Evil Insect God

Chapter 1019: Darkness

A earth-shattering battle, under the attention of the major strengths of the Molian Domain, ended in a horrible fashion. That's right, it ended. The two sides stopped fighting completely, and no one continued to deal with the others.

The Yaowangmen claimed that Huo Hai had been seriously injured, and he might even die soon. The Huo Family and Jiuxianmen didn’t come out to admit this incident. There are so many skeletons here, even if others believe it, how dare you dare? It.

Besides, in the Medicine King Sect, the major forces have not completely become blind, and they don’t know anything. Through some clues from the Medicine Kings, many major forces have guessed that Huo Hai was only slightly injured, not too bad at all. Big influence, besides, what can be done with influence, do they dare to go to Cross Canyon to find Huo Hai's trouble?

Even in the vast empire, facing the terrifying place of Cross Canyon, they dare not easily send all their masters over. That way, even if they can win in the end, I am afraid they will lose a lot. From the position of the first power On and off.

On the contrary, the news of the three Supreme Elders besieging Huo Hai on that day, and that they were finally seriously injured, was also passed on by them. The reputation and prestige of the Yaowangmen were suppressed a lot because of this matter, and it was no longer the same. Arrogance.

In fact, when everyone was paying attention to the two sides, the two sides no longer planned to continue the war of attrition. The King of Medicine only placed a part of the alien beasts on the previous battlefield, and no one else was allowed to come here to transport bones. On this battlefield. , There are a lot of bones that are useless for the King of Medicine Sect. If Huo Hai takes it, the consequences can be serious.

The accumulation of so many bones is enough to accumulate a very large mountain. The Yaowang Sect secretly produces alien animals with all its strength, and at the same time the pace of expansion begins to accelerate. All this is done in secret, and the outside world is completely unknown.

In the past, the method of forcibly expanding by using different animals, now the King of Medicine Sect uses very few. On the contrary, the large number of masters collected through the King of Medicine secretly controlled those powerful sects one by one. This is the King of Medicine. The door is made.

As long as the time comes, the entire Molian Domain will discover how terrifying the Yaowang Sect is today. The Yaowang Sect is an alchemy sect. There are all kinds of medicines in the sect, even if it is a pill that controls people. Quite a few, some relatively high-value pill, enough to control those masters in the spirit emperor realm, so that they dare not resist.

Huo Hai was also not idle when he moved here at the Yaowangmen. Although the injuries were serious, they were all skin injuries. At least for Huo Hai, it was not a troublesome thing. After returning, Huo Hai would eat. Give some pills to heal the injury.

In just three days, his actions were no longer hindered. For a full month afterwards, Huo Hai declared that he was injured, so he no longer made skeletons and no longer sold ghost bone insects.

All this is just appearance, "Huh, I haven't taken out the most elite batch of skeletons yet, let's play slowly in the future." Huo Hai communicated with the Star Array, and he was only acting as a transit station during this period of time. In fact, the ghost bone worms are splitting and breeding with all their strength, but this time the split worms can reach the level of a second-level spirit king at their highest cultivation level.

Huo Hai announced her retreat to the outside world. Even Yaowang Sect and Piaohua Pavilion didn't know to what extent Huo Hai's injury had recovered at this time. Many sects outside, because Huo Hai was injured, have begun to worry.

This also has an advantage, that is, it makes everyone realize that although Huo Hai’s threat is great, it is far behind the Medicine King Sect. Before the Medicine King Sect is destroyed, Huo Hai probably won’t have anything. It's dangerous.

Some time ago, although Huo Hai had been splitting and selling the eggs of ghost bone insects, he would not reserve too many eggs. Among the eggs reserved by Huo Hai, a large part was originally a second-level spirit king. Horizontal eggs.

Now he is fully producing. After a month, Huo Hai calculated that the number of ghost bone worm eggs that reached the level of the second-level spirit king realm actually reached as many as a million. If they all hatched, it would definitely be A very terrifying force, the speed of a skeleton in the spirit king realm is not comparable to that of an ordinary skeleton, and it is very flexible.

After breaking through the ground level, even ordinary ghost bone insects have very strong spiritual power, which cannot be compared with normal spiritual masters, but there is no problem on the battlefield, and they can fully support the entire battle.

Long-range attacks can be launched a lot more easily, and they are faster and more powerful. Such an army, with a full number of one million, may be seriously injured and run away if the spirit emperor realm master dares to rush.

If such an army of skeletons is created, Huo Hai will be confident that he will directly rush towards the King of Medicine Gate. The spiritual power is strong, and the combined spiritual power can withstand more. These skeletons are far from the so-called elite monsters. In contrast, "Where should these things be incubated?" Huo Hai frowned, and then began to flip through the atlas.

