Evil Insect God

Chapter 1066: Checkpoint

Hearing that Huo Hai was a person from the Molian Domain, the people who had originally faintly surrounded Huo Hai seemed to be scattered a lot, and that he was less alert to himself, which made Huo Hai feel very strange.

Secretly looking around with his eyes, Huo Hai asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with them? How come they all dispersed suddenly."

Jin Sheng said with a smile: "Isn't it because of your origin, Brother Huo, you just came here from the Molian Domain, so I don't know that people from the Molian Domain are generally not too many in our Heavenly Soul Domain. High status."

Huo Hai looked puzzled. Jin Sheng was not surprised. He directly introduced him to Huo Hai. After hearing Jin Sheng’s explanation, Huo Hai gradually understood that it was because of potential that the inheritance and resources of the Molian domain were insufficient, so People from Molian Territory have poor potential. The more powerful they are, the more serious they will be to destroy their own potential.

In this way, it is basically impossible for people from the Molian Region to join the large forces in the Heavenly Soul Region, and many of them are soloists. Therefore, in the eyes of the Heavenly Soul Region masters, the masters of the Molian Region are nothing at all.

The second point is the issue of inheritance. The inheritance of the Molian Territory is far from comparable to that of the Heavenly Soul Region. With years of conquests, various clever secrets are gradually lost. It is precisely because of this that the masters of the Molian Territory, generally It is not very strong in the spirit of war.

Even if some people from great powers are not as powerful as the casual cultivators in the Heavenly Soul Region, Huo Hai nodded. No wonder these people behaved so strange when they heard that they came here from the Heavenly Soul Region. .

"Brother Huo, you don’t have to worry too much. You are an insect spiritist, and an insect spiritist is actually very powerful. Even if you are not strong enough, it is generally very good to be used for assistance. It is very popular with all major forces. Besides, if If you can find some powerful worms in the future and successfully control them, then Brother Huo, you will definitely be a real master in the future."

Real masters, these people do not think that they are masters. When will the masters of the Spirit Sovereign realm also become a chicken dog? Forget it, there are too many masters in the Heavenly Soul Realm. Hide yourself completely.

Hearing Jin Sheng’s words, Huo Hai finally knew why other people had the same reaction when they heard that they were a worm spiritist at first. It turns out that in the Celestial Soul Realm, the worm spiritist is a very powerful spiritualist. No wonder, the strength of the worm spiritist is based on his own insects. If there is no powerful spirit worm, then the so-called worm spiritist is just a display.

The same is true for beast spiritists. It is also a powerful profession in the Heavenly Soul Realm, but Huo Hai knows that both pure insect spiritists and beast spiritists have big flaws, that is, their strength is too weak and they are easy to be caught. To the opportunity.

Moreover, it was necessary to find spirit insects and spirit beasts, wasting a lot of training time, which is why there are so many top powers in the heavenly soul domain, but none of them are dominated by insect spirit masters and beast spirit masters.

Suddenly, Huo Hai raised his head and said: "Be careful, everyone, there are people lying in ambush ten miles to the right." Huo Hai suddenly reminded others that they were surprised when they heard the words, but they didn't fully believe them. Instead, they sent people to investigate. When these people came back, the talents of the team truly believed that they changed the way forward a bit and let go.

When Huo Hai saw this, he didn't say anything. It's normal for them to distrust themselves, but Huo Hai's performance still made people feel very surprised. This was ten miles away, and Huo Hai could actually feel it.

"Brother Huo, you are really amazing. I now know how you got to the Heavenly Soul Realm through the Great Wasteland. You can explore a range of ten miles in this place. I'm afraid it won't be much smaller than this distance in the Great Wasteland. "

Huo Hai smiled modestly. The ten-mile range is not the limit of Huo Hai. Star Gu is powerful, and creatures that are stronger than Star Gu here will not care about the little things like Star Gu, but spirit insects who are interested in Star Gu. , But not as strong as Star Gu, so Star Gu has no natural enemies here. Even if this detection distance is extended a hundred times, Huo Hai is not unable to do it.

With Huo Hai, the advancement on this road is much safer. Every time, Huo Hai can spot the robber's trail in advance, and then let the team go around. Sometimes, even if they haven't found it, Huo Hai can find it.

With the discovery of danger again and again, everyone became more confident in Huo Hai. Later, when Huo Hai pointed out where there was an enemy, they would not verify it at all, and directly regarded Huo Hai's investigation as real intelligence.

