The more you go, the stronger you are.

Mephisto discovered something a long time ago.

Isn't there a common saying in online articles? There are many monsters in a certain forest or a certain forbidden area, and the monsters are stronger the deeper you go.

And then it wasn't until I traveled through time and personally investigated the field that I realized that it didn't make sense. Although the strength of monsters in different regions is indeed uneven, there is no pyramid-shaped distribution where the deeper you go, the stronger they are.

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be true. If they become stronger, why do they have to stay in the deepest part honestly, not go anywhere, and not go out for a walk?

Is there any benefit in staying in the deep part? No? Then why stay?

Mephisto has been flying for quite a long time now. The strength of the monsters he saw along the way was uneven, but there was no decreasing trend.

He is now more sensitive to the magic environment. It is no problem to tell you whether it is more or less without giving you an accurate list.

The more magic there is in an area, the stronger the monsters living there are. And it is not so much that powerful monsters are born because of the abundance of magic, but rather that it is an attraction.

It is not that he has never seen birds pooping. There are powerful monsters in areas with poor magic.

After flying for a while, Mephisto could clearly feel that the temperature around him was getting lower and lower.

It was quite obvious at high altitude, and a stream of cold currents passed by him. Of course, he was not afraid of cold at all, but he still froze on his body, and even the tips of his wings were covered with frost.

His originally gray-black appearance was covered with a layer of white frost on his back, and the surrounding clouds became thick and gray.

"It's snowing."

As he moved forward, the snow fell more and more violently. His physical condition would not be affected by the temperature. The only obstacle was the problem of vision.

He was a little excited. He had lived in the south all his life and had never seen snow.

It was the first time in his life that he saw the real thing.

The other world still used the planetary worldview, not the round sky and square earth. There was still a sun and a moon in the sky.

Now he should be flying to a high latitude, but he couldn't figure out whether it was south or north.

This planet was much larger than that little broken ball. He had flown for at least thousands of miles and didn't feel much change. Humans didn't see much. As for gravity, he didn't feel any change.

"Hmm... is that a mammoth?"

He lowered the flight altitude a little, and the ground began to slowly cover with a layer of snow. The vegetation environment was much sparser than before, and the color of the leaves was also strange and tended to be black.

At a glance, the colors seemed to be stripped away to only black and white, clear and distinct.

And a group of huge creatures were walking on the ground.

There were about dozens of them, tall and larger than the largest African elephants, covered with thick gray fur, and even with thick bone-white armor plates on their heads.

The two huge teeth extended downward, with flat tips like shovels, looking a bit like the mammoths in his impression, but the appearance was more or less different.

"Is this the other world? It's really strange."

Mephisto's eyesight was sharper than that of eagles and falcons. He could see clearly in the air, and the blizzard could not block his vision.

But he was not curious about the appearance of these guys. He was just thinking about how such a large group of guys could be supported in such a sparsely vegetated environment.

If this thing really eats only vegetarian food as it looks, we all know that its daily food demand would be very large, and its feces alone would be dozens of kilograms.

There are dozens of them at once. Won't they destroy the environment like him?

Mephisto didn't know whether the environment could withstand such abuse, but he only knew one thing.

"Then in order to protect the environment, now is the time for me to strike hard."


What is that? It can sneak around me and make a sound!

Too scary, I'll eat something to calm down.


Mephisto extended his wings and showed his claws. His eyes locked onto the target in an instant. His heart beat like a drum. All the bones and cells in his body were in the best condition at this moment.

There was a strange light flashing in his eyes. There was no doubt that it was the look of an absolute predator!

The next moment, he kicked his hind paws back, and faintly

The light of the magic circle flashed by, and was annihilated in the blizzard in an instant, and the energy field opened up in an instant.

The air wailed, and in an instant, a behemoth over 30 meters long swooped down at an extremely fast speed!


That was the leader, um... let's call it the snow elephant for the time being, the guy who seemed to be the leader, and it was also the largest and strongest one.

Following some kind of mania from the heart, it led the tribe to rush to a certain place in a daze.

Then, for some reason, it paused halfway.

First of all, with their body structure, they would never be able to look up at the sky.

Also, their vision is not sharp, but other sensory organs sounded the alarm at this moment!

Especially the sharp hearing, heard in advance the sound of some terrible behemoth breaking through the air, the sound was like a knife, and the coldness could be felt through the thick fur.

The sound is no different from the god of death.

It suddenly widened its eyes, and its invisible claws had already clenched its heart. At this moment, its perception of horror was at its greatest level ever.

It felt like the air in its lungs was about to be squeezed so tightly that it would come out of its mouth, but before it could roar, something even bigger had already arrived.

Almost the next moment, a violent blizzard swept in front of it!


The blizzard that was dispersed by the terrifying sound waves, the horror that was unable to cover up. Finally, its true appearance was revealed at this moment. It was a terrifying black dragon with a faint glow on its back, covered with biting frost, and opening its huge mouth of the abyss!

A pair of broad wings almost covered everything in the world in front of it, and the shadow cast by it was completely annihilated in an instant, and the resistance that was absolutely impossible to generate.

The huge roar was deafening, and the terrible storm it set off almost made it unable to stand. There is no doubt that it was an existence that was not worthy of being called an opponent even if it tried its best!

It tried its best to see the other side's full appearance, but a large part of its body was still covered in white snow.

Then... the huge black dragon in front of it seemed to become a little blurry. In a trance, it seemed to have made some movements, ah...

It couldn't think.

"First... to the last."

The waving claws killed nearly ten snow elephants in almost an instant.

Mephisto took the lead in solving the biggest and strongest one that looked like the leader.

Strong flesh, thick fur, and even frost armor that was triggered instantly.

This level of behemoth. Dozens of them gathered together. If they launched a charge, it would be more terrifying than a cluster of tanks! It is definitely a terrible force.

But they all depreciated rapidly under the crystal claws of the dragon and became something worthless. The so-called defense is only different from paper, but it is just a little thicker.

So it was easily torn into pieces like waste paper.

At the same time, it attacked with an extremely flexible, slender tail like a death scythe, with a crystallized bone spur at the tip. After a simple acceleration by the energy field, it broke through the sound barrier in an instant, so fast that even the afterimage was difficult to catch.

The tip of the tail swept through the bodies of several snow elephants in an instant, and pierced through several others like a string of gourds. And the last survivor?

The huge wings flapped, and two huge storms filled with icy breath and lightning (recycled from the previous civil aviation aircraft technique) swept it in an instant.

It was a biting cold! It was something that I had never felt since I was born with thick fur!

Before the ice could penetrate the bone marrow, the surging lightning instantly penetrated and burned the surface skin and flesh, and it circled around the body in advance as if to seek credit. The strong flesh was trembling, but it would not be soon-

Already living in a cold environment, with thick fur, and adaptable to the cold, a certain dragon relied on extremely exaggerated magic power and a very simple spell structure to freeze all the remaining survivors into cold lumps.

Everything was completed in less than three seconds, and a huge group of giant elephants was completely wiped out.

"I am worthy of it."

"Ah, this one is a little broken, forget it, just eat it..."

Mephisto looked at the bloody flesh and bone residue on his claws.

When a certain dragon was accustomed to enjoying the prey whose total volume was much larger than his own.

In the same colder snowfield, the same snowfield elephant, and more monsters.

Because of some kind of anxiety in their hearts, they were all walking towards a deeper place, either quickly or slowly.

An unknown light flashed in his eyes.

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