If someone is here, you will find that Huo Hai’s atlases are all maps of the vast empire. Huo Hai’s thoughts are already clearly revealed. I am afraid that no one would think of hiding these skeletons in the empire. Right.

"As the most powerful force, the Haotu Empire will not be destroyed so easily. If even the Haotu Empire is destroyed, then it would be good to directly attack the Yaowangmen on the land of the Haotu Empire. Their masters are here. It will definitely gather at that time." Huo Hai muttered to himself while searching for a suitable place.

Huo Hai's eyes lit up: "Very good, this is the place, the huge abandoned ruins, no one is active here, it is very close to the vast imperial capital, it is really a good place." Huo Hai's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. .

After that, Huo Hai did not notify anyone, and walked out on his own. Because he had planned for a long time, the place where Huo Hai retreats was not in the underground station of Huo’s family, but in a secret place in the canyon. Place.

Now that Huo Hai sneaks away, there is no trace that can be found at all. He is still in a black robe, but now under the protection of Fluttershy, his breath and figure are all hidden, as long as Huo Hai himself Unwilling, now in the entire Molian Region, there are only a handful of people who can find Huo Hai. Huo Hai walked through the air and quickly ran out of the Cross Canyon.

It can be seen from the air that there are a large number of skeletons around the Cross Canyon, and the farther place, where the Yaowangmen is located, is also surrounded by a large number of skeletons. The distance between the two places is not very far, and they can completely help each other.

As for the farther distance, it is the place where a large number of strange beasts gather. The front where these strange beasts gather has moved a little forward, obviously to surround the original battlefield, "Hmph, don't let me make bones, and waste my energy. "

It’s no wonder Huo Hai disdain, it’s not easy to get bones on this front, but other places are different. Now Huomen has sent out a mission to call on the casual repairmen who are hiding in the Cross Canyon to collect bones from the outside world. This matter is related to The lives of casual cultivators, besides the rewards, are also very rich, and there is no need to be on the front line and fight the monsters.

So a large number of casual repairers passed through the intersection of the Cross Canyon, came to the top of the Cross Canyon from other passages, avoided the direction of the alien beasts, and began to collect various bones in other places, especially those in remote places, where bones were piled up.

Huo Hai has cleaned up the entire bone mountain, but now, the bones have piled up a lot, at least for the next battle of the same level, Huo Hai has a certain degree of certainty.

It’s a pity that Huo Hai doesn’t have time to think about these. Now Huo Hai has other goals. Soon, Huo Hai flew all the way to the border of the Haotu Empire, leaving the Haotu Empire for so long, and coming back again, there is really a kind of With a very special feeling, Huo Hai sighed and slowly went deep into the border. This place was completely different from when he left.

At this time, dozens of fortresses have been established on the border of the Haotu Empire, forming a dense defensive front as dense as a spider web. Among them, Huo Hai can see all kinds of traps in the air. After all, they are used to deal with Used by large-scale enemies.

In the fortress, heads were surging. Huo Hai just did a rough calculation and found that the number of troops in the fortress was at least three million. This is not even the purchase from Huo Hai. Number of skeletons.

Huo Hai himself clearly remembered that the skeletons he sold to the Haotu Empire at the beginning were only two million. This is an upper limit for these powerful forces. Although the Haotu Empire also treats these skeletons that are absolutely under the control of Huo Hai. I don't believe it very much, when Huo Hai's induction came along this way, there were at least three million skeletons below.

"The Haotu Empire is indeed an empire. This kind of small action is better than anyone." Huo Hai sighed. He had long known that the Haotu Empire would definitely play tricks, such as buying skeletons directly from other sects.

Of course, in the vast empire, there are many large and small forces, and these forces are also eligible to buy skeletons. When facing the army of the king of medicine, these skeletons are gathered by the royal family, there is no problem.

So many skeletons, if they are fully assembled at that time, it is not just the problem of these three million, but the bones in the vast empire, I don’t know how many are left, Huo Hai sneered slightly in his heart, but he gave these The ghost bone worms issued all orders, and they did not have enough bone to absorb, and they were not allowed to absorb aura to make bones strengthen.

Forget it, I managed so many things, crossed the defense line, and Huo Hai easily penetrated into the territory of the vast empire. For the master, such a defense line is simply a trick to fool people. To deal with the master, only the master of the same level can do it.

All the way deep, with Huo Hai's current strength, rushing with all his strength, he reached the target area in less than a day.

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