Evil Insect God

Chapter 1017: Lose both

"Bang bang bang..." A series of several explosions, the wine blaster detonated near the bodies of the three elders of Yaowangmen. Although the impact was very strong, it was nothing to these people, and Huo Hai didn't originally. Hope to hurt them.

"What kind of smell is this, hold your breath, no, get out of the way quickly, these smells are not right." The alcohol odor released after the explosion of the wine blaster is not simple, even people from the wine immortal door will be drunk, but this The smell was very unpleasant. After the three old men smelled the smell, they immediately felt like vomiting.

At this moment, Qingfeng felt a little dizzy, and only then realized that something was wrong. The three old men quickly backed away, but because of the alcohol that had penetrated into the body, the head felt very dizzy. By coincidence, the three immediately took out the Poison Pill. medicine.

But after eating, the three of them found that there was no effect at all, and their heads were still a little groggy, "Hehe, this thing is not poisonous, it is useless for you to use antidote." Huo Hai sneered, still carrying a lot of fire. People scurrying in the mist.

Under Xiaoyun’s weakening, the flames on these Burning Men have weakened a lot, completely blending into the void of Xiaoyun, even Huo Hai can only faintly feel the position, and these Burning Men don’t even think about it. Judging by temperature, you can find yourself, but if you want to find your own spirit worm, this is simply a dream. As long as you drag on, you will win.

"No, this thing is wine, why is there such a horrible weird spirit wine on the insect emperor." Qingfeng finally realized what it was, but unfortunately, he didn't have anything to hangover.

At this moment, the weakest of the three people suddenly took out a few bottles: "I have something to hangover, for you." As he said, he threw the bottle into the sky. Through the sound, the other two relaxed. Catch the bottle.

After taking the pill, the three of them finally got better. In order to prevent this horrible alcohol from being released again, the three of them had a flame spread all over their bodies. If the alcohol came close, they would be immediately Burn it clean, this thing, after all, is not a toxin, but Huo Hai is also helpless, because except for the two used to keep seeds, the other wine blasters have just been used up.

After all, this extreme spirit bug like Wine Burst is not suitable for attacking fire-attribute masters, just continue to drag it, Huo Hai thought in his heart, at this moment, the three people in the mist did not know what they had exchanged.

Then, the three people took out a pill at the same time, and ate it again, "Damn it, it's another emperor pill." Seeing the flames rising from the three bodies, Huo Hai cursed secretly in his heart. These three old guys He actually used the Divide Pill again and began to differentiate quickly. After a while, twelve powerful fire men appeared around.

As the flame burned, the surrounding air and mist were dispersed a lot. No matter how hard Xiaoyun tried, he could barely maintain the mist within a certain range. If this continues, it won't take long for him to be unlucky.

Huo Hai snorted coldly, and Xiao Shui appeared in his hands: "It seems that I can't deal with you if I don't show some real skills today." Following Huo Hai's orders, Xiao Shui gradually began to disperse and melt into the mist. among.

This was the ability that Xiao Shui had only after he finally transformed into the Spirit Sovereign realm not long ago. At this time, Xiao Shui had finer particles and more solid particles. Even if Huo Hai went all out, it would be difficult to break these crystal nuclei.

Only after these crystal nuclei are abandoned by Xiaoshui will they become very soft and eventually decompose and destroy on their own. Xiaoshui still has no ability to reproduce until now. So many crystal particles are just Xiaoshui. Huo Hai really doesn’t know. What kind of creature is Xiaoshui, but now it's good to cooperate with Xiaoyun.

As small water merges into the mist, the humidity of the surrounding air begins to increase. The mist itself is also a form of water. It is just that the small water cannot control the mist. However, with the power of the mist, the small water can condense a large amount of water.

In the air, I don’t know when, more and more water began to take shape. Then, a light rain started and felt these raindrops. The three old men instinctively felt something was wrong. Qingfeng received a few drops of rain, and his face suddenly changed. : "Damn it, these rainwater contains spiritual power." After the water breaks through, it can naturally merge spiritual power into the water.

These rainwater containing small water spiritual power can not cause too obvious damage to people, but for the fire man, it is very serious. The water can be more restrained to the flame than the fog.

The heavier and heavier rain continued to fall on the Burning Man, and the water vapor constantly evaporated, and the Burning Man became weaker and weaker. If this continued, it would not take long for his Burning Man to be destroyed. The three thought of this. , The mood suddenly went bad.

"Damn, the insect emperor has too many methods, even our emperor pill can be suppressed." Yaowangmen are all alchemists, and alchemists are masters of playing with fire, and they are not so good at playing with water. On the contrary, those water-attribute masters have a certain ability to restrain the alchemist. Huo Hai is not water-attributed, but his spirit insects can.

