The wound was so severe that the fire of decay became stronger.

"What's going on? Can Rodan's blood-reducing real injury have a continuous buff?"

From time to time, a spark burst out from the surface of his body, and Mephisto, who was cursing, had to continue to wrestle with the flying fire of decay.

Now Mephisto gradually fell into a disadvantage.


The more serious the injury, the more powerful the fire of decay became. The remaining authority was maximized at this moment, and its energy level was continuously promoted to a higher level.

His body was like a piece of cracked porcelain, and from time to time, some high-temperature substances would burst out from the cracks, using his own soul, the kingdom of God, and the previously sacrificed souls as fuel.

The flames turned from pitch black to blazing white, spreading from the huge wound on the chest to the whole body. The edge of the wings turned into the sun's disk, constantly whistling out solar storms that illuminated the star system!

The wings can even be used for slashing. With the extremely high temperature edge and huge power, Mephisto blocked several times with his wings, leaving several cuts.

Another close-range flame impact, which pushed Mephisto back, and the fire of decay directly released a scattered white beam from the wound on the chest!

"Fuck! You can't bully me like Zhenjiang and spray more at a time, right!"

Mephisto also radiated heat rays in return, intercepting the waves in the air, and the photon reflection shield supported by the surroundings refracted several more, but he was still hit by several.

This time he was grinning in pain, and the situation was even worse.

This unscrupulous Rodan cheated and exploded. After changing the color of the flame skin, the threat level to Mephisto increased sharply.

Not only has his strength been greatly improved, but his close combat is even more crazy. The flames covering his body are not only extremely hot, but can also weaken his energy attack methods such as radiation heat rays and space claws.

Mephisto's original strategy was to consume, relying on the energy supply of the surrounding crystal field and the high-speed repair of his own g cells. It is beneficial for him to fight a protracted war, and Rodan, who looks half dead when he meets him, will definitely not be able to fight him.

But now several large-scale fire storms have not only destroyed his crystal field, but also the wounds left after being burned by that kind of flame are difficult to repair!

It seems that some kind of power is stagnant on the wound, coupled with the increasingly serious energy chaos in Mephisto's body, which continuously brings blood loss.

Now it seems that Mephisto is the one who can't consume.

He has supported himself to this day by relying on the terrible values ​​of the two templates superimposed together. Even if there is no resentful soul constitution, the simple space g may not be able to defend.

And what's worse is that because of the current energy state in the body and the previous multiple sprays, Mephisto is now a little short of energy supply.

But then I thought of a good way to fight.

And it can still be worn out.

"Where did you come from, the Dark Supreme! After starting the turmoil and being beaten, you turned around and gave me the ultimate sublimation?"

"If I do this again, how will you deal with it!?"


The Fire of Decay pounced on him again. Although it was in the shape of a pterodactyl, it suppressed Mephisto in close combat. The white flames covering the surroundings brought AOE damage all the time.

The two beings fought each other, and the surrounding kingdoms collapsed and the laws were wiped out.

"You blocked my blood recovery, right? Then don't recover, I will treat you as a blood bag today!"

Mephisto hated monsters with fast blood recovery, but he was unhappy when he couldn't recover blood. The black dragon opened its ferocious mouth and bit directly on the shoulder of the Fire of Decay, and pulled off a piece of flesh and blood tissue like lava from it!

After chewing it a few times, he swallowed it directly into his stomach. The huge energy brought by the rapid digestion made Mephisto refreshed. He fired a direct shot at his face, radiating heat rays with orange-red current!

This is his simple and practical strategy. If he has no energy, he will rob the opponent!

Relying on his own thick blood bar, he directly hit the opponent in close combat and bit the opponent!

The blow close to the corona ray blew up nearly half of the head of the Flame of Decay, but the opponent only let out a more shrill and crazy roar, and scratched Mephisto's chest with a sharp claw, splashing a large piece of sparks.

The space claws collided with the claws wrapped in flames, and the legs kicked the ground. The strong and powerful arms held the claws of the Flame of Decay tightly, but the flexible ones behind him, covered with crystal guns,

Tail lightning suddenly rushed over the head.

In an instant, it pierced into the gap in the chest of the Decaying Flame!


The trauma this time was really big, and the sharp crystals were even about to penetrate the body from behind, but the background behind Mephisto began to surge with energy light, and began to learn the behavior of Godzilla's traditional enemies.

Closely wrapped around the opponent to absorb energy!

The crystals that proliferated in space g have a strong absorption effect on energy, and those that grow on their own bodies will definitely be stronger!

After the supply, Mephisto once again got close to the opponent without caring about any loss. A radioactive heat ray was fired at the face, and it exploded. A huge flame shock wave enveloped the two of them.


After receiving energy supply and becoming more and more powerful during the battle, Mephisto roared, knocked Rodan to the ground, and penetrated his body with his claws, tearing another huge gap.

Unknown high-temperature substances flowed out of it. His mind was filled with madness, but he was also judging the situation of the black dragon in front of him.

After burning until now, not only was the energy level unable to directly crush the opponent to death, but it was still difficult to shake the opponent's underlying rule structure.

Mephisto felt that the Fire of Decay was cheating halfway through the fight and had no martial ethics.

But in the eyes of the Fire of Decay, it was the black dragon in front of him who had no martial ethics!

Although he himself did not realize that during the battle, his own strength was actually increasing rapidly, otherwise it would not be possible to keep up with the burning Fire of Decay.

