"Are you kan long?!" Tang Mu looked at each other in amazement. Isn't Kan long already? How could it suddenly appear here? What the hell is going on?

Many doubts flashed through my mind, but after thinking for a long time, the Dragon could not revive.

"I remember." the bodyguard smiled darkly and looked at her surprised touch, inexplicably excited. "You said, what would he do if I cut out the child in your belly first and gave it to Ye Yujun? Would there be no more children in this life?"

"Your Majesty, there are other women without me, so you worry more." Tang Mu said calmly, but God knows how nervous she is at this time.

Tang Mu's words made Kan long hesitate for a moment, but soon, he put the dagger in his hand on her face again, and even scratched it gently, "he likes you so much, how can he have the heart to marry another woman."

Although the dagger was light, Tang Mu still noticed blood flowing down his cheek.

"Who knows, it's said that the emperor is ruthless, and who knows if he will like me in a few years. Maybe a minister will give him a beautiful girl tonight, and he will empathize." although Tang Mu said so, Tang Mu knew that if he really was, he wouldn't live alone.

Kan long seemed to think of something and suddenly said, "Oh, it's the same. Although he has lived again for a lifetime, he now takes you as a treasure, but in the previous life, he takes you as a grass. He doesn't care what you think, even if you are pregnant."

Tang Mu had no impression of his previous life. Looking at him, he didn't seem as crazy as he was just now. He said, "yes, you also said, so even if you kill me, you may not be able to shake him."

"Ha ha ha." kan long suddenly burst out a burst of harsh laughter. Listening to her words, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at her like a joke again. "You think I'll believe you! Don't dream! He treats you as a treasure in this life!" kan long has gone completely crazy. The dagger in his hand no longer gently strokes her face, but makes a heavy stroke and laughs wildly as he strokes, "If you look at the disfigurement of his beloved woman, you don't know whether you will love it, ha ha ha!"

Tang Mu felt a stabbing pain on her face. However, she was tied in her hand and couldn't get rid of it. Just when she thought she was really going to be separated from Yeyu Jun, heaven and man, the door was suddenly kicked open.

"Where did this madman come from and let people sleep?!"

As soon as the voice came out, Kan Long's eyes finally moved away from Tang Mu and looked at the old woman in front of him. He couldn't help but say gloomily, "dead old woman, look for death!" and threw Tang Mu back to the ground.

Tang Mu was worried about the child in his belly, so he broke away from the past directly before he lost her.

When Kan long saw her struggling, her eyes sank again. However, she had to solve the old woman first.

"Be careful, old man!" the old lady was the old man who saved her in the cold palace. She just didn't expect that she was still in the cold palace after so many years.

Although the old woman's hands and feet were sharp, she was not Kan Long's opponent after all. She began to lose power gradually. Seeing that she could hardly hold it, she suddenly lost a dagger in front of Tang mu, "you go first!"

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