Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 964: Causal cycle

Chapter 964 Cause and Effect Reincarnation

"Hey, what is its role?" Ye Tianxie took the cause and effect reincarnation and asked him the question he always wanted to know.

I thought about it for a moment and said: "Actually, you are not particularly clear, because I have not seen the cause and effect reincarnation before I saw my big brother. I just heard that... a long time ago, the goddess of life goddess Tell me that there is something in this world called causal reincarnation, which can subvert the cause and effect of fruiting into a causal factor. That is, you can know the cause by knowing the result."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Everything in the world has its own merits, and there are fruits and consequences. The root of the order of the world is the law of cause and effect, and only the cause can have fruit. This is the axiom of the human world. Without reason, how can the result be derived... On the contrary, if there is a result, there must be a cause. And many times, people generally know the results, but they don't know the root cause... For example, why does this world exist? Why is the sand under my feet appearing? Why is there temperature, beauty, life...

The causal reincarnation in the hand circling the faint light of the slow flow, just like the light and mysterious mi mist. Ye Tianxie fixedly looked at it... From the result, he knew the reason and reversed the cause and effect. Is this the terrible effect of causal reincarnation?

Pray for the realization of the wish of the glaze, the cause and effect of the reversal of the cause and effect... Why do these props against the sky exist in this world? If Xianer is the creation **** of this world, if the role of these props is true, why she does not use them to achieve the only wish in the heart, or to subvert the cause and effect cycle.

"As long as you know the result, can you know all the reasons?" With the cause and effect reincarnation, Ye Tianxie said with awkwardness.

"It should be like this." He nodded. Listening to her tone is also very uncertain.

"Pray for glaze, and this causal reincarnation... Since they have such a miraculous effect, why did Fairy not use them... or, they are born of fairy, unable to achieve the level of desire that she desires. ...so, deliberately guide them to my hands to help me..." Ye Tianxie voice miméng said.

"No, it is not." But he shook his head hard and said: "Big brother, you are completely wrong. These are not made by the creation **** sister, not because she deliberately let them go to the big brother. In fact. ... In fact, the creation **** sister has been looking for them, she also has a very important desire to achieve, there are many things to know the reason... but the creation **** sister has not been able to find it for many years, but can not find a wish The lake and the pledge tree... Later, the creation **** sister stopped looking. She said that praying for glaze and causal reincarnation is a destiny, not a simple prop. If it can belong to her, she does not need to look for it, she will need it. When I appear next to her, if it doesn't belong to her, there will be no result in how to pursue it."

If you are embarrassed, instead of dispelling the doubtful huo in Ye Tianxie’s heart, he will let the mi mist in his heart spread again. He said with amazement: “But, isn’t Fairy a creation **** in this game world? She can modify this world. The rules... even this kind of thing is done, why can't it be so simple to find the props of this world."

"... Hey, big brother, you are wrong again." He shook his head again and said: "Since the creation **** sister can modify the rules of the world, but can not absolutely control the world. She has turned this world into data. , forcing regularization, so that there are so many things in the world, so many creatures run according to the rules she has specified, but... except for these, she can't do more, for example, she can't let the world wave her hand A creature is destroyed, and it is not what you want to get. If you want to find something, you can find it... For example, those powerful equipment, props, and creatures are not made by the creation **** sister, but come here, but only The data formatted by the rules of the creation **** sister is xing... In fact, when it comes to the familiarity and control of the world, the creation **** sister is not as good as it is, but she can force change order. And the rules, this is only what she can do. The creation **** sister and sister said that even she does not know why she will change the rules of the world. Ability, she said, she was dragged down to the world in a dream."

"...the traction of dreams?"

"Yes, right!" Nodded.

"You said that you were in the same year after the war with the Mozu, and there was a disaster called "Elemental Robbery". When I was about to die, I met her... That time, a hundred years ago..."

"The right one, that is, when I met the creation **** sister at that time, time has passed for more than 100 years." He nodded again.

More than one hundred years...

Xianer appeared in this world more than 100 years ago...


"Later, the sister of the creation **** left for a long time... Hey, the time is long, it can't be remembered, it seems like it has been for decades, then he meets the sister of the creation again. At that time, the **** of creation My sister started to modify the rules of the world. After she finished, the most thing she did was to look for prayers and causal reincarnation. Right! Pray for the glass and the causal reincarnation, or tell the creation **** sister. God sister has been looking for a long time to give up... Later, after praying that the glass was actually taken by the big brother, this incident was just seen by the creation **** sister, so she began to work hard to find a prayer. The lake... But after looking for a long time, I still couldn't find it. So, the passing sister of the world has been expecting that the big brother can find the wishing lake by himself, because since the prayer of the glass will appear in the hands of the big brother, the hope that the lake may also He appeared next to his big brother under the traction of fate."

Ye Tianxie is silent again. In memory, the reason why he will get the prayer glass is that he was in the ruins of the bones, miraculously completed an absolutely impossible task... with the help of 夭夭Dozens of levels have eliminated the war of the gods. When he got the cause and effect reincarnation, he also destroyed the beast of the **** Xuan Yu, who was stronger than his innumerable times, in a state of weakness of only 30 levels.

Both are in his hands as a special reward. Isn't this a deliberate rule?

Still, pledge that glass and causal reincarnation are autonomous and belong to him in this way. If it is the latter... then, even why they can't find them, why do they deliberately come to their side.

The world, what kind of world is it, why is it more and more difficult to see through.

Ye Tianxie shook his head. He knew what he thought, and how to ask it again would only become more and more misunderstood. He did not continue to ask 丫丫, but picked up the causal reincarnation... The legend of pleasing the glass is true, because the wishes he had promised were really realized under its guidance. Then, this causal reincarnation should be true too... In this case, let this cause and effect reincarnation, tell yourself everything.

Holding the causal reincarnation in his hand, Ye Tianxie turned to 丫丫 and asked: "Hey, how do you use this causal reincarnation?"

"This is... I don't know too well, because I also heard about it. If it wasn't for the big brother, I suddenly saw it in my big brother's backpack. I don't know if the big brother actually got the cause and effect. Reincarnation... Hey, the creation **** sister has never known. But... I heard that it seems to be crumbly, big brother, you can give it a try." Biting his fingers, using the tone of gray often uncertain Weak and weak. Obviously, she is also very afraid that if she is wrong, she will break the cause and effect cycle... It is really a big mistake.

"Crushing?" Ye Tianxie whispered a low voice, silently looked at the cause and effect of his hand for a while, closed his palm, closed his eyes, and then, a slight effort on his hand.


A very slight cracking sound came from the hand, and the causal cycle was more fragile than the ordinary glass. The fragile ice was like a thin ice, and it was broken at a glance. Then, the mysterious smoke that was originally banned from causal reincarnation slowly floated out, penetrated into the palm of Ye Tianxie, and penetrated into his heart...

Ye Tianxie’s brain suddenly disappeared, all the sounds in the ear disappeared, and the body was as static as petrochemical. Even the breathing stopped. At this point, even if he opened his eyes, he could not see the slightest of the outside world. Because his brain is completely under the control of causal reincarnation, it has cut off all perceptions...

"Welcome to the world of causal reincarnation."

Deep in my mind, there is a sound like a smoke, unable to tell whether it belongs to a man or a woman. g@.

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