Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 980: Under death

"Autumn water..." looked at the life of Murong Qiu Shui being smashed. Although there was a confession of the left-wing army, Sufifi’s heart was still tight. As the only sacrifice of Tianhun, she can think of rushing to the sacred prayer to bring him back to life.

The life value of Murong Qiu Shui was emptied, but his body did not fall.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds... In the past five seconds, Murong Qiu Shui did not fall down, so he kept the posture when he was killed, and stood there fixedly. It was also the time of five seconds. The crowds coming in from the front stood still there, and no one took another step forward, as if the time was completely frozen within these few seconds.

Because, when they emptied Murong Qiu Shui's life, they suddenly felt as if they had broken into the ice caves at once. The moment the cold of the bone marrow made their bodies unable to move if they were frozen. In the cold, Even the fingers are like hanging a boulder, so you can't even bend it...

This... what is going on here! ?

At this time, Murong Qiu Shui clearly has already died, but his body has moved. His head slowly lifted up, his stiff body slowly rose straight, but his movements were slow and slow, very stiff and stiff... stiff as a zombie moving his body... and with His body was re-aligned, and the original double guns were re-pointed to the front.

"Hey Hey Hey……"

What they saw was a black hole in the muzzle, and behind the muzzle, the méng was black, with the smile of yin Sen, and the two rows of white teeth on the face... The sound, such as the cold wind that the cold winter wind blows, makes them cold and cold all over the body... They feel the madness of their heart, and in the endless fear that suddenly arises, they almost burst...

And now, their bodies are still unable to move... The body is cold and the heart is cold. This is a kind of breath suppression that they have never felt before. They suppress the complete freedom of the body and mind, and the roots have no ability to resist. The only thing that can move is the eyelid that is constantly twitching and shrinking.

Because this is the pressure from God - death!

In this fear of breaking into the cold death abyss, they saw the dark gunpoints pointing at them, and the muzzle slowly turned into a whirlpool of death in their sight... they were completely desperate.

"Autumn water...he...he...he..."

"It was the way it was in the game with the king that day!!" Ling Jie shouted. This is the second time they have seen Murong Qiu Shui appear in this way, the first time, after his death. This time, it is still after his death. The last time, in this state, he was completely ruined by the king, then this time... this time...

Even standing on the wall, you can still clearly feel the extreme horrible atmosphere released by Murong Qiu Shui at this time. Now Murong Qiushui is no longer the usual Murong Qiushui, the original Bai Ying’s face. It was already dark... It was not the change of his face, but his face, and his body, all méng a layer of obvious black fog... Yes, it was black fog! The black mist roots no one saw where it came from, and how it looked, it was like a self-distribution from the body of Murong Qiu Shui.

In the dark fog, his facial features are completely invisible, but his face is printed with two points that are extremely clear...

Blood red sè, red glare two points... and the part that appears is a part of his two eyes!

"All... the department... go... die...!"

The icy words spilled from the mouth of Murong Qiu Shui, and in a short sentence, all the people who heard it were cold. This is also not the voice of Murong Qiu Shui... Under normal circumstances, his voice yin is soft and lazy, and can be as soft as a woman's voice at any time, and can become as rough as a middle-aged man. However, his voice at this time is like a devil from hell.

"That black gas... a lot more than the last time." Zuo Duanjun stared at him. At the same time, my heart also thought silently, and these black gas, has been affecting the jing grid of Murong Qiu Shui, the thicker the black gas, it means that he will be more cruel, if you look at life humble!

boom! !

The méng black hand pulled the gun, the first black energy shot, shot on the last player who was only three meters away from him, a bright blood flower bursting on his body. open……

Following the first energy bomb, the second one is also marked with a dark trajectory, centered on the head of another person, and also blew a blood flower on his head...

Obviously dead, but not falling, but can move, can make a sound, and can make such a precise attack...

At the first time at the first Magic Wu Conference in China, Murong Qiushui was an incredible and horrific scene. Many players around the world heard it, but it was completely different from the concept and feeling that I saw at this time. Although the people of the day **** mercenary group fell down one by one, each of them did not seem to be shocked by their eyes.

