The housekeeper knelt on the cold ground and listened to the emperor's words without anger. At dusk, he said, "emperor, I wonder if you can talk to the emperor alone about what the old slave said."

As soon as these words came out, Tang mu, who accompanied the little prince, couldn't help looking at it with a curious look. The housekeeper wanted her to avoid suspicion.

"Emperor, I'll take Jingyue out to play first. You can talk to the housekeeper slowly." after saying this, she picked up xiaojingyue and returned a faint smile when passing by the housekeeper.

Yeyu Jun had no intention of letting her leave, but since she spoke first, he let her go.

"Can you say it now?"

As soon as Tang Mu left, the housekeeper immediately kowtowed his head heavily to the ground, "the old slave wants to ask the emperor to save the national teacher."

The housekeeper knocked heavily. Before long, his forehead was red. Yejun looked at him lightly and said, "the national teacher is not good. Why should I save him?"

"The current national teacher is not the original Yunjing national teacher, but someone who occupied his body! Although I don't know who he is, I'm sure he's not the original national teacher!" the housekeeper knelt on the ground, said word by word, and then said, "I know these words are strange, but everything I said is true! If there are lies, heaven will kill the earth!"

The housekeeper said that he was very angry, but yexuan Jun raised his eyebrows slightly. Now the national teacher is false, he naturally knows, but if it is true as he said

The housekeeper saw that he didn't speak, so he said, "I took care of the empress for a few days when she disappeared. At that time, the thief told me that he would send her back to the palace after she was captured. Now the thief is willing to send the empress back. I'm afraid there is fraud, so I just wanted to tell you alone."

Ye Jun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "how many things do you know?"

"Back to the emperor, I just overheard the thief discussing with others today. It seems that he is a great prince. The great prince said to let the thief change his body with you in this way. However, according to the thief, this method is very dangerous. If it is not handled properly, his life will be in danger."

The housekeeper said what he had heard before, word by word, but yexuan Jun's eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper. At the beginning, Kan long was half dead, and the only one who could let him go to the cloud scene was only once a year. I wanted to save Yunjing's life, but I didn't expect them to coexist.

Suddenly, he remembered that he had been taken away by Kan long when Xiaomu was pregnant, but was finally brought back by the clouds. Thinking of his trance eyes, he understood the current situation. He was afraid that Kan long had suppressed him.

"At this time, don't leak a word with the queen, otherwise..." Yejun said slowly, with a look of awe in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Emperor. If you don't let the old slave say, the old slave will not speak."

"Well, I see. Go down."

"Yes, the old slave quit."

As soon as the housekeeper left, yexuan Jun fell into meditation. If Xiaomu knew that the cloud scene had become like this, he would blame himself according to his understanding of him. He didn't want to see her like this. It seems that he can only hide it day by day.

After the housekeeper left the Guoshi mansion, Kan long learned that he had gone to the palace. Although there were no eyes or ears in the palace, there were all his people near the Guoshi mansion.

It seems that the old man can't stay.

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