The main city is called Proletto. As the lord city of the territory, it is naturally the largest. The mansion and castle of the Dotlev family are located in the center. This ancient building is built along a mountain. The castle is located on the top of the mountain. It is towering, with dense protruding sentries like fangs, biting the never-ending north wind. The towers and chimneys that rise and fall one after another spread outward, extending all the way to the towering inner ring walls on the periphery, and then to the outermost wall. Of course, there are a lot of people. But to be honest, Fei'er doesn't think there is much to visit. She was still interested when she first crossed over, but now she is no longer interested, and she doesn't want to spend money on such a small place. The same is true for Dot Levi, because it is really uncomfortable to have something tied around his neck and not be able to speak.

Bing Lisi may be similar, but she may just be thinking it out. It doesn’t matter what she does, but she should be the happiest one among the two unhappy ones.

A world where only Bing Lisi is happy is born!

The man and the dog behind her played a great role in this shopping trip.

Dot Levi is responsible for holding Bing Lisi’s hand with his neck to prevent her from getting lost.

Fei’er is behind her to pay for anything she wants to eat and tell her where she can’t go.

…I don’t know why, when the ice elf recognizes many concepts of human society, it will gradually become a little bit disdainful.

There are a lot of people on the street, refugees who have fled from other villages and cities attacked by monsters, snobbish businessmen, adventurers who go with the flow, or exiled nobles.

Even groups of soldiers in uniform and armored.

Far more people than usual were crammed into the city, but fortunately, the problem of food and clothing could be solved. One of the reasons was that the bodies of a large number of monsters that died or were killed by a dragon could be preserved a little longer in this icy environment.

And from time to time, you can also encounter a large number of monster bodies that were shocked to death or frozen into ice sculptures for unknown reasons in the wild.

In addition, Vane took action and beat up all those who wanted to take advantage of the fire and cut leeks. He also took out the property of those families who colluded with the Abyss Church and purchased a large amount of food from the safe area in the rear.

A large amount of supplies flowed into the city to ensure the operation of the city. The refugees were sent to repair the city walls, houses, and facilities to defend against monsters, and the lords directly provided work.

The middle process?


You said there were dissatisfactions, of course there were!

Then those who dared to make trouble were beaten to pieces by the biggest fist.

The Dotlev family has the biggest fist. In a world where extraordinary force truly exists, the difference in individual force can be widened greatly.

There are several families or forces in the territory that have complaints about Vane's behavior, although there are also gold-level strongmen.

But these guys may not be able to beat Vane together, and they have to smile even if their teeth are knocked out.

The strong force deterrence has formed the current picture of order.

Fei'er heard that Vane is also trying to contact the royal court of the Roen Empire to get support from there. It would be best if a few gold-level strongmen could be shaken to take charge.

Well, the monster frenzy in the north is indeed worthy of some attention. If the north can't bear it, the capital is not far to the south.

In this process, he kicked out those who he didn't like, those who disliked him, those who took the opportunity to dislike him, and those who were disliked by him... It seems that he really succeeded in attracting some people.

However, it seemed that they were caught up in the traditional high-level fighting and scheming of the flying dance. Vane's political rhetoric was definitely not as good as those who were good at talking. His fists could not break the opponent's spears, so it seemed that the close wolf guard was asked to do the mouthpiece...

What was the final result? Fei'er didn't hear about it. In the end, I can only say one thing: it is worthy of being a traditional high-level art unique to the other world...

Wait, it seems that it is not just the other world.

"Hmm...? The church seems to belong to the Dawn School, but there is one here?"

Fei'er walked past a street corner with a paper bag full of snacks and saw a white church with a small tower.

There were colorful windows on the wall, and lifelike stone flowers and rock leaves covered with yellow paint to symbolize the golden branches and leaves of the morning light. There was a bronze bell hanging on the tower.

That was the church of the Dawn School, which belonged to the Holy Light Church.

Speaking of the other world, the traditional church that believes in light is naturally indispensable. This

Of course there is one in the world, and the name is quite vulgar, called the Holy Light Church.

They believe in the God of Light.

There are three factions in it, and they believe that:

Light is time, the future that can be seen, and the most direct manifestation of miracles.

Therefore, the track of the endless sun engraved in the sky is the footprint of God.

People divide the three aspects of God according to the time of day and the color of the sky.

And the Dawn faction was born in this way.

It is rumored that one of the aspects of God is a young woman in white cloth at dawn, with her hands and feet wrapped in branches and leaves that are rendered golden by light.

Her duty is to break the egg with light. Before that, she needs to endure the night that is colder and darker than everything, and choose the right time to break the eggshell and release the light.

She will ring the bell at the beginning of the birth of the light of the day, between dawn and dusk, on the top of the highest and coldest snow mountain, announcing the end of the night and the arrival of light.

The name given to it by people is Dawn.

So people in this world generally regard the time when the goddess rings the bell as the bell time - about six o'clock in the morning, as the standard for a new day.