Qingfeng also said: "Yes, if this continues, we will all be killed here by the Insect Emperor. It seems that we can only use the last resort." Because several people have been transmitting voices, Huo Hai does not Know what they are talking about.

Seeing the current situation of the three people, Huo Hai also breathed a sigh of relief: "If these guys don't have special means, they can be dragged to death. It seems that the test of Xiaodie and Xiaojin today will not be possible, all right. Don't worry, you two, the most powerful method, of course, can't be casually known." After that, Huo Hai took the two spirit insects back.

There were only a large number of Star Gus left around. Suddenly, Qingfeng said, "Use the Fire Avoidance Pill." After finishing speaking, the three of them ate a red pill almost at the same time. Huo Hai stared carefully, wanting to see. See what they have.

Who knows that this time, the three people just shook their bodies, and the flame shield became very thick. "No, this is..." Suddenly, Huo Hai felt a wave of strong fluctuations coming from around him, and his heart Astonished, Huo Hai immediately noticed the fire men around him, "Damn, it can still be used like this." These fire men are not real people.

Because there is no entity, the Burning Man has the ability to explode. Isn't the Burning Man who constantly twists and vibrates exactly the same as his own when the Flame Sparrow blew himself up, "Damn King of Medicine, you are really sinister."

Huo Hai cursed in his heart, and quickly summoned his Star Gu to return, forming a layer of strong defense around his body. Huo Hai immediately changed his fingerprints and forcibly blessed Star Gu's defense. Star Gu that was too far away was too late. came back.

Huo Hai angrily shouted in his heart: "Even if I'm having trouble, I can't make you comfortable, give me an attack." Following Huo Hai's command, the surrounding Star Gus immediately issued sharp golden rays, which was after the Star Gu breakthrough. New ability.

Today's Star Gu has a long-range attack, but compared with its own attack, the difference is very large, but even so, the long-range spiritual power thorns sent out are also strong enough to attack by a general first-level spiritual emperor. Roots of fine thorns attacked from the surroundings towards the fireman in the middle and the masters of the Medicine King Sect, as bright and gorgeous as a large meteor shower.

"Boom" at this moment, the twenty-four explosions were completely connected, making it impossible to tell how many explosions had occurred at this moment, and the terrifying shock wave blasted in all directions.

Only the three old men who had eaten the fire avoidance pills were immune to these explosive shocks that used their own flames and the sub-emperor pills to create the fire man, and the explosion flames were absorbed by the surrounding flame shields, and the shields were continuously strengthened.

This is the explosion of twenty-four firemen reaching the realm of the Spirit Sovereign. Even if Huo Hai is far away at this time, he still cannot bear it. The strengthened spiritual shield is shattered layer by layer. Haihui instantly retracted the Star Gu into the inner space. He didn't want the Star Gu to be wasted here, and the surrounding Star Gus all protected themselves and flew away.

Finally, the last layer of spiritual power shield was smashed as a whole, and a lot of shock waves had been weakened, and he attacked Huo Hai with scorching power. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly waved his hand and sprinkled some red insects. .

These are the fire worms that Huo Hai previously accepted. The fire worm’s mouth sucked hard, and the huge flame was easily absorbed, but in the following shock wave, the fire worm was crushed on the spot, and Huo Hai also felt the spirit. The force was hit by waves.

The huge shock wave hit Huo Hai, and when he was about to hit Huo Hai, he was still in the air, and a mouthful of blood had already been vomited.

The elders of the three Medicine King Sects were uncomfortable at this time. Although they had absorbed a large amount of flame impact and strengthened their own shields, there were too many Star Gus that had just launched an attack. Each thin thorn only had one level of Spirit Emperor attack. At the same time, thousands of Star Gus attacked at the same time, which was extraordinary, far more terrifying than they were attacked by the skeletons.

The self-detonation just now shattered a large number of fine thorns, strengthening the impact by a large amount. This kind of impact was not immune to the fire avoiding pill, and then a large number of golden spiritual power thorns hit the defense of the three people.

In the constant attacks, the defense formed by the fire avoiding pill became weaker and weaker, and finally the whole broke apart with a loud explosion. The three elders were shocked. Before they could eat the fire avoiding pill again, they were caught in flames. The shock wave flew out.

Compared with Huo Hai, these three old guys were even more miserable. The Star Gu’s attack was not completely destroyed. The three people were directly opened by golden thorns. A huge explosion sounded in the air, terrifying. The impact caused by the shock wave was huge. At this moment, even the masters who were far away felt the impact.

After the explosion, the flame still existed, burning the entire sky into a green color.

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