The other party was in a hurry to get to know the other party.

"... rare guest, Lord, you shouldn't be here."

"What do you care about me?"

Wane put his hands on his waist.

But as a warrior, his instinct was to think of a third plan to attack the other party after standing here for a while... but he had to ask questions.

So he had to let the other party talk for a while.


Hey! What a coincidence!

The other party's ideas were completely opposite in a sense, and it was better to say that the continuous accidents made him feel a little irritable.

First of all, the ancient white dragon that came out of nowhere interfered with the sacrifices required for the ceremony, which was an accident.

Something happened to that third-rate creator, so he had to rescue him, thus exposing himself to Vane, which was another surprise among surprises.

Just now...

Under the black robe, the true face was covered by the misty black fog. He glanced at Bing Lisi, who was quietly moving her little feet and trying to escape.

All the above events combined were not as unexpected as this one...

The day of the ceremony is actually approaching, whether it is lurking in secret or playing the game of the situation.

If this is compared to drawing a joker.

Previously, you need to look at the other party's face and use actions, expressions, eyes, etc. to induce the other party in various aspects to avoid drawing a joker, but Bing Lisi...

She can directly throw herself and the joker out as the king bomb!

She is the second joker that no one thought of at the beginning and should not exist!

The accuracy of the ceremony is very important, and it is more important as it gets to the last moment. Even more variables will affect the result.

But what comforted him a little was that he was lucky to have discovered it early and could make some preparations to avoid the effect of this joker card to the greatest extent.

The best way was of course to hold this card in his hand, so he took action at the beginning, but unfortunately, he still underestimated it.

And now, the wolf also came over with the smell of blood...

The black-robed man picked up the garbage next to him that was half frozen and shattered. Without saying anything, the strange flame ignited in the air and exploded violently.

The first moment the light of the flame was reflected in Vane's pupils, he took action fiercely, took a step forward, and even stepped on the back of the house and it sank violently.

Ling Li was like frost, and the fighting spirit like a wolf's howl rushed out swiftly, mixed with murderous aura colder than ice and snow, his hands were as fast as thunder, his fingertips were like claws, and he tore it off with one claw across a distance of nearly 100 meters!

As if it were real, the extremely condensed Dou Qi turned into claws, easily tearing apart a thin layer of flames, and then it exploded violently as if a chemical reaction had occurred, and the strong wind and cold breath spread along with the shock wave.

The surrounding houses, high-rise buildings, stone towers and other things were affected like rags, chopped and blown up by the spreading Dou Qi blade, and a large pit with a diameter of dozens of meters was left in the center of the attacked main body.

One strike to achieve success?


In the center of the pit, there was nothing but traces like the claws of some beast and messy ice!

"Did you resolve my attack...?"

Wane found that he had just appeared in a trance for a very short moment, even less than 0.01 seconds, which was really short.

It was in this short period of time that the opponent resolved his attack and successfully escaped.

This should never happen.

He has long been ranked gold, and if this small error appeared on an ordinary battlefield, he would have been killed long ago.

The soul and body were refined to the point of being one, and the whole body was radiant and flawless gold.

One thing that was quite direct was that the human body's original need to receive external information and then react to this extremely short reaction time no longer existed.

The brain's instructions were synchronized with the body, and the thinking was completely different. This kind of trance without reason was impossible and could only be the opponent's means.

"Get out of here!"

Bing Lisi, who had already slipped half a foot out of the battlefield, raised an ice shield to block the incoming flames. Vane seemed to hear a familiar wolf howl in his ears, pulling his thoughts back to reality.

The wolfskin cloak on his body seemed to light up with an icy light in his pupils, and a claw mark appeared on his hand. He borrowed this power that he would never use normally without hesitation.

Vane rushed out, first slashing out with a knife, splitting the flames that were about to attack her like a fang, and then stretched out five fingers and claws to grab the black robe.


The moment he tore the black robe, he felt something was wrong. It felt wrong. It was just a disgusting, squirming mass of black flesh that was strangled by the fierce fighting spirit and frozen into slag.

Is it a fake, made by that extremely disgusting guy?

He tore it apart and turned his head back.

