Evil Insect God

Chapter 1032: Advance

In less than twenty minutes, the change has stopped. At this time, the alien beast has completely changed its appearance. It is not a human figure but a pig. "Yellow cloud pig, the spirit beast of the peak realm of the spirit king, has actually been made. A strange beast."

In previous wars, everyone has discovered that Yaowang’s goalkeeper has made many spirit beasts into alien beasts. After these spirit beasts recover, they will attack the alien beasts as soon as possible, giving up their lives and forgetting to die. Spirit beasts are different from humans. , The spirit beast really got angry. There was absolutely no fear of death. The spirit beasts that recovered on the battlefield basically died on the battlefield.

But now that you see this mutant beast, everyone doesn’t know what to say. “It turns out that the Medicine King Sect can actually transform the spirit beasts from the Spirit King realm to the Spirit King realm. No wonder they have so many advanced beasts. ."

Seeing this situation, everyone finally understood, but unfortunately, even if it recovers from the previous injury of this alien beast, under this violent medicinal effect, it can only die, not to mention that this Huangyun pig was originally It's just the peak of the Spirit King.

Forcibly transforming the spirit beasts in the spirit king realm to the spirit king realm, this is already considered a secondary transformation, because the degree of mutation is too high, so under the influence of the Gu insect, even if it recovers, it will definitely It is impossible to survive, and in the Medicine King Sect today, there is no such thing as a monster that was originally in the realm of the Spirit Sovereign.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally the headed old man said: "Everyone keeps secrets, don't let the king of medicine know about it. After waiting for a while, we will find an opportunity to sneak attack and injure a few strange animals and sprinkle a small dose of medicine on them. Body."

No one was a fool at the scene, and he immediately understood what the old man meant, "High, it is really high, we understand, then what should we do now." The spirit emperor of the vast empire next to him immediately slapped him up.

Although everyone around was looking at him, they didn’t say anything. You know, the old man in front of him, but the top master of the vast land empire, has reached the seventh level of the Spirit Sovereign realm. This one person is enough to match the teamwork of most people here .

The old man glanced at him, and then said: "We can keep the same for this period of time. Don’t we already have the second-generation elixir? After these elixir works, I think the king of medicine will soon We will not be able to hold on anymore. At that time, it is a good opportunity for us to do something secretly." Said this, the old man was extremely impressed by Huo Hai.

The essence of this kind of elixir has not only been studied clearly by the King of Medicine, even they are also very clear. In essence, this thing is not a elixir at all, but a very tiny worm.

It’s a pity that I don’t know if this kind of spirit worm is too small. It doesn’t have an IQ. It’s only due to instinct. Its level is really too high. It doesn’t have much strength. However, it still reaches the spiritual emperor in essence. The level of the spirit king.

Such a spirit insect, without a spirit emperor and an insect spiritist at the level of the spirit king, would be impossible to control, and even if it was controlled, nothing of value would be obtained. They saw with their own eyes what Huo Hai used. The research is just some ordinary blood-sucking bugs, but the spirit bugs that have been researched can reach this level, which is really scary.

If the spirit worm that Huo Hai studies is aimed at ordinary people, they don’t know what to think about. Thinking of this, everyone feels terrified, especially the vast empire that doesn’t deal with Huo Hai. Empire.

With the unfolding of the plan, the first few days were indeed fine, but suddenly, the King of Medicine discovered something was wrong. First of all, the elixir used by the other party seemed to be no different from before, but then everyone found it was wrong. Up.

Because only a few minutes later, the elixir began to strike, and their team had not had time to kill to the end. They had already begun to go crazy, and then violently began to revert to mutation. Then, among the shocked eyes of the Yaowangmen, these rapid changes Some of the people who returned to human form died on the spot, and couldn't even persist for a minute or two.

Although the remaining people survived, they were very weak. However, the coalition was relieved to see these people. As long as they persisted, these people would definitely survive intact.

There will be no sequelae from the blood of the alien animal. It is just the wounds left by the body during the battle. Will this have any impact? It depends on personal problems, but you can survive soberly. It's not easy already.

After these people only need to cultivate for a few days, they can set foot on the battlefield again and avenge themselves and their relatives. This kind of change immediately shocked the people of the Yaowangmen. The senior officials of the Yaowangmen were helpless. , Can only gather together again, this time the atmosphere is heavier than the last time, and it makes the people of Yaowang more nervous.

