew, the wind and the fire instantly spread a hundred meters, from the position of the gate to the place where the Soul Mercenary Corps was completely swallowed by the fire, burning intensive to the innumerable life, one second, two seconds, three Seconds... In the burning of the flames, the corpses of the players of Dongpu began to pile up in a dense manner, and there was a mountain between the eyes...

All the thousands of players who have already rushed into the gates of Tianchen and within a hundred meters in front of the gates are all buried in the sea of ​​fire.

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