Daliang has a vast territory, mostly grasslands. However, when Bai Xiaosheng led the people to the mountains set aside by the mountains, even Liang Yifeng showed an expression of surprise. However, his surprise was not the mountains, but the dangerous terrain between the mountains. If Kan long really had a secret development site here, their difficulty would be much higher than he thought.

Tang Mu raised his head slightly and looked up at the towering mountains. The peak was shrouded in clouds and the mountain path was winding.

"Bai Xiaosheng, do you remember how to go?"

"There's a possibility. I've made a mark before. I should be able to get there if I follow the mark."

Bai Xiaosheng said this, and everyone's face was a little better.

The mountain path is winding and steep. One can only enter by one person and one horse. The trees on the mountain are lush and the green bamboo is shady. It is some hot days. It doesn't feel the slightest heat, but it is cool.

The party rode for a day and a night and didn't see any suspicious people. In fact, not only people but also some small animals. The whole mountain was quiet and strange.

"Do you think the mountain is very strange? You can't even see a bird." Bai Xiaosheng looked around. Last time, he didn't pay attention to the surroundings because he followed others all the way. Now he noticed the strangeness.

Tang Mu thought of Yunling valley. Although it was full of aura, it was also full of strangeness around.

"We should be careful. There should be traps or miasma somewhere."

Bai Xiaosheng agreed with her very much and said, "I think so too. Last time I followed them in, I lost them once. Later, I wandered around for some time and saw them come out again. However, when they came out again, I saw them bury a body."

"That should be nearby... Ah!" Tang Mu said. Suddenly she got off the horse and was pulled by something. The whole horse fell down because it was too sudden for her to jump off the horse.

Seeing this, yexuan Jun and Liang Yifeng stepped on their horse at the same time and immediately flew towards her, but finally yexuan Jun took a quick step and held her in his arms. Because the path was steep, they finally rolled down all the way.

Ye Yujun protected Tang Mu from beginning to end, so he suffered all the broken branches and stones along the way.

As for Liang Yifeng, he barely stood up.

"Emperor! Tang Mu!" Bai Xiaosheng jumped down from his horse and walked down the steep mountain wall carefully.

Tang Mu only felt the darkness. When she stopped, she suddenly heard a dull hum beside her.

"How are you, Mr. Ye?" she said. She immediately broke free from his arms, helped him up from the ground, and then examined him carefully.

Yeyu Jun took a deep breath, then raised a reassuring smile and said, "I'm all right. I'm just hung on some stones and hurt a little."

Tang Mu looked at the small wound on his face and said painfully, "does it hurt?"

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry anymore." he took her hand and said, "go back first."

There are only some life-saving drugs on her body, and all the other injury drugs are put on the horse by her, so even if she is worried, she can only go back and take the medicine first.


Bai Xiaosheng barely walked half the way. Finally, he saw the two people coming up and immediately held a big tree and said to them, "are you okay?"

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