Evil Insect God

Chapter 1036: Counterattack

On the front line, I heard that Huo Hai has been notified, and the leader of the Haotu Empire frowned slightly: "Notify everyone, start the offensive now, and be sure to take the Medicine King Sect in the shortest time."

The people around looked at the leader of the Haotu Empire with a strange look. Although the Haotu Empire is powerful, they still have no ability to order everyone here. Seeing everyone’s eyes, the leader of the Haotu Empire said calmly: Many treasures and secret methods need to be distributed according to their respective merits, but before that, whoever gets it will count as someone's."

Everyone suddenly realized it, and finally understood what the leader of the vast land empire meant. If they waited for Huo Hai to arrive, they would attack step by step. After the Medicine King Gate was eliminated, the treasure Huo Hai would take away the big head.

After all, in the presence of so many people, even if someone wants to oppose it, Huo Hai contributed the most in this war. Whether it is the powerful skeleton army in the early stage or the spiritual insect powder, it is the key to winning. .

The most important thing is that Huo Hai's own strength is not bad, especially before the war is over, and before the Yaowang Sect is destroyed, no one knows whether Huo Hai will control his spirit worm and leave the body of the alien beast directly. , No one knows how many powerful alien beasts are hidden in the Medicine King Sect. At that time, the benefits they get will be much less.

Especially those sects below the first-class level are not qualified to compete with the big forces, and they have not signed a contract, and they are not within the scope of the skeletons not to attack. Thinking of this, everyone suddenly fell silent.

Regarding the issue of interest, no one will underestimate it. If Huo Hai is already here, they would not dare to say anything, but the question is, isn’t Huo Hai not here yet? From Cross Canyon to here, Huo Hai's speed is almost the same in not a single day. What they have to do is to destroy the Medicine King Sect in the shortest time.

As long as the King of Medicine's things are divided up by everyone, after Huo Hai arrives, he can't say anything, "How about it, what is your opinion." The leader of the Haotu Empire looked around and said calmly to others.

"We Xuanbing Sect agreed." The Xuanbing Sect was the first to agree. They didn't want the big head to fall into Huo Hai's hands. The others did the same. They discussed it and agreed to launch the general attack in advance.

The leader of the Haotu Empire sneered: "Hmph, how could they take away the most precious things? If the kid Huo Hai didn't find something, wouldn't it disappoint us." The leader of the Haotu Empire sneered in his heart. But on the surface it didn't show up, "Very well, since everyone agrees, then let's start now."

At this moment, the leader of the Piaohua Pavilion suddenly said: "Everyone has prepared the powder, and there has been no movement in the Medicine King Sect. There must be many Spirit Sovereign Beasts among them." The strength of his side is already very strong, but the Medicine King Sect is strong. Can not be underestimated.

They don’t know how strong the Yaowang Sect is, but even if they don’t have as many as their own, there are about half of the spirit emperors who have disappeared before. The coalition forces gathered today are close to one thousand for the spirit emperor alone. people.

So many of the Spirit Sovereign realm masters have gathered together, I am afraid it is the first time in the history of the Molian Domain. Among them, there are three hundred masters from the three top powers. Each force has hundreds of Spirit Sovereign masters. And there is also a master of the seventh-level spirit emperor as the team leader, and the powerful strength of the three top powers is once again revealed.

Now that the discussion was good, everyone was moving very fast. The army with a large amount of Gu powder also drove the huge skeleton army and rushed towards the King of Medicine Gate. During this time, Huo Hai did not continue to sell the skeletons.

With the battle, the number of skeletons continued to decrease, but even so, there are still tens of millions of skeletons in front of the Medicine King Gate. Most of the skeletons died in the battle with alien beasts.

In this catastrophe, there were countless deaths among the spiritual masters, especially casual cultivators, who suffered heavy losses. If you count the deaths of the spiritual masters, you will find that this number is even more than the number of skeletons lost. many.

This kind of loss, if placed on the earth in the previous life, can basically turn many countries into nine rooms and voids. However, in the Molian domain, it only hurts the vitality of the Molian domain. The top masters of the major forces lose. It was not too much, and it was far from the point where the muscles and bones were injured. The army quickly moved forward with the order and rushed towards the King of Medicine Sect.

Those who are faster than them are a large number of masters of the spirit emperor realm. When everyone came to the sky above the Yaowangmen, they found that the Yaowangmen had been surrounded by a defensive barrier, "Huh, it is the guard of the Yaowangmen. Zong Dazhen."

