The broken heart was in the air, and the broken heart was in the air.

The fragment was wrapped in a flame and firmly locked in the palm of the hand.

After the connection between the fragment and the heart was cut off, the never-ending blizzard outside, at least in this large area, began to weaken imperceptibly.

The madness that was carried by the wind and snow with the fragment as the medium also began to disappear.

As a result, part of the surrounding magic circle connection was forcibly broken, the magic light splashed, and the blood vessels that served as the lines of the formation burst open with several blood.

The secret ritual that was carefully arranged was destroyed by himself, and a large amount of blood flew out of the gap in the heart like a water gun.

Originally, I was preparing to open the portal, but now it seems that I have to accept the reality that my goal will be achieved with the worst result...

"I didn't expect that even a low-quality monster that is not worth mentioning...why did it do this?"

I don't understand. How could a dragon with a proud character who thinks highly of itself do this?

He has already heard the faint roar of the dragon, and he no longer hesitates. His hand wrapped in a dark aura directly penetrates the heart, and bloodily pulls out a gray-white halo wrapped in black magic.

"I only collected this little food..."

A voice that is almost gnashing of teeth came.

First of all, as a traditional black-clad man who is known to be the protagonist's enemy at first glance, he must have the following characteristics:

1. A riddle man who never explains things clearly and always speaks ambiguously.

2. When he appears, he wears a black robe that is useless for hiding his identity, but is very conspicuous.

3. Even the so-called invincible protagonist can play with him. The incomprehensible means and mystery make the protagonist run around most of the time and leave whenever he wants.

All of the above are available.

But recently, it is really a bit too much.

Several important locations and means of arrangement were uprooted by a little girl using ice, and there was nowhere to escape.

Several families who secretly supported him were also killed by the wolf lord and his wolf pack.

The opponent was just like a person who had read the script and pointed out his weakness directly. He has suffered a lot in recent days.

He even suspected that the other party had some superb divination prophet.

Even the peripheral auxiliary rituals were smashed by a dragon. The other party was just like a full-map cheat, and he found the ritual nodes accurately every time!

Several ritual sites have been destroyed, and the transformed monsters that served as nodes have also been killed by him, as well as some important gold-level combat forces that will be used in the future.

The situation was clearly under control a few days ago, but it's only been a few days, and the situation is about to change!

"This crazy dragon, the power of my Lord's blessing cannot be trapped by your body!"

Recalling the other party's behavior, even he, a madman, felt that the other party was a bit too radical. Indeed, the great Lord's methods are unpredictable.

Even if some of the methods were destroyed in the middle, it didn't matter. He had already made plans that some key ritual nodes would be destroyed. The power of blessing can be attached to life and more things.

Even if there are heroes who really draw their swords and stand up to kill monsters, they will turn into evil dragons in the final ritual venue and become part of the ritual!

But the other party actually fell into madness, using his body as a container, letting go of the absorption power, and then reversed, opening the map at an extremely fast speed. It was almost smashed before the ritual was completed!

Just explode with him!

Look at the other party, he has become a pathetic thing that can only roar, and his appearance is almost distorted to the point that he is not a species of white dragon!

But it was a trouble after all. His decision at that time was a mistake, and he had to correct it with his own hands today!

"Dragon... Arrogant dragon, from now on is the era of my Lord. I will personally sweep out you, the garbage that should not exist in my Lord's world!"

He has walked out of the underground stone chamber. The countless blasphemous objects and octagonal runes buried in it have been burned by the flames. He will not leave any traces.

And just in time, the huge white dragon has flown into the sky. The shadow cast by it seems to be darker than the black robe on his body. The wind sweeping over slightly lifted a corner of the robe.


He used the souls of the innocent people in his hands as fuel. The blessed holy fire was ignited.

This is the power given by the Lord. In essence, it is the power of blessing. The flame is just an appearance.

The real core is consumption, exhaustion, the dissipation of the soul, and it will expand one day.

The sun that is melting is the universe that is inevitably heading towards the end of heat death!

It is the end of everything.

It is the ashes after burning.

However, even if he has been ranked as a gold level, the cost of using fire is still extremely huge, and it is even possible that he will burn himself without distinguishing between enemies and friends.

Therefore, most of the time, he only uses a very small part of his power. Ordinary people only need to let the firelight reflect into their pupils, and then the memory will be quickly burned by the fire.

And the burning process is not a simple and rough erasure, but a natural forgetting. This is a biological instinct, and the fire just accelerates this process.

This way of use can be simply and roughly regarded as the Crimson King.

Just like before, ignite the enemy's moves, and the ice dragon will be burned instantly. Just ignite a part, and the whole frame will naturally break, and then the aftermath will dissipate.

By burning his presence and movement traces to exhaustion, he could move silently. However, people above the silver level had refined their souls to be transparent and flawless, so he could only make the other party dazed for a moment.

"But, this is enough."

The fire of blessing permeated under the black robe, and then he turned his body's magic power towards the white dragon that had already flown over in the sky.

The black and red flames condensed into a spiral and gathered at the tip of his finger. The extremely high temperature twisted the air, and the extremely compressed flames turned into vicious claws.

