After reading the information collected by the Wolf Guard, Vane exhaled. As usual, he pulled out an iron wine bottle from under his desk and began to pour it into his mouth again. Now the situation in various places is getting better. The monsters have almost disappeared. The various strongholds of the Abyss Church have been successively eliminated, and the colluding nobles have been ruthlessly dragged out and beheaded for public display. After the master came back, Dot Levi's nose became much more sensitive. Although the affairs of the Abyss Church must not be directly stated as evidence, most of them, as long as they are carefully dug, are enough to behead the nobles several times. But he is still a little worried. "The most important priest and another assistant have almost disappeared..."

The document contains figures suspected to be Quvenfeld and Salva with unique magic marks, and the location seems to be in a secret gathering place of nobles.

The undercover who sent this information committed suicide without hesitation after realizing that his thoughts seemed to be transformed by the evil god's belief.

And this information is connected to another document that has just been sent.

Vane put down this information and looked at the other one.

The location is an abandoned city that has been bloodbathed by monsters. It should have been covered in wind and snow, but the spy who sent this information was attracted by extremely violent magic fluctuations.

It is suspected that there are many beings with at least silver and gold levels fighting each other, and there may be a person named Salva on the important attention list.

According to the information sent back by the spy, plus Vane's own and Dot Levi's analysis, there may be a hall-level existence there, most likely one of the two people on the two important attention lists.

With this information, there are also several branded pictures.

Some of them are the overall bird's-eye view of the city. This perspective seems to be domesticated falcons and other animals. According to the above pattern analysis, at least one-fifth of the city's main area has been directly hit by large-scale ice magic.

And the person who cast this spell is also suspected to be a temple. This is based on the elements left at the scene and the traces of magic power. Of course, there is also a more accurate personal stamp from Dot Levi.

Another bird's-eye view photo was taken some time later, in fact, not long, maybe less than half an hour. Starting from the castle in the center of the city, covering about twelve kilometers outside the city on the west side, a huge fan-shaped trace appeared directly.

At the starting point of the fan, there is a large area of ​​melted magma cooling, and there are traces of crystallization. The surrounding snow has also melted in large areas. It is speculated that someone may have cast extremely high-level fire magic here.

A large patch of black soil appeared on the white snowy plain, dotted with icing sugar, as if a giant used a spoon to scoop a spoonful of it on the snowy plain like digging a cake.

And left this shocking scar.

There were also a small number of human corpses in the city, including people who had already been recorded dead, but there seemed to be a lot of traces of human activities.


Wane squinted his eyes carefully and took out the third photo. This time it was not a city, but a creature.

The photo was not clear because of the distance, and only a few scales and claws could be seen from it... but it was still shocking enough.

A huge, ferocious dragon with crystal-like dorsal spines on its back poked out a corner of its majestic appearance from the hillside.

It was stretching its wings and pretending to fly, and the tamed storms around it were obediently entangled on one side.

According to the analysis of a wizard lady who happened to come to the North and knew a lot about dragons, she relied on the claw marks and other traces left at the site, as well as the body proportion analysis of the photos.

This dragon suspected to be a white dragon was too strong and ferocious in appearance compared to ordinary white dragons, and some of its features were more like black dragons.

Not only did it have a large number of dorsal spines of unknown function, but the direction of the protruding muscles on its body was also different from that of ordinary dragons. What was most surprising was its size, which at least far exceeded the level of ancient dragons, and its body length alone was more than twice that of an ordinary adult dragon.

Vane opened the drawer and took out the rest of the photos from a file bag. Some were large and some were small, and the sources were different, but all of them showed the figure of a dragon.

He took them one by one in his hand and compared them with the latest one.

Comparing the photos, although this kind of comparison had been done for him before, and it was confirmed that they were the same individual, but Vane still wanted to see it himself.

"Is this really a dragon?"

Big question.

His brows twisted into a question mark shape.

Because it was really a bit too incredible. It was strong enough to repel a Hall-level, and there were more than ten other beings including gold-level beings besieging, which was easy to explain.

After all, the general dragons are powerful, and it is not difficult to understand that there are some particularly strong individuals among the already powerful dragons.

It is not unacceptable that they look a little weird.

But the size of the other party is a bit weird. From the eyewitness reports collected by various personnel at the beginning, the body length was analyzed to be about 30 meters, and almost every new discovery would increase in size.

And now the body size has reached at least 50 meters. In other words, if this is really the same individual, it means that the other party has grown by more than half in size in a few months?

Vane was also confused when he listened to the report of the equally confused analysts.

It's a bit outrageous. This is a dragon, not a mushroom, right? It can't grow by drinking water!

It takes at least a hundred years for a dragon to hatch from an egg and grow to adulthood, and most of the growth time will be spent in a long sleep.

But even in the most rapidly developing young dragon stage of a dragon's life, it is impossible for the body length to double in just a few months, and the young dragon will still sleep during this period.

But it's only been a few months, how can this dragon sleep? There are dragons punching in many cities in the North, and the frequency is so high, which means that this dragon grew taller during frequent activities?

Even the young lady wizard who had studied the Dragon Slope proposed an outrageous idea:

"The dragon's body size has far exceeded the adult stage, and it is still growing at an astonishing rate, and there is no sign of a slowdown so far."