It’s not a big deal to face so many masters in a small guardian sect. As the first spirit emperor launched an attack, other spirit emperors shot one after another, each of them made the entire defense barrier constantly shake. .

Just the second shot, the defensive barrier was full of cracks. In fact, it can be done to this level. It has already shown how strong the Yaowangmen’s guardian array is, but it is a pity that there are too many masters. , When the third attack was not very strong, the whole barrier was like a piece of broken glass, shattered completely, and nothing was left.

A series of explosions sounded, and countless places near Yaowangmen, including the foot of the mountain, exploded directly. These were the nodes of the protectorate formation. Under the terrorist and destructive attack, even the formation foundation was not preserved and all destroyed.

"Listen to the people from the Medicine King Sect, hurry out and get caught, otherwise today you will definitely let you go down and down the chickens and dogs." The leader of the Haotu Empire yelled, knowing that the entire battle was the worst loss for the Haotu Empire. .

The reason why the great land empire is constantly competing for the position of leadership is precisely to enhance the prestige of the great land empire. Only when the prestige is increased and during the recovery period after the battle, can the entire empire be guaranteed not to be too turbulent. Other major strengths, believe that At that time, there was no chance to cause chaos in the Great Land Empire, and even with this opportunity, he could go further.

Below, a dark green smoke filled with dust, and a voice sounded indifferently: "Huh, I didn't expect that things would turn out like this. The old man regrets that he didn't insist on destroying the insect king."

Two figures slowly flew up among the dark green clouds. These two men were the master and the great elder of the Medicine King Sect.

Upon seeing this, the leader of Haotu said loudly: "Why, there are only two of you at the King of Medicine Sect. The other masters, please call them out. You two are not enough for us to have so many points."

Looking around him, there are close to thousands of Spirit Sovereigns, even if they are two of the King of Medicine, their faces are not good at this time, "Don't worry, there is enough for you, if you don't believe me, I will ask them to come out and show you." A flame burned around the king's master, and when they saw this, everyone immediately guarded the surroundings carefully. Obviously, the masters must be here.

In the next moment, countless figures rose into the sky, and all kinds of strange beasts appeared, humanoids, wild beasts, and some very weird. Together, they were no less than their number.

And some of the strange beasts have reached the level of the second and third-level spirit emperors. Although not many, this strength is really shocking. The strange beasts are still increasing, encircling all the people. The number of alien beasts is increasing, and everyone's expressions become more and more unsightly, "What's the matter, why are there so many Spirit Emperor alien beasts."

Upon seeing this, the Master of Medicine King laughed: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect it, even we did not expect to turn all the spirit emperor masters into alien beasts, and then refine them into pill. There are so many strange beasts."

The Master of Medicine King's face became distorted and strange. Upon hearing the words, all people's hearts were replaced by anger and fear, "You, you actually did such a frenzied thing." Everyone was shocked.

Even if the Yaowang Sect creates strange animals, in everyone's minds, the Yaowang Sect will not have such a bottom line. Who knows that they have such abilities, and they have done it. Now, everyone finally knows why there are so many. High-level monsters, their friends who might have been alive, are now dead and clean.

"Haha, people are going to die. Who cares about so many? As long as you can catch you all and use you to create more and stronger beasts, then the entire Molian domain will belong to us in the future. Who dares to say that we did it? wrong."

When talking, the bodies of the elder and the master also began to change. The whole body has grown a lot, the clothes are broken, and the skin leaking underneath has turned green. No matter how you look at it, it seems that there is no one. Completely transformed spirit beast.

"You guys, you even made yourself like this." Now, everyone was finally shocked by the abnormality of the two people.

The Master of Medicine King said indifferently: "The spiritual practice of this school is lacking, and there is no way to make people go to the next level. We can only think of a way by ourselves. The reason for the first study of the different beast pill is to let humans obtain the spirit beast. Although he did not succeed in his bloodline and strength, he was half succeeded." The master of Yaowang Sect seemed to appreciate his appearance very much.

"These two guys are crazy." Everyone gradually understood that the reason why these two people were so frantic was probably because of the fusion of the blood of the alien beast. They were not like ordinary alien beasts, and the whole person went crazy and desperate.

But in the same way, two people are already in a semi-crazy state because of the unfinished Alien Beast Pill. The two people’s thinking methods are completely different from normal people, so they will do the next series of things. Now, all People looked at the two monsters, and the vigilance in their hearts became more serious.

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