He was full of confidence. Even the ancient dragon, in his eyes, was just an old thing that was lingering on and had a body destroyed!

But he could be called a strong man in the gold level, with enough strength to kill an adult dragon alone, plus the power of blessing on his body, how could he lose?

How could he lose? !

"How... could he lose?"

A transparent barrier suddenly appeared on the way to sprint, and he noticed it immediately.

But he didn't care, instead he sneered, this kind of defense that couldn't feel any magic aura was not worth mentioning at all!

Go to hell! Old thing...


He bumped into it like a fly.


Mephisto really didn't expect that he could still encounter such a thing as a fraud in this other world.

Let's go back a little.

He was still on the way to his destination.

This time the traffic package was too obvious, and the soaring magic aura could be smelled from a long distance.

He thought it was very considerate, and was afraid that he couldn't find it, so he specially marked the points.

The more surprising thing was still to come, Mephisto saw that two traffic packages, one large and one small, were actually stuck together and came towards him!

Then, before he could be polite, he felt so embarrassed, he saw a little ant in a black robe, with flames on his body, rushing towards him.


"No, I'm a dragon. How dare you do that with my size and tonnage?"

But if you look more closely, isn't this the large data package he coveted?

At this moment, he was in a state of joy, but also mixed with a hint of other emotions, because...

"...Oh no, isn't this the real owner of the other party looking for me?"

This time, I was sweating profusely, brother.

Think about what I did for data traffic before, smashing other people's properties, breathing towards the target location, and turning the entire building into Wangwang broken ice.

In short, I destroyed many buildings that exuded magical aura and were engraved with magic circles, and swallowed up all the magic. In the eyes of others, this behavior... wouldn't it be the behavior of an evil dragon?

Mephisto has always adhered to the concept of shaping himself into the image of a good dragon. Even if he can't be one, at least he shouldn't become the kind of evil dragon that everyone wants to kill.

Otherwise, he suspected that one day he would be killed by a group of people shouting about bond and friendship, and then flashing a lot of memories.

After all, this is a different world, and there is no need to talk about physics.

In his memory, there are many of his dragon predecessors who were surrounded and killed, and various powerful people killed them alone, although he has not met any decent opponents so far.

However, in this icy and snowy place, similar to the Arctic, there are not many people at all, and it is normal not to meet any strong people.

Although the language is not communicated, there is no way to solve it so far, but his behavior of rescuing the beast tide should be seen by many people, right? Will he be beaten like this?

...Although he really wants to kill the other party and get the traffic, what if there is a negotiation?

Thinking of this, Mephisto raised the photon reflection barrier, trying to make the other party stop.

He was considerate enough to give the other party enough time to react.

Then time went back to the present.

Mephisto watched the other party hit the barrier like a fly, and it looked painful. His first reaction was to find surveillance to prove that the other party hit it by himself.

If it doesn't work, there are still people in the city. Let's see if anyone with sharp eyes can prove to him that this person hit it by himself.

The other party was not satisfied with just hitting him. He was extremely stubborn and attacked him around him. The dense fire attack covered his whole body like raindrops, and the huge flaming bone claws held him.

The fire snakes wrapped in black magic, jumping constantly, the charred skulls spewing flames, and the ferocious faces with vicious roars emerged in the flames.

The red and black flames kept jumping, trying to reach out to the white dragon.

But the photon reflection barrier was still like the wall of sighs. The flames had no effect. This was a barrier that could reflect even the radiation heat rays of hundreds of thousands of degrees in Heisei G.

But Mephisto no longer wanted to be beaten.

Not only did this special effect not look like a good guy, but more importantly, he was so quiet, and so far he just opened the barrier and took the beating honestly, which was enough to show his attitude.

The other party did not look like a good person.

The other party was not a good person.

The other party had only one goal.

The raging flames outside were reflected in Mephisto's pupils. The flames burned in his pupils, but inside was something colder than the flames.

Colder than the sub-zero temperature of the universe.

The other party wanted to kill him.

So he did open the map for traffic, but first of all, all the people he killed before were monsters, but if he was asked to kill people directly, he would still hesitate.

After all, he was a human being before, and he was not a traditional destiny protagonist. He thought about making the best of it every day, and the law of the jungle was on his lips, and he was decisive in killing.

After all, he had completed nine years of compulsory education, so he still had a certain level of morality.

He still had some reservations about his former kind, but now it was different. The other party had already started to want to kill him.

He didn't want to be a dragon because he was afraid of death.

Being afraid of death doesn't mean being easy to bully.

He slightly opened his mouth full of sharp teeth.

"I was a little bit reserved, but now... thank you for giving me a sufficient reason."

The other party's offensive paused for a moment, and he felt a palpitation for some reason.

The monster awakened.

The God of Destruction from the universe, the ultimate fighting life form.

Slightly, he cast his eyes on the insignificant ground.

Killing, excluding suicide, requires at least two individuals to carry out.

This is an interaction. When this behavior begins, everyone is given the same right to kill.

You want to kill me, and I want to kill you too. This is reasonable, right?

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