Where are the people?

"You fell into the trap."

The mouth covered by the black robe and the haze grinned.

Ignoring Saval's cursing next to him, he had to admit that this guy was really good at this.

His hand, which was surrounded by an ominous aura, grabbed Bing Lisi who was in a daze. He once again temporarily used the power of Sici to burn the other party's thoughts.

Sure enough, the other party was not in his prime, and the consumption was still very large, and his resistance to him was greatly reduced.

Very good, just like that, he succeeded.

The black-robed man smiled.

"You fell into the trap."

Wain smiled happier than him.

A wolf howl sounded and passed by.


A huge ferocious wolf head made purely of ice elements suddenly jumped out of the void, emitting a terrifying wolf howl!

The huge head, which was as tall as several buildings, opened its huge mouth full of ice-cold teeth and swallowed the black-robed man who reached out to grab him into the deep throat of the ice abyss.


His eyes widened slightly, and he could only watch Bing Lisi wave at him.

Wan raised his arm, and the ice-blue claw marks on it were slightly glowing.

Fortunately, the girl had gathered a lot of ice elements when she was fighting in the city just now, which provided great convenience for summoning. It would take a while to summon it under normal circumstances.


The huge frost wolf head also paused suddenly, and a hot spot cracked from the corner of its mouth, with flames bursting out from it, and large pieces of it cracked.

But the sharp-eyed Bing Lisi went up to lend a hand. Under her command, the ice elements gathered and filled it back.

The hand that the black-robed man was about to extend was bitten back.


She really holds a grudge.

Of course, there was another thing that was the real opportunity for her to help.

She turned her head to look at Vane.

She felt another familiar breath.

"Why do I feel like I have seen you... No, it's not you, it's something on your body?" Bing Lisi stared at Vane. Because of her height, she had to look up.

"First of all, it's not a thing... but you look like you don't remember it."

"Then you know?"

"I just heard it from it...!"

Vane's big hand suddenly pulled Bing Lisi and protected her behind him, crushing most of the frost wolf head that the black-robed man had swallowed as if it was sucked into a whirlpool. From a dark whirlpool hole, a figure with some ice debris hanging on his outer robe rushed out.

Without paying attention, the black-robed man pierced into a ruin like a living tentacle and dragged out half of Saval's body.

He turned around, as if he had taken a look.

"We will meet again."

"Stay here!"

The strong body took a step in an instant, tearing the air, and the distance of hundreds of meters passed in the blink of an eye. The frosty wolf shadow appeared behind Vane, and the flame that originally burned his thoughts was also frozen.

However, accompanied by the wolf's howl, the claws that were swung out only blasted the original ruins into more pieces.

"...Is that so? That kind of flame will burn my memory quickly? Humph..."

Recalling the memory just now, did the other party escape while he was in a trance again...

Snorting with disdain, Wane turned around and saw a little black-haired girl leading Bing Lisi to him. She must have run over and was a little out of breath.

"How is it? Did the other party run away?"

Fei'er asked anxiously.

"They ran away, which is a pity... So can you tell me in detail later what they want to do? You know more than I thought."

Wane narrowed his eyes, took off the iron wine bottle on his waist, and poured a sip into his mouth.

"Okay... but the most important thing is... hurry up and strengthen the city defense, the enemy is going to drive the beast tide to attack the city!"

"Puff! Are you sure, where to attack?"

Wane couldn't stay calm now. The beast tide was really a matter of life and death, but the more serious thing was still to come. Fei'er said: "It's not just one city, all the cities in your territory, including the main city, will be attacked! The enemy seems to be holding a ceremony, this is a necessary requirement!"


"Yes! A big ceremony..."


Wane looked around, and from the shadow of the gap, one figure after another walked out, covered in blood. The leader leaned beside him

, after transmitting information to it by some secret means, he nodded.

He looked at Fei'er again and sighed:

"Huh... I wanted to investigate the dragon, you really gave me something big, let's go, and that elf lady, come with me to the main city?"


Bing Lisi jumped out from behind Fei'er again.

"Yes, a white dragon, but now there are more important things."

"It's okay if it's not a black dragon."


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