It was also from the Tianhun mercenary group that they began to discover... It turned out that this fate world is so incredible.

Two energy bombs, the death of two players, two bullets, two breathing time, enough for everyone to react from the fear, but also after the two bullets are shot, let the players in front feel cold The breath seems to fade at once, and the body can move freely...

But...the two gunshots before, but the prelude to the feast of death, just after the restoration of freedom, they want to start moving their bodies, Murong Qiu Shui’s body suddenly burst into a group of strong and unknown. Black sè. Among the black awns, there are two scarlet eyes of the scarlet sè. The black awning is not only his body, but even the blissful world in his hands is completely wrapped...

The next scene, let the world watch all the players here heart beat wildly.


In the first-line gunshots that overlap to the complete reunion, the dark energy bombs, such as the violent raindrops, are madly shot toward the front. The frequency of the shooting that broke out at this moment caused countless people to smash the past. They couldn't see how many bullets were shot in that second, only to see that the roots couldn't count the energy bombs that filled their eyes, and for a moment, they built a rainstorm-like barrage!

Such a firing frequency, the roots have been many times beyond the limits of the speed of the bliss world. It’s more than a few times more frugal than the real world’s fastest machine gun. At first glance, it’s like dozens of shots, even hundreds of machine guns.

Under such shooting, all the players in front of Murong Qiu Shui were completely shrouded in this rainstorm-like barrage. Countless blood flowers screamed with their bullets in their explosions. In an instant, a vast group of players It’s already bloody, with the desperate screams that don’t know how many overlaps...

Every energy bomb is bombarded on the person in front of the eyes. Some of the bullets are blown up on the surface of their bodies, and the whole body is dead. Some trigger the through effect, and the holes penetrate one body after another, leaving one by one blood. Holes, blood flow like a note, some directly penetrate the head, the entire face is destroyed beyond the face, in the endless pain and fear holding his head down...

The ground began to be stained with blood, and the savage and desperate screaming of the screaming of the nerves of everyone, so that his eyes, heartstrings, and spiritual **** are trembled fiercely...

One person, one shot, one second... made a hell.

The people who are 100 meters wide in the horizontal direction are completely blocked by the unbelievable barrage of the speeding madness. In a few seconds, the people in the front row are dead and dead, and the dead body is bloody. Under such an attack, the speed at which these blood stasis disappeared could not be increased, and began to quickly become a pool of blood under the feet.

Under the cover of darkness, Murong Qiu Shui’s face was filled with a demon-like yin Sen’s smile. His eyes looked straight ahead, and the storm-like bullets continued and intensively bombarded. His hand speed reached an extreme horror. To the extent that he shot both hands at the same time, the finger that struck the shot was almost invisible. The magazine and the muzzle's magazine can hold up to 130 energy bombs at a time. At such a rate of fire, the frequency of replacing the magazine is undoubtedly extremely high. It may be replaced in two seconds or even one second. People can see how he replaced the magazine... and he will not believe that his gun can only hold 130 bullets at a time, and he has to change the magazines during the shooting. They only see... it’s almost over The hand speed of the human limit makes the energy bombing like a storm have no trace of pauses from beginning to end...

The people fell down in pieces, and the screams rang out in the ear, bringing the coolness of everyone's heart... If this is a large-scale killing scene in an ordinary game, they will be shocked and amazed, but... ...the broken limbs, the body that pierces, the blood of the splash, the **** fog that meets...

In many corners of the world, people who saw this scene did not know how many screams of horror, shut the screen in front of them as quickly as possible, and then shivered in the **** yin shadow. This is not the age of war. Even if you see a little bit of bruises, the blood flowing out will be uncomfortable. The game world also shields the **** effect... Who can hold such a cruel visual impact.

Sophie Fei had already turned her body and held Chen Xue tightly to prevent her from accidentally seeing... She could not wait to even her own ears. Because of the sound in the ear, she can clearly think about what kind of picture it would be. g@.

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