"Everyone, do you have anything you want to say now." The coalition's elixir was attacking so fast, which really caught the King of Medicine by surprise. By the time they reacted, they had already suffered heavy losses and the territory was retaken. a lot of.

At the same time, there are more coalition masters who are constantly advancing with elixir, and use them directly when they see alien animals. Because of the fast attack speed, for the coalition forces, the danger of these alien animals is reduced without limit. Up.

There was no one to speak. At this time, even the Great Elder closed his mouth, because the current situation is really too helpless. If this continues, sooner or later the alien beasts of the King of Medicine will be cleaned up.

Thinking of this, everyone fell silent. After a long time, the Master of Medicine King said loudly, “Why, there’s no other way? Isn’t it possible to find a way normally?” Some of the most active elders, Wen Wen Under the words, the head is lower and worse, these spirit worms, until now, they have not thought of a suitable treatment.

Before the medicine king sect master could speak again, an elder in the spirit king realm suddenly ran in from outside, "No, it’s not good, sect master, everyone is too elders, the big thing is not good." The person came in a very embarrassed look. Holding a copy of information in hand.

Upon seeing this, the sect master's figure flashed, and he came to the person and snatched the information. After a few glances, the sect master's eyes widened and both eyes lost focus: "How is it possible, why is this happening? ,why……"

They had never seen the appearance of the sect master. Finally, the great elder stepped forward and snatched the information. After a few glances, his complexion changed drastically. It was no better than the sect master. After a long time, The great elder shook for a while, and then recovered: "Okay, you can take a look at things, this time, it's really troublesome."

Everyone looked at the information and saw shock and fear in each other's eyes. Just now, a large number of strange beasts behind the front line began to go crazy, and then began to continuously attack, and soon mutated.

In just a moment, a large number of alien beasts that originally belonged to the King of Medicine Sect had mutated, or restored one after another, and now this situation is still spreading, and the speed is even faster than the spread of the plague.

And according to the test report of some people in front, I finally know what is going on. The other party uses new spirit worms. These spirit worms can not only spread through contact, but also spread through the air. You know, Tianling There is no such thing as a vaccine on the mainland, and even if there is, it is impossible to cause any harm to Gu worms.

As a result, now, due to a momentary oversight, this kind of spirit worms have completely spread. An area around the front line is completely covered by these spirit worms, in the air, in the water source, and in the food.

As long as it is imaginable, there are such spiritual worms. Such a large area and wide range of spiritual worms cannot be cleaned by the King of Medicine Sect. Besides, these spiritual worms will not cause any harm to normal people.

Huohai’s special Gu worms are naturally targeted at ordinary alien animals. With the current spreading speed and the help of the coalition masters, it’s possible to spread the gu worms throughout the area controlled by the Medicine King Sect. It only takes a few days. At that time, the Medicine King sect will no longer have a monster to use, and can only wait to die.

"What are we going to do with the sect master, or let's run away." Just as an elder said this, he was stared at by the person next to him. The speaker shrank his neck and said, "If you have I didn’t say a better way.”

Finally, the sect master of Yaowang Sect, who came to his senses, shook his head helplessly and said, "No more trouble, we can't run away. Since the coalition forces are going to deal with us, they must have laid out all the places where we can escape. The sky and the earth, if we dare to escape, there must be no burial place by then."

After a pause, a bright light flashed in the eyes of the sect master: "Now we have only one way. If we win, we are the king of the Molian domain. If we lose, our situation will not be worse than now."

Seeing everyone watching their gazes, the sect master said loudly: "Now there is still another chance, that is, this kind of elixir has no effect on the alien beasts of the Spirit Sovereign realm. We finally fight to make the masters of the coalition into alien beasts. , As long as the Spirit Sovereign masters can suppress them, then even if we don’t have an ordinary alien beast in the future, the Molian Territory is also ours."

Everyone thought about it for a while, and they didn’t know what they were thinking about. When they saw everyone’s appearance, the Master of Medicine King didn’t care, “We’re running out of time. If we can’t fight this time, we won’t do it again. There is no chance."

After speaking, the Master of Medicine King turned his head and pulled the great elder and said, "Let's go, let's prepare for it. The outcome of the final battle will depend on whether we can succeed." Others saw the back of the two leaving. , Looked at each other, their eyes were very complicated, who could have imagined that things would turn out to be like this now.

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