Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 973: Touch of the devil

"You... what are you going to do?" The left-handed army looked at Situ and Situ ruthlessly. Situ had just said something, he could only understand a little, but look at the expressions of both of them... Obviously, they have already done What the same decision.

Devil Concerto from them?

Is it... they still have what stunts to reverse this desperate situation?

In the face of his doubtful gaze, Situ did not answer, but turned and shouted at the wall: "Pray for a little sister, can you borrow your Xiaoyu to use it?"

At this time, just after the stagnation, the sound of shouting and killing sounded again in the ear, the funeral demon of Meng Yuyi gave them great shock, but also let her lose the fighting ability, and these invaders The most important thing to do at this time is to launch a more violent attack in the shortest time, and never give them any breathing space.

The black-pressed crowd brought a slight tremor on the ground, rushing with the astounding momentum of the landslide, and it was unstoppable. The left-handed army filled his life, staring at the front, and the heavy shield was firmly in his hand. He had decided to stay until the last moment. The guardian was his mission. Even his body and heart **** seemed to be born. The guardian body, guardian hun. Death is the consciousness that is already in his heart. He will not step back even if he wants to escape this death.

Situ and Situ ruthlessly watched the enemy troops at the same time. At this time, their eyes and emotions were surprisingly consistent.

“Are you ready?” said Situ.

Situ ruthlessly nodded.

"Old left, you will retreat first... Go back to the city gate, otherwise, you will hurt even you." Situ said that the usual tone of habit is loose and serious. At the end of the day, he was as ruthless as Situ, and closed his eyes. Zuo Bianjun glanced at his expression and found that the face of Situ's moment at that time was full of indifference and ruthlessness as Situ's ruthlessness.

He didn't ask anything any more and quickly retreated. At this moment, a long beep sounded behind them, and the holy feathers flew down from the city, rushing to Situ and the Situ. As they approached, the two men leaped at the same time and leaped to the back of the **** of the gods. They stood shoulder to shoulder, and the holy feathers smacked an inverted parabola and flew over the enemy's front, and continued on. .

Countless arrows began to shoot from below, but the shooting distance of the three-turn archers still could not reach the height of the Flying Sacred. On its back, Situ and Situ ruthlessly closed their eyes, and the body did not move, as if they had lost their ability to perceive everything around them.

The body is not moving, but their hearts are shaking at the same frequency. When the tacit understanding of the two reaches a certain level, even if there is no language, they can communicate without any hindrance, to perceive what the other party thinks, and to perceive what the other party bears...

Listen to the voices of each other...

Perceive each other's heartbeat...

Perceive each other's breath...

Perceive the joy, sadness, anger, hatred, kindness, touch, sin in the depths of each other...

Perceive everything about each other...

We have similar experiences, similar life... and similar hatreds to the world, and similar sins.

The Eye of the Devil, the Claw of the Devil... This is not the name given to us by others, but the name we give ourselves, because only we know each other, we are all true demons. And it is also the same demonic character that lets us meet. Otherwise, now, one of us may have died in the street in the wandering, and the other, perhaps has become a victim of Emperor Luo.

The devil's breath lets us meet, and let us know what is hidden in each other's body. It is also because of our encounter that we really understand ourselves.

The magic is born from the heart. All the creatures in this world have a demon side. Even the most kind angel, her heart will lurk more or less sinful devils. And we... When we are together, the connection in the world allows us to perceive the existence of a person, the sin of a biological heart, and the type and intensity of this sinful heart. We didn't understand why we both developed this ability together, and we don't know what this ability can do...

Until one day, in our common battle, we jointly found the true meaning of the devil's eye and the devil's claw.


Above the holy feathers, Stuart and Situ's ruthless eyes opened at the same time... The time and action they opened their eyes were exactly the same. Then they clasped their hands together and jumped from the holy feathers... To the bottom of the crowd like the ocean - their movements are still surprisingly consistent, as if one is a real person and the other is a shadow.

"What are they going to do!!" Watching the two jumped directly into the dense enemy group, Zuo Bianjun and others were all in unison, and Murong Qiu Shui stopped shooting. Undoubtedly, as they jumped, the intensive bow and arrow magic concentrated their attacks on their bodies, instantly filling the sky... On the walls three hundred meters away from them, they could clearly see them being Incomparably dense to drown.

With their vitality, such an attack, one second is enough to make them die. Before they land, they must die, there is no second possibility.

"I don't know...but they must not be the kind of fool who died in nowhere." Murong Qiu Shui squinted.

"But, they can do anything except death," Ling Jie shouted.

"They are indeed dead...but it doesn't seem to die...because they didn't fall." God's eyes were more sensitive than ordinary people. He saw Situ and Situ's ruthless life being emptied, but when they landed, It was steady and stood on the ground without falling down.

The landing of Situ and the Situ ruthlessness have died. At least, their health has been completely emptied. At the time of landing, their bodies suddenly rise to the black smoke at the same time...

All the people, all the living things, show the ugliest side of your heart, because this is the call from the devil! !

The black smoke suddenly became a black silk thread, one end attached to the body of the Situ brothers, the other shot in the extension to the surrounding, connected to the body of the people around ... and then, that person's body is also Shooting the same dark lines and shooting them to the people around them... so spread, so bo and so, and so on...

I don’t know where these black lines are born, but because of the countless chain lightning, they are implicating one another after almost crazy speed. In the twinkling of an eye, they are fifty meters, one hundred meters, one hundred Within the range of fifty meters, two hundred meters, two hundred and fifty meters... all the people are connected with such a black silk thread as if the sky fell a fine and huge net, and everyone will Covered in it.

"That... what is that?" This scene makes everyone's eyes wide open, completely unknown, and no one can explain.

"What is this ability!? How have you never seen them used before?" Ling Jie said with great excitement.

The left-handed army stared at it for a while and said: "Remember the words that the poker face said before... He said that on personal ability, he can't compare with many of us, but if he and Situ are ruthless Standing together, no one can stop him."

In this sentence, no one has forgotten them. It’s just that this sentence was written by Situ, and no one is too concerned.

But looking at the incredible darkness in front of the eyes... Is this what Stuart said, his hidden ability?

All the people who were implicated by this strange black line gave birth to a strong panic. They could use weapons to cut off the black silk thread, but when the sword went down, it was straight through, and the root was not an entity. It is not pure light, because it is the silk of sin produced by the sinful side of the human heart. What they feel is not that the body is being towed, but that their own heartstrings are entangled in something that is unbearable and unspeakable.

At this moment, their heart suddenly sounded a cold voice...

"Welcome to the world of demons, only those who have evil thoughts in their hearts can hear my voice, and I am the manipulator of your sinful thoughts. My devil's eye can peep, or you can send your heart. The sin, my devil's claws, can smash your sins... When sin is sinned, you will violently reveal your ugliest side and become a group of real devils. When sin is crushed, the same is smashed. There is also a body connected to your sins."

"So, do you choose to become a demon, or choose to die?"

"Hehehehe... Then, let me make a choice for you. Although, I really want to see a group of demons killing each other with ugliness without cover. If this is in your own country, it will be perfect. The choice. But here, death will be more suitable for you."

"So, listen to the concerto that died in your ear, and use your life to relive the most beautiful picture in the world, hahahaha..."

boom! ! ! !

When the sound of laughter fell, Situ and the ruthless body of Situ exploded at the same time... g@.

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