The princesses of other countries came to make peace. Naturally, it was very lively. All the princes were eager to try. The identity of the eldest princess was much more noble than that of the minister's children. Even the married king Qi and the third prince were unwilling to give up. So the next day, we could see many princes courting, and even several princes and ministers were eager to try. Of course, Yu Wenyue has a headache here, and Tang Mu doesn't feel well. Her father is king Jing. Now she has been canonized as a princess. Even if the prince looks at her, many people still covet it.

Although the princes of the East Palace couldn't come in, the gifts were sent in batch after batch. Tang Mu looked at the black line and finally decided to leave the palace and stay in the drunken dream building.

Although you know the drunken dream building, you also know that she doesn't go often on weekdays, so you are stationed in the East Palace and Prince Jing's house one by one.

In the drunken dream building, Tang Muchang breathed a sigh of admiration for these CHILDES and men. Regardless of the situation, even if they want to marry her, the uncle of the East Palace may not be happy! They are not afraid of death, and she is afraid of being innocent!

Ji qianjue looked at a big trouble coming, and his face was a burst of pain, but he was still very dogleg thinking about his poison.

"Princess, this drunken dream building is no better than the east palace. You will make do with these food ~"

Tang Mu looked at a table of delicious food and looked at him again. He smiled so flatteringly that he must be either a traitor or a thief.

"Xiaoqianqian, you are so kind to me all of a sudden. Just say it."

The smile on Ji qianjue's face paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "princess, do you remember the last time you promised to detoxify me?"

Tang Mu suddenly remembered, but she hadn't found out the person behind him. She couldn't help frowning at the thought of this.

"This poison is not insoluble. But..."

Ji qianjue didn't have time to cheer. He listened to the second half of her sentence and suddenly collapsed with a handsome face, "you say."

"Xiaoqianqian, I treat you well. You take care of the whole drunken dream building up and down. I've never asked about anything."

"Yes, the princess treats me well."

"I also respect you as a talent. I don't care who the people behind you are. I don't care what you want to collect in the drunken dream building." Tang Mu walked towards him with a calm face, as if discussing a table of delicious food. "However, I also have a bottom line. Anything you do can't involve me."

Ji qianjue was slightly stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face was also put away. "Don't worry, princess. Although I can't tell you who the master is, I'm sure he won't hurt you. As for who he is, I think it's better for him to tell you himself."

Tang Mu was stunned this time. According to his words, she still knew that person?! There was no choice, but a trace of disgust rose in her heart. One or two thought she was a fool.

"I'm not interested in who he is. You just need to do what I say." she said coldly, "go out."

Ji qianjue felt as if he had said something wrong, but the other party had ordered him to leave, hesitated a little, and said, "yes, if the princess has any orders, let the boy at the door call me."

Tang Mu no longer paid attention to him, but drank the wine on the table. Although the capital is large, there are many people you know, but there are no friends among so many people. The master of the mask behind Anyuan, the king of Qi and the princes, can't guess at Yu Jun all night

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