The cold weather was so cold.

"It's so cold..."

Filts wrapped her robe tightly.

As a noble wizard, her physique was not as strong as a warrior, and she had no fighting spirit to protect her body.

Because her main elements were water and earth, and her secondary element was ice.

Therefore, she couldn't achieve a constant temperature around her through delicate operations like some students who majored in fire elements, nor could she block the cold wind from the outside world like those who majored in wind elements.

As for the robe with a constant temperature magic array effect, woven with precious materials that can conduct magic power, it was not something that a poor person like her could afford.

She could only put on any clothes that she could wear.

If she wasn't poor, she wouldn't have to leave the camp with a large-scale constant temperature magic circle and follow her teacher outside just for those pitiful credits.

"Wow... it doesn't look like there is any here."

She put the tripod on her back on the ground. On the top, a celestial sphere composed of round iron rings with a metallic luster kept rotating.

The two structures in the middle symbolize the sun and the moon. These two elements that account for a large proportion of astrology drive the outer stars to rotate continuously.

After taking a look, Fields took out the notebook wrapped in heavy leather and wrote down the exploration record of this place. After writing, he quickly put his red hands back into his robe.

"To be honest, if there is a mineral vein of that level, how could it be such a barren place."

She just thought that the lord wanted to get rich and was crazy.

It was the mentor who took the outsourcing of the exploration of magic crystal mines, but was attracted by the passing earth dragon halfway. How come the job was thrown to her?

Fields didn't know how his majors in water and earth were regarded in another world, but he could only sigh helplessly.

"Huh... What's wrong with the lord that he wants to explore here..."

First of all, magic crystal mines are not limited to one kind of mineral, but can refer to the concept of all ores rich in magic power.

And the status of this kind of ore is almost equivalent to the black gold next door.

Then it stands to reason, at least according to what Fields has learned, if there is really a magic crystal mine close to the surface, then the whole area will have an increase in the overall magic concentration due to the magic power emitted naturally.

The most obvious consequence is that this area will attract or breed powerful monsters, which will be obviously stronger than their kind, or the plants will have obvious abnormal growth.

This area is completely barren, not only are there monsters, but the vegetation is also quite sparse, and the gold content added up is not as good as the earth dragon that her mentor just tracked.

As for, do you think there are super high-quality mineral veins that are buried deep, have extremely high content and are rarely leaked?

It is recommended to buy lottery tickets here.

So how much did the lord give to make her stingy mentor willing to do this job?

The most outrageous thing is that in the end it was not the mentor who did this job, but herself!

The brain was cursing in a mental storm. There was also a dead horse face on her face, but the body was still honest to continue working, dragging the heavy exploration equipment and continuing to walk.

Then, a little accident finally came.


"Ah hey hey!!!"

It was nearly a hundred meters, the flames rising into the sky and the shock waves spreading outward!

The huge sound and the terrifying scale, even here you can feel a hot wind, and even the proportion of fire elements in the air is rising.

Then several huge dazzling fireballs and pointed spears fell, a red flame ring spread out, and a huge red magic circle lit up in the sky.

However, the magic circle was broken with a loud bang, and there was a loud noise.

A figure wrapped in a red transparent sphere rushed out from the flames.

Before she could see clearly, a stern black shadow attacked from behind and killed it from the air.


Then there was another larger-scale sky-high flame column, and a huge tornado wrapped in flames ruthlessly strangled it, connecting the sky and the earth.

"No, it's not... What is that?"

Fields almost fell to the ground without sitting still - Chunchun was scared.

That scale of magic and this level of magic power... It seems that her mentor is the only one around here?

What on earth could make him fight?

Then, she felt someone pulling her clothes from behind

robe, looked back, and was frightened, and didn't recognize who it was for a while.

Where did the old man come from?

But after careful identification.

"Teacher, mentor! Lord Xiong!"

"Puwa... take me, go quickly! Use this..."

An old man came out from a dark crack, wearing a tattered, burnt, and mars-hanging brown-red robe, with gray beard and hair, and spitting blood from his mouth.

Even the spitted blood fell on the ground with a sizzling sound. The temperature was so high that the crystal ball in his hand burned his skin and flesh, and he couldn't help but fall out of his hand.

He couldn't say anything, and kept talking. The hand with the ring flashed, and then stuffed a scroll marked with turquoise ink into her hand.

"This, this is... Wind Walk?"

Just holding the scroll in her hand, she could feel the magic power contained in it, which was greater than her own. The scroll was made of precious fabrics made of precious materials that could carry and guide magic power. Moreover, this level of spell, this thing is more expensive than all her belongings combined.

And it is a spell of displacement speed amplification type, which is obviously one of her mentor's life-saving capital!

What kind of thing can beat a magician of her mentor's level like this in such a short time?

It's broken, and now even her hands are starting to nag.

"Okay, okay, hold on to me, I'll..." Fields carried his unconscious mentor on his shoulders, and was about to open the scroll, leaving his backpack and measuring instruments aside, ignoring everything.


Then, there was a huge roar, and rocks rolled down, and the hill in front of her was knocked open.

A rock also hit Fields' head.

It hurt a little, but she didn't have time to care about it.

She was completely enveloped by the huge black shadow in front of her.

First, a hot breath hit her face.

It was a huge black dragon covered with black and gray scales, with a ferocious appearance and a strong physique!

Its strong arms and sharp claws plowed deep grooves in the ground, and its thick tail swayed behind it, easily splitting mountains and rocks, showing its immense power.

Its bloody mouth opened and closed slightly, and the protruding sharp fangs seemed to flash with cold light. Its ferocious appearance was the best manifestation of its brutality.

The vertical pupils of the behemoth were staring at her weak ant, and the terrifying pressure was like a substance, oppressing her body, mind and soul, and even the magic power in her body was stagnant.


A black dragon.

"Ah, ah..."

Fields was already scared. Her actual combat record was at most shooting moving targets. In a sense, she, a standard academic, didn't even have a real decent battle.

The battle with classmates was more like academic exchange than fighting.

The serious fight against monsters was probably only at the level of killing pheasants outside.

Why... why... did she have to encounter an opponent of the level of a dragon when she ran out for the first time?

Just in this kind of oppressive environment, it would be difficult for her to even construct magic, right?

For a moment, she didn't notice that this black dragon had no wings.

Wait, opponent? Am I crazy? Why do I want to be an enemy of it?


The huge black dragon in front of her opened its mouth slightly, and the majestic roar filled with anger shook her mind and called back her consciousness. She didn't say anything, but Fields felt that she had understood the meaning.

Dragons are a species with high intelligence and can speak. At this moment, the other party must be disdainful of talking to an ant like her. It depends on whether she knows how to behave.

Fields slowly put down the scroll at hand to show his sincerity.

She heard that dragons have the habit of collecting treasures, so she put her backpack, the precious magic tools in the teacher's hands, and other treasures she could find in the school's public space storage ring.

Then she was very respectful, lowered her head and piled them in front of her without daring to look.


The black dragon lowered its huge head and stared at the small ring in the human's hand in front of it, seeming to be a little interested.

Fields felt that he had made the right bet.


It opened its mouth and let out a slight roar, obviously telling her to get out.

"Thank you, thank you Lord Black Dragon for not killing me, I'll get out now!" Fields picked up the unconscious mentor next to him, then picked up the wind scroll next to him and opened it.

A breeze engulfed the bodies of the two people, and a small tornado rose from the ground, and then quickly ran away.

Then he didn't even see the black dragon behind him, covering his mouth with his hands and staring at his eyes.

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