The story of the 1984-1991 monster was told to be a lie.

Space Godzilla, from the movie Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, is the most classic Heisei G, which has staged one of the enemies Godzilla has faced in his career, including the Revenge of the Dragon and the Century Killing Formation.

The birth of this thing is also outrageous. It is a G cell, that is, Godzilla's cell, which was sucked into the universe by a black hole and then spit out by a white hole. After absorbing the energy of the supernova explosion, it was fused with a crystal organism to form a monster.

This thing can fly at three times the speed of light in space, and it can also fly at Mach 3 in the atmosphere. It is also quite powerful, fighting one against two, the genuine Godzilla and another ugly robot Mogera.

The rest of the settings are also quite powerful. On the way to the earth, it has destroyed countless planets, can create a crystal field that is equivalent to an infinite energy supply for itself, and can double the power of the coronal rays after being strengthened by cosmic energy, and even manipulate the laws of the universe to an outrageous extent.

The weight is also close to 80,000 tons of Big Fat.

It is a very classic panel monster and setting monster. If it is not too obvious that the weakness is too obvious, the explosion of gold coins will add a wave to the opponent, and it may not lose.

And even if the weakness is exposed, the power after weakening is still stronger than the single Heisei G, which is quite powerful.

The overall attributes can be said to be an all-round enhanced version of Heisei G, and there are many hanging skills, but it is just frustrated to encounter an unethical two-on-one.

Another human-made Mojela is not a fuel-saving lamp. The paper data alone is several times that of the original Mechagodzilla.

The panel is put on him, not to fuse him and SpaceGodzilla with one piece, sewing them together, but it seems to be fused together from a higher dimension, and he will gradually grow towards that posture.

Even if he was originally a human, without a single G cell in his body, and without the face to receive a supernova explosion, he would grow into Space Godzilla under unknown influences.

When the system was originally there, the relationship between the panel and him was like that between a mecha and a driver. Now it is almost the same, except that the mecha has been replaced by Mazinger Z and Getter. It is possible that the driver and the mecha have merged into one.

What is even more confusing is that the dragon blood in his body has also intervened, and his body in the real material will be directly affected by the blood.

Under the dual influence of the higher-dimensional template and the real material blood, it is unknown what he will look like in the future.

"But this is also good, at least my life should be somewhat guaranteed, right?"

He barely saw some pictures from the few memories. This seems to be a very traditional sword and magic world, with magicians using magic and warriors tempering fighting spirit.

There are also various monsters including dragons, as well as alien races such as elves. There are really gods in the sky.

But what worries him is that he is such a special dragon beast. Looking at the whole world, he is definitely not strong. It’s okay now, but maybe he will be targeted by various people when he grows up.

Isn’t it a common plot in the other world? He always likes to catch a sub-dragon or a dragon beast to pull a cart... He doesn’t want to be so frustrated in the future.

Even real dragons often become stepping stones in various stories... In his memory, many races don’t seem to be so... friendly to dragons.

Now that things have come to this, I have to become stronger. Well, I will stay alive first. I will consider going out to see the outside world when I grow into a cosmic monster.

When he thought of the possible tragic future, he shook his head quickly.

"Hmm... By the way, was I thinking about what my name was before?"

Before, he thought that Cricket could lose his name after traveling through time, which was quite strange. Now he thinks about it.

It’s not bad to lose his name after being punched by the mud truck martial god. He is quite open-minded.

"Then let's choose a new one... I think there's a real name that also starts with the word 墨."


This name is very familiar. It comes from the name of the devil in Faust, and it is also a name that often appears in various works.

But now it's okay to say it's his name, because the last part of his dragon real name is just called this, and it's okay to say it's his real name, because it's really his name.

I was really upset, so I asked the guy next door, Hell G, to go to hell and beat him up, and force him to change his name, yeah.

Well, now I can finally use the name Mephisto

He claimed to be the boss, and temporarily set the main task: to become stronger, with a time and target requirement.

"Now that I have a target, what should I do?"

