Evil Insect God

Chapter 1039: search for

Under the influence of Huo Hai's spell, the Gu worm finally broke out, and finally completely controlled all the alien beasts. The alien beasts who were originally desperate died quickly, and after only a moment, there was not much left.

Under Huo Hai's special origin, the stimulus effect of spiritual power on these Gu worms is higher than that of the blood of other animals. As long as Huo Hai's spiritual power is continuously instilled, the reproduction speed of these Gu worms will be very terrifying.

In less than five minutes, the last strange beast in the air also died. The only remaining medicine king sect master and the great elder were completely transformed into human form at this time. Although they have not died yet, they are not injured. The two of them were already in a coma in mid-air. They fell quickly and landed on the ground below. As soon as Huo Hai appeared, he immediately changed the current situation.

Seeing Huo Hai, everyone was full of gratitude, but at the same time they were a little guilty. This time the action was originally intended to prevent Huo Hailai from robbing them, but in the end it fell to this end, and Huo Hai came to rescue them.

In fact, what they didn’t know was that if they hadn’t delayed the time and allowed Huo Hai’s spells to have enough time to prepare, it would be impossible for Huo Hai to destroy all the alien beasts in such a short time. To the thing.

"You guys don't plan to clean up, I just looked at it. There are many people on the ground who are still alive. They can still survive if they are rescued." Following Huo Hai's words, everyone finally thought of what the current situation is.

"Thank you for your help, Lord Chonghuang. If you have anything to do in the future, even if you are instructed to do your best, you must do your best." After speaking, this person handed over and flew down. Among the people below, his friend was still alive. If you don't rush to the rescue, God knows how long this friend can live, and the others rushed down after seeing this.

In particular, the three top powers suffered heavy losses this time. If they can save a few, they can also make up for the losses. The three top powers are badly injured this time. I don't know how long it will take to recover.

Each force brought more than a hundred Spirit Sovereign masters, originally to show their own strength, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this. At this time, everyone seemed to have no face to see people.

Huo Hai wouldn't care, he himself was a lonely family member, and he couldn't handle the current affairs.

The only one present for Huo Hai to take a look at was the masters of Jiuxianmen, but after the last incident, Jiuxianmen moved most of the masters back in angrily. At this time, the spirit emperor of Jiuxianmen was nothing but There were only three, one injured, and the remaining two had nothing to do. After looking at it, Huo Hai didn't care anymore.

Nodding from a distance, Huo Hai turned and left. As for the Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai didn't intend to pay any attention to them.

When Huo Hai stopped, he had already arrived at the Yaowangmen site which was almost turned into ruins. Others were busy searching for survivors and taking care of the wounded. It was just this opportunity to get some good things first.

The first place Huo Hai entered was the library of Yaowangmen. This kind of place was the most valuable place for Huo Hai. When Huo Hai walked into it, he first saw a bookshelf on which was about alien animals. Research.

"These guys are really frantic. They can even carry on such cruel research. It seems they should be destroyed." Looking at it, Huo Hai has a disgusting urge to vomit, Huo Hai did not hear What the Medicine King said before, but from the research report, Huo Hai already knew what was going on.

The Medicine King actually studied a method of directly using the spirit beast as a material for alchemy. By using such a method to make the alien beasts break through, it is no wonder that when he arrived, he found that there were so many spirit king and alien beasts. This is how it came.

"Don't keep these harmful things." Huo Hai thought for a while. Anyway, these things Huo Hai never wanted to learn. Even the secret method of Gu master making Gu people, Huo Hai never I didn't want to use it in the past, how could I care about it.

With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai sent out a ball of flames on the spot, and soon burned these materials about alien beasts into ashes. Huo Hai didn’t want these things, nor did they want other people to obtain them. Keep watching. Ling Jue and Zhan Ling Jue are very clever, but for Huo Hai, these things are not very suitable.

The people in the Medicine King Sect are all alchemists, so most of their fighting methods are combined with pill, or use their own flames. Huo Hai is not a fire attribute, and there is not so much time to study alchemy. These things only Can be used for reference.

Forget it, after taking it back, see if the family needs it or not. Huo Hai quickly loaded everything on the bookshelf into his inner space while flipping through it. The King of Medicine had a lot of medicines. There are countless alchemy skills, and Huo Hai himself doesn't like it very much, but it is undeniable that these things are indeed of high value.