And in the church, the church that believes in this goddess also generally has a big bell.

Some more sincere nuns will conscientiously ring the big bell at six o'clock every morning, but most people are lazy dogs, so that many big bells in the Dawn Church are more of a decorative display.

"Oh... By the way, I wonder if I can learn the skills of the Holy Light System."

Fei'er's eyes lit up.

The Holy Light Church has a unique and exclusive holy light power, which is similar to magic and does not belong to any element.

The most important thing is that the holy light can effectively fight against the dark power of the Abyss Church!

Considering that there is the Abyss Church causing trouble in the North now, and there will be the birth of the Demon King and the outbreak of the Abyss Rift in a few decades, as well as the powerful skills of the Holy Light System itself, it will definitely be worth learning.

"But it's a pity that this church is the Dawn Church. If you have a chance, go to the Daylight Temple. There should be more people who can use the Holy Light there."

It's a pity that the foreshadowing of the Dawn has not been seen yet...

With her own plug-in skill book, she feels that there is a high probability that she can learn the Holy Light. If she wants to learn the Dawn now... forget it, it's too early.

First of all, let's mention that people who can control the Holy Light are not cabbages, even in the Holy Light Church with countless believers.

And there are even fewer people who awaken the Holy Light on their own. Most of them awaken after joining the church, praying day after day, and practicing the concept.

Fei'er doesn't think that there will be any sweeping monks in such a small church in the Northland in the Dawn Sect, where the number of Holy Light members is pitiful. Although the main temple of the Dawn Sect is in the Northland, only the brave can enter that place, and she doesn't know where it is.

According to the different concepts of the three major branches, the way of using Holy Light, that is, magic, is naturally different.

Among the three major holy light sects: Dusk, Daylight, and Morning, compared with the most powerful and most widely followed Daylight, the Morning has always had the fewest people who can awaken the holy light, and there are many people who are mixed up and just get by.

The status of the Morning Holy Light Magic is also quite embarrassing. It is not as good as the Daylight in terms of killing and healing. The only thing they can show is purification.

But what can the only difference, purification, do?

Well, it can treat insomnia, anxiety, and coax children to sleep.

At least for now, that's all.

It can soothe the spirit.

Even the advanced purification holy light magic can't show much effect, and the number of people who awaken the holy light in this sect is the least, so few that even if it doubles, it can't compare to half of any two sects.

Not only is the effect weak, but it also depends on qualifications.

Therefore, the holy light of the Morning has gradually dimmed over the past few hundred years, and compared with the daylight that is in its heyday, it is completely overshadowed by its brilliance.

This sect was like being abandoned by the God of Light.

But Fei'er knew that the holy light of the Dawn Sect was the softest and purest among the three major sects, and the purified holy light magic would be able to show its power in just a few decades.

Because this is the most effective magic against the power of the abyss.

But unfortunately, the light of the Dawn was extinguished at that time, and the last Dawn Saint was also submerged in darkness.

"... Forget it."

Fei'er still left.

She remembered that Vane seemed to have invited several people of at least bishop level to come and take charge. If they could come, it would not be difficult to ask for advice.

It's not that she looked down on the Dawn Sect. It was obvious that there was something hidden and hidden.

The power of the pen, because this school is not only the most difficult, but also the most laborious.

Now the North is like a powder keg, with sparks flying from all directions.

She doesn't have that much time and resources! To test what is hidden in it!

Wait, that's right...

Fei'er suddenly looked at the distance, where Bing Lisi was shoveling some frozen fruit into her mouth.

"Bing Lisi, do you see that church? Yes, the one in Dawn."

She pointed in the direction: "That one, the one... Let me ask, what do you know about Dawn and Holy Light?"

If it was Bing Lisi, who was almost history itself, maybe she would know something! Fei'er held her little hand.

Then, in Fei'er's starry eyes, she responded mercilessly: "No! There is more..."

"I want to eat that... Buy it for me!"

"... OK."

Bing Lisi dragged the little white dog with a look of despair behind her, followed by Fei'er who was carrying more and more snacks.

Bing Lisi really didn't know the inside story of the Holy Light power of the Dawn Sect. She might know, but she couldn't remember. But in the end, why did she need to know anything about humans?

...But it was a little familiar. She seemed to have seen that Holy Light thing somewhere.

It seemed that it was a little different from the Holy Light Fei'er was talking about now...


Bing Lisi suddenly turned around and looked back.

She didn't notice anything. Everything was the same as before.

She took the snacks Fei'er handed over, thinking that she was going to take them.

The figures of two people and one dog. They were not conspicuous in the dense crowd on the street.

The same thing happened to a man who looked exhausted, wrapped in an inconspicuous linen robe and bandaged.

He seemed to be heading somewhere.

The skin on his occasionally exposed hands and feet looked normal, but for some reason, the wrinkles on his skin and the texture of his muscles seemed to burn like flames.

He unconsciously, but as if aware of it, he avoided the tower projection with the bronze bell in disgust and pulled down his hood to block the annoying golden branches.

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