Suddenly, he was stumped by this question. Humans and other intelligent species can learn magic and fighting spirit, but where does he get the conditions?

Should he learn Space Godzilla's face to receive a supernova explosion? Or should he eat a nuclear bomb as Godzilla did?

As for how monsters including dragons become stronger?

When a dragon is asleep, it will passively receive inherited memories, and its body will continue to grow. I don't know anything else.

Do push-ups, long-distance running?

It feels a bit stupid.

Then see if I can get in touch with humans in the future and learn magic from them?

That's a bit far-fetched, for example, even the language problem can't be solved, and he is so big, a species completely different from humans, can he really learn it?


"Hungry again?"

While his brain was complaining unconsciously, Mephisto was awakened by the urging from his stomach. Remember, it was not long after he had eaten, why was he hungry again so soon?

"Is this the influence of SpaceGodzilla, or is it the way dragons are?"

It was a little unclear now, but it was always right to fill his stomach first.

Mephisto looked around. Maybe he was too short, so he couldn't see much, but it should be a forest, a little sparse, with large rocks exposed on the surface.

It seemed that the dragon could just eat the soil, but he didn't want to eat it, so he still had to catch prey.

Now it was time to rely on his brain, and it was obviously not enough to rely on the headless fly method.

Thanks to his blood, his sense of smell was quite sensitive now, and he could accurately distinguish the moisture and smell in the air, as well as the smell of blood.

The next step was much simpler. He could rely on the moisture and some traces in the forest such as animal paths to find water sources, and then he would naturally not worry about prey.

As for whether he could beat the other party, he didn't worry about this problem.

Before, he could kill at will when he was in a mindless state of hunger, and now it was even easier.

The process of searching was unexpectedly simple.

On the edge of the stream, a group of creatures that looked like large reindeer, but had forked sharp horns on their heads and six legs, gathered on the shore in groups of three or five to drink water.

While drinking water, one of them suddenly saw a black shadow swimming across the water in front of it. It was frightened and raised its head, making a cry, attracting the attention of its companions.

Mephisto, who was like a fish in water in a literal sense, swam in the water with some excitement.

Although it was unclear for a while what organs he used to exchange oxygen with the water, it didn't have much impact on him anyway.

What excited him was that there were indeed fish in the water.

Each one was about 70 to 80 centimeters long, and the smaller ones were nearly half a meter long. They looked a little different from the fish he had seen on Earth before, but they were pretty much the same.

As long as they didn't look too prominent, they could be eaten.

He didn't know how to fish, but he had touched them and knew that the mucus on the surface of the fish was slippery. It was easy to slip away if you caught them with your bare hands.

So he used his claws as a harpoon. It was a little painful at first, but it was okay after he got used to it. Then slowly, he didn't feel the pain.


Under the water, his arm shot out like a harpoon, and the powerful force was transmitted through the water surface, exploding water above the water surface.

Relying on his strong physical fitness and ridiculously fast nerve reactions, he almost caught one accurately every time he caught it, but at the beginning, he was not proficient in swimming and skills, so he let a few escape.

It was much easier after he became proficient. He caught one accurately every time he caught it, and ate it while catching it. He put it in his mouth after catching it, regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, it would definitely not kill him.

His stomach was not known for what it was made of. It was only slightly bulging after eating food that was obviously much larger than its own size. The food swallowed into his stomach was digested at an extremely terrifying speed.

What was a bit strange was that he actually felt that the taste of eating raw fish was not that bad! It just tasted a little sweet and salty.

But that was right. It was normal for the taste to change after the species changed.

He ate seventy or eighty big fish, and some small fish that he didn't count carefully. Only when he felt his stomach was full did Mephisto go ashore with satisfaction.

He wanted to sleep after eating, but he had to find a good place first. After searching for a while, Mephisto didn't find a place that satisfied him, such as a cave.

After taking a look at his sharp claws, he suddenly realized, and then dug out a small cave that was large enough for him to move around in a hidden rock junction with his bare hands.

Then he curled up in a circle and went to

As I became increasingly sleepy, I closed my eyelids peacefully.

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