Huo Hai searched for books here. Although other people wanted to get something easily, no one dared to **** Huo Hai. Some people who had searched the wounded avoided the library and ran to other places.

At this moment, Huo Hai’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Good things, this is the real good thing.” Huo Hai looked at a book in his hand. There were only three words on it, which can be used to raise alchemy. Not a secret method for alchemy.

The so-called nourishing alchemy is actually a secret method for tempering oneself and cultivating the ability of alchemy. This secret method, even among the king of medicine, is not qualified to practice it. This secret method is similar to Huo Hai’s original practice. The fire tempering secrets obtained in the hands of the earth empire are similar in different ways, but there is a big gap between the two.

The nourishing pill technique also regards its own crystal core as an inner pill, and even as a pill for tempering and improving little by little. Similarly, nourishing pill technique also regards its origin as an inner pill and gradually tempers it. , Can even improve the quality of its own origin.

This kind of improvement is very slow, but it is not useless. This exercise method itself is very similar to alchemy. With the continuous cultivation of alchemy, the level of alchemy can be continuously improved without wasting time.

For Huo Hai, who does not have much time to study alchemy techniques, this method is just right for him. Maybe in the future, he will also have the opportunity to become an alchemy master. The most important thing is that alchemy is more effective in tempering crystal nuclei. Good, faster. Although the crystal nucleus tempered by the Pill Cultivation Technique cannot reach the extreme of Huo Hai's own, the distance is not far away.

With the aid of nourishing alchemy, Huo Hai believes that his cultivation speed can definitely be improved. With the power of his own fire and his own strength now, in the future, the king of medicine can refine many alchemy by himself. .

I don’t know what it will be like to use the emperor pill in the future. Huo Hai is very excited, but it makes Huo Hai a pity that the power of emperor pill is not only related to his own strength, but also to his own fire. relationship.

Huo Hai itself is not a fire attribute, and the fire cannot be strengthened, so the use of the emperor pill is also how strong the fire is and how strong the fire people are. His own fire is not a little bit worse than his own strength.

Forget it, something is better than nothing. After reading through it, Huo Hai quickly loaded the books in his inner space. Huo Hai continued to search, wanting to see if there was anything better worthwhile. My own collection, unknowingly, the work of cleaning outside was almost complete, and everyone was taken home.

Whether it is a corpse or a master who is still lingering, they are all taken back by their respective forces or friends. Even people who have no friends or backers are also taken back by their enemies. Of course, the ones who are brought back must be the corpses. .

At this time, public revenge is a bit innocent, but no one said anything. Who made these hapless guys unlucky and hadn't been able to protect their friends. Fortunately, such things didn't happen much.

After a while, all the people brought these people back to where they were. Because there were a lot of people to transport, the people of the three top powers didn’t have time to manage the things of the King of Medicine. Only a few people did it. Entering the ruins of Yaowangmen and collecting the treasures in it, this approach undoubtedly made others very dissatisfied.

"They have all left, and you must act quickly. You must start before they return." The leader of the Haotu Empire watched the last group of people being taken away by the people from Piaohua Pavilion and Xuanbing Sect, and immediately ordered.

Following his instructions, several people immediately left where they were, and lurked quickly towards the surroundings. No one noticed their movements. At this time, the Haotu Empire also brought back some of its last people.

Perhaps because of the purpose of the Master of Medicine King Sect, he wanted to grab some living materials, and the people who were seriously injured and dropped at the beginning, in fact, not many people died. For the three top powers, the most serious loss is the last Counting the number of Firemen blew themselves up, the number of Spirit Sovereigns who can survive now is close to five hundred, which is equivalent to half of them still alive.

It's just that all of these were injured, and some of them were seriously injured and could not recover in one or two years. The three top powers lost almost the same amount, and each power lost nearly fifty Spirit Sovereign masters.

Although the vitality is still severely injured, compared with the two or three kittens left, it is already a blessing in misfortune. At this time, the people who survived are also full of gratefulness. Fortunately, their previous strength was poor and was Knock down.

If you persist to the end like everyone else, you might be dead in the middle of the fire man blew yourself. Sometimes, it's not that the stronger the strength the better, the weaker strength also has certain benefits.

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