And the resistance to high-temperature flames is also gradually increasing, at an exaggerated rate. Burning until now, the power of his current flame has increased exponentially compared to the earliest.

And this guy is actually just at a disadvantage and being beaten, not unable to fight!

And now he has ignored the rules attached to him and directly plundered energy from himself, not only the already fragmented soul is injured again.

Moreover, his power flowed into the opponent's body, but his spirit was instantly wiped out. After nature, it belonged to the opponent, and even the soul was digested.

This is equivalent to someone else using the key to open your car, and then your key will not work. It's really outrageous!

Even the value obtained by the sacrifice mechanism is not as good as the opponent, so what's the point of playing!

And he also noticed that... the blood gene of this dragon's body is just an ant, but its essence is actually similar to their existence at this level?

There is something familiar to them.

A new god...?

While the soul was thinking, the body was fighting. After realizing his authority and finally touching something on the opponent, the Fire of Decay knew that the victory was decided.

I won!


A burst of light suddenly broke out from Mephisto's body, and severe pain came from many parts of his body, and the body of the Fire of Decay was directly blown away.

Many wounds appeared in an instant, and Mephisto was confused.

No, I just learned this behavior, how can I even replicate the consequences!

And then, his face changed.

The energy chaos and body-destroying phenomenon that had only appeared on the surface of Mephisto's body began to proliferate rapidly, as if breaking through some kind of boundary and spreading to the deeper level of the whole body!

Even important areas such as internal organs, and even some energy storage organs ruptured, exploded directly in his body, causing huge damage!

"What's going on? Is the energy poisonous?"

In just a moment, his whole body was lit up with the flames of energy exploding!


The face of the Fire of Decay actually twisted into a smile.

In the previous many battles, through the Fire of Decay that penetrated the opponent's body, He began to try to find the opponent's weaknesses.

Then he was shocked. The opponent's organs and strength, this damn thing can only be a dragon?

Even if you look closely, this guy is not even a real dragon! It is the kind of primitive dragon that He has seen in his time, and it is still a defective product!

Although the opponent was shocked, the fire of decay also caught the point of turning defeat into victory.

Burning itself extracts power, and breaking the kingdom of God obtains rule suppression. So what will it be like if the power of decay itself, even the concept of decay, decays?

Undoubtedly, although it looks vicious, it is indeed the power of God, and even a blessing for believers.

Then when the blessing itself decays, it turns into a curse in contrast!

And this is a dying decayed god, sacrificing everything he has, including his soul, kingdom of God, and authority!


Another blazing white flame impact blasted Mephisto away, and Mephisto was in the air.

He spat out another mouthful of blood, and the condition inside his body became worse.

The Fire of Decay stood up again, and the cracks all over his body burst into a brighter light. He spread his wings and roared out a victory in advance.

This is the victory of the mechanism!

When the Fire of Decay learned that the other party had a strong resistance to external debuffs and was difficult to shake, he thought of another solution.

Yes, since his authority was in his hands, he could not have much effect on Mephisto, but what if he changed the judgment mechanism?

What if this was not a debuff?

If the Fire of Decay in the past, he would definitely feel unreasonable about his current behavior, even including other beings of the same level.

Although he gained the power to crush Mephisto after igniting himself and all the remaining things including the Kingdom of God, he might not be able to defeat the other party before he was burned to ashes.

So he changed his approach.

After he ignited himself, he directly handed over all the authority of decay and the rest of the power to Mephisto!

And this power is the culprit of the phenomenon in Mephisto's body!

While he was shocked by the structure of Mephisto's body, he also saw the dazzling reactor like a newborn star, and realized the key.

This existence is similar to his own.

This thing not only brings powerful power, but also is a double-edged sword, a fragile balance.

And what the Fire of Decay has to do is just to add a tiny weight.


Mephisto lay on the ground, destructive light constantly emerging from his body. The power of decay itself is causing his own circulatory system to gradually collapse, and multiple energy storage organs in his body are decaying.

The situation is getting worse and worse. He can hardly move. Now, let alone doing any delicate operations, even simply releasing energy will bring huge risks, not to mention fighting.

Even the spreading power gradually caused the ice organs in the cooling system of the body to decay.

The Fire of Decay sneered.

Very good, that's it.

Keep burning, just like me decaying.

Together with this kingdom of God, I will be buried with him in the gap of nothingness!

With his remaining strength, he felt the collapse of the balance in Mephisto's body, and knew that he would never be able to turn over.

The balance of the star has been broken, and he knows the consequences very well.

And around Mephisto, the temperature is rising rapidly due to the release of a large amount of energy.

Then theoretically speaking, there is no material in this kingdom of God. Except for the manifestation of the flame of authority itself, there is no real burning flame.

But now there is a difference.

Under my feet, I don't know how many years ago, it has been accumulating and burning continuously, burning every soul and memory, leaving behind ashes.

These forgotten, insignificant things, in this high temperature, due to the influence of some characteristics, have flames coming out.

These things that should not burn are ignited.

Mephisto's physical condition is getting worse and worse, and the outpouring of energy has caused great damage to his body. Until a certain critical point, even the epidermis can't restrain this energy.

There were flames all over his body. As the ice-binding organs used for cooling in his body also collapsed, the balance of the reactor was also broken, and the heat that could not be discharged began to accumulate.

The g cells were also rapidly repairing, but they were also constantly collapsing.

The temperature in his body began to rise.

The originally black epidermis and the highly heat-resistant scales also cracked under the heating of this temperature.

In the originally dark, a piece of lava cracked.

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