Liang Yuanrui didn't have any worry on his face. He always felt at ease when he did things. If he hadn't been able to ride the storm, he would have been killed. Moreover, later, Mingming was cut off by Ye Yu Jun, and his feet and tongue were cut off. He could still change his face and appear in front of him. Aiming at this, he Kan long was the most admired person in his life.

Liang Yuanrui has no idea how Kan long escaped from death, and Kan long is even less likely to expose his most depressed and unwilling to look back. For a moment, there was a serious error in their thoughts, which also led to Tang Mu's opportunity.

"Eldest prince, you'd better listen to my advice. Tang Mu is not those stupid women of Daliang. If you don't prevent her for a day, she may slip away under your eyes."

"Master, you don't have to worry about this anymore. No. 1 is following her. I don't believe she can dump No. 1? No. 1 is a person who survived from Ye Yu Jun. no matter how powerful Tang Mu is, she is just a female."

When Kan long saw that he didn't listen, he didn't speak. Anyway, his focus now is not on him. Now that the little prince is in his hands, he doesn't believe that ye Yujun and Tang Mu will ignore it. As for Liang Yuanrui, he's just a chess piece. If he dies, he's probably changing another one.

"You stay here and I'll see her." he said. Kan long stood up from a chair and then said, "remember, don't walk around. Now there are people who catch you everywhere. If I'm caught, I can't save you." when he finished, he strode away.

Liang Yuanrui looked at his back and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. He was not Yu Wenhan. The stupid pig would run over by himself and die in this yaochao.

Kan long changed his dress again and came to the yard.

Tang Mu didn't sleep all day and night. After handling the meals, she lay on the ground and slept like this. Suddenly, she heard the door opened and immediately opened her eyes.

The visitor was veiled and couldn't see who it was, but when he looked at the traces of the food on the table, he immediately opened his face and said, "wood, how did you eat these food?"

Tang Mu blinked, but his vigilance still didn't fade.

"Wood, it's me," he said, taking down the black veil from his face and revealing his cloud face.

Seeing this, the expression on Tang Mu's face suddenly solidified for a moment, and then she pretended to be full of stunned expression and said slowly: "Cloud View, aren't you missing? Why are you suddenly coming to the sun?"

The cloud scene in front of her looks like the real one. If she hadn't noticed it before, I'm afraid she would have been cheated by him.

"I asked if you touched the food on that table?"

Looking at each other's anxious face, Tang Mu nodded and said, "it's all right. Even if it's poisonous, have you forgotten who I am? I'll detoxify."

Smell speech, 'Cloud View' a heavy sigh, and then said: "don't care about these first, I'll take you out first, and when we go out, we'll find a way to detoxify."

"No, Jing Yue is still in their hands!"

Seeing that she didn't want to go, 'Cloud View' simply said, "don't worry, I've found out where they are. You go back to the palace to detoxify, and the little prince I'll come back for you." then he pretended to be a sad look, "I'm his uncle anyway. I haven't seen him since he was born."

"Cloud view is his uncle, of course."

"Since you say so, I will save his life."

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