"So is there a possibility, I mean a possibility, that this dragon is actually still in its infancy or adolescence? Is it actually not as old as imagined? After all, there is no sign of an old dragon on the outside..."

That's what the blonde lady wizard with glasses said.

But Vane felt that the other party's idea was a bit too outrageous. The information he collected about the dragons himself did not show that there was a dragon that could touch the soles of this one in terms of size, and there was no relevant example in history.

Based on the information collected so far, if this dragon also entered the palace, and the other party's law had any strange effects, it would be easy to explain.

Vane forced himself to accept this more reasonable statement that was more in line with his cognition.

"Bang... Bang..."



"... Enter."

The door was knocked open.

Even before he asked who it was, Wann knew it was Bing Lisi, dragging the hopeless Dot Levi behind him.

Fei'er shrugged helplessly beside him, and it was obvious that she didn't stop him.

So what was this person trying to do again...


Before he started brainstorming, Bing Lisi's little face had already shown an unprecedented gloomy expression, and the ice in her pupils contained anger.

"Someone has touched my things, I'm going to kill him."

"...What is that."

Seeing this expression, Vane also knew that the matter was not simple, and there were not many things that could make the other party pay attention, not to mention that it belonged to the Ice Elves, so wouldn't it be only...

"Someone has touched my fragments, I have already felt where they put my body... I'm going to kill him and take it back."

She was already furious, and unprecedented anger and majesty appeared on her childish face that was out of tune with it. For a moment, Dot Levi next to her seemed to see a long-lost memory.

That was how Bing Lisi was at that time.

Bing Lisi's control and connection of her own body fragments are unimaginable to ordinary people. If she hadn't voluntarily divided her body and sealed each important fragment separately, she might have automatically gathered after sleeping.

And somewhere far away, her body fragments gathered in large quantities, and used the fluctuations of the power of the law, even in the Northland, she could feel it even if she was separated by who knows how many miles!

Using the fragments of Ice Liss was undoubtedly like another naughty kid smashing her figurine cabinet in front of him! Not hitting him on the spot, or killing him without a word, was considered well-mannered.


Vane frowned, knowing what she was going to do, but he was still worried:

"Could it be a trap?"

"So what if it's a trap... Those bugs were just hiding before. After I retrieve the fragments, they will all die!"

Bing Lisi is confident, and even more proud. Even if she was divided and sealed before, it was on her own initiative. Now that she has a strong subjective consciousness of aggregation, as long as there is a certain distance, even the space seal can't stop it.

Elemental elves are born to master the laws. Under this deeper connection, nothing can stop them.

Previously, she just couldn't find the filthy cave of the bugs in the ground, and her fragments were probably sealed, so she couldn't find it.

Now, if she dares to use her fragments as bait, she can merge back to the invincible ice elf on the spot! Then she can kill all the bugs with a slipper!

Traps can capture ordinary beasts, even tigers, lions and other beasts, but they can't trap whales.

"There are two of them... You are not a match for them in your current weak state."

"Hmph, I know, so I want Awang to take them away. It is not a problem for me to defeat one of them. As long as Awang can hold the other one, they will all die when I retrieve the fragment!"

This is somewhat convincing.

Dot Levi's strength is not weak. Even if the opponent is a palace and cannot be defeated, he will never be defeated easily. What's more, Bing Lisi is by his side, which is the best assistant.

The fragment of the Ice Spirit is of great significance. Even if it is a trap, it is also a great opportunity for Party B. What if the other party is negligent?

"... Miss Fei'er, what do you think?"

Wane turned his head to look at Fei'er who was silent on the side. The other party had more insights than him at a deeper level, and Fei'er nodded with difficulty after thinking about it.

"...It should be possible. If Bing Lisi said so, then we can bet on it."

The Great Elves in their heyday in the novel are indeed terrifying. They are basically the background board that never appears. Moreover, the Northern Emperor can have the Abyss Church to do such things, but the Great Elves are sealed and gone.

It is better to bet on this than to have the entire Northland fall in one go. The situation will not be worse than that. It is better to take the initiative than to hide.

She also considered whether this is a trap.

So isn't this suggesting that Bing Lisi come to call for help?

Vane knew what it meant. He slapped the table and the close wolf guard appeared silently beside him. This person is quite powerful and is also ranked gold, so he can lead other wolf guards.

"Take my sensor token with you. I will let him and a team of elite wolf guards accompany you. You can call me at any time if there is danger."

Vane still has to stay in the main city, and because of the recent mixed events, there are even people from the inland Roen Empire, who can easily become powder kegs. He has to make a formation as a lord.

Two fish hooks were hanging from the sky.

The ferocious tiger shark bit one of the hooks.

Where is the other fish hook?

In an area at least a hundred miles away from Proleto.

The giant dragon, wrapped in storms and lightning, spewed out freezing breath, freezing a building below, along with the filthy ritual node buried underground, into an ice sculpture.

With a flap of its wings, the spreading storm twisted the remaining monsters that were frozen into ice sculptures but not dead yet into ice chips.

This is the last red dot.

Mephisto heard a new prompt again and looked up.

Probably not too far away, a larger red dot, passing by at a moderate speed as if passing by.

Is there a new one?

He thought they were all dead.

"Looks like I have to get busy again."

The huge dragon flapped its wings, glanced at the stunned humans below, and flew into the clouds.

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