Huo Hai even suspected that if he deliberately deceived them, they would get into the set, but Huo Hai is not so boring. The original three-day journey, because of Huo Hai, does not need to be as careful as before, only one day. In time, everyone was close to the edge, and the closer to the edge, the shorter the nearby mountains.

When he arrived at this place, Huo Hai had already felt that the aura between the heavens and the earth became more and more mellow. If the aura of the Molian Territory is water, then the aura of the Heavenly Soul Territory is a fragrant wine. As for the Great Wasteland, it can only be regarded as inferior. liqueur.

In this kind of place, even if there are not so many resources to assist, I am afraid it will not take too much time to cultivate all the way up. As long as there is a cultivation method, anyone can easily reach the realm of the spirit.

It’s just that Ling Jue is not a mainland product after all. Even in the Celestial Soul Realm, it’s impossible to be everywhere. Peer is an enemy. This is also true among spiritual masters. If a spiritual master wants to cultivate, he must consume resources. There are too many teachers, which will compress their living space, so when selecting apprentices in the Heavenly Soul Realm, it is more strict than the Molian Realm.

"Strange, why is there a level ahead." When approaching the edge, Huo Hai suddenly asked strangely, "Why don't they change the direction of advancement." Huo Hai felt even more strange.

Jin Sheng said calmly: "The front is the checkpoint set by Sirius Gate, the strongest overlord in the barren mountain area. No matter where you pass by, you need to pass through Sirius Gate. When you go to the border, you don’t need to pay tolls, but if you want to come back. , Unless you reach the seventh-level spirit emperor realm or above, you have to pay 10,000 spirit crystals tolls."

Ten thousand spiritual crystals flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. Ten thousand spiritual crystals may not be a big deal to the spiritual emperor, but everyone who passes through it has to pay it. The income of this Sirius Gate is more than that of the bandits inside. much better.

"Hey, the strength of the Sirius Gate is too strong. There is an ancestor of the Peak Spirit Sovereign realm among the sect, which is not something we can contend with." Jin Sheng said helplessly. Suddenly, Jin Sheng seemed to remember something. : "By the way, Brother Huo, you have enough spirit crystals on your body. If you don't have one, I can lend you temporarily."

Normally, the spirit emperor does not lack spirit crystals, but Huo Hai comes from the Molian domain. People from the Molian domain often use the spirit crystals on the road. If there are not enough spirit crystals, then this I'm afraid Lu will be sad.

Huo Hai shook his head: "Don't worry, I can still afford the spirit crystals." In Huo Hai's inner space, there are so many spirit crystals. There are only ten thousand spirit crystals, and Huo Hai doesn't care at all, but he just feels that this is a pity. That's it.

The others didn’t respond, as if this was a very normal thing. It didn’t take long before everyone came to the front of the checkpoint. The gate of the checkpoint was open, and there were a lot of spars next to it. “Brother Huo, those are all Record the spar, anyone who forcibly breaks through the barrier will be recorded, and Sirius Gate will not let go of those who do not pay tolls."

This is to remind Huo Hai, after all, there used to be people from the Heavenly Soul Realm who were not very strong, but had a very strong temper, and sometimes even attacked those who guard the level.

It is a pity that none of these people end up well. The Sirius Gate is not a vegetarian. Huo Hai also understands that the most powerful in the Molian Domain is only the seventh-level Spirit Emperor, which is nothing to the Sirius Gate. .

A pinnacle spirit emperor hands-on, I am afraid that even if the vast empire exerts all its strength, it may not be able to win. This is the terrifying strength of the pinnacle spirit emperor. Everyone lined up to hand in ten thousand spirit crystals. Huo Hai also Secretly packed ten thousand spiritual crystals into a space ring, and then took the things out with the cover of the sleeves.

It is important to know that things like inner space are very rare even in the Heavenly Soul Region. When Huo Haibian tapped and asked before, Jin Sheng once mentioned that although there are many world spirit stones in the Heavenly Soul Region, they are all monopolized by large sects. Up.

If it is discovered that someone has inner space, if there is no powerful force behind it, they will usually be secretly controlled by some sect family and others, and used as a warehouse, such as coming to the border.

If someone has inner space, as long as you hide things in the inner space, there is no problem even if you encounter robbers on the road. After all, robbers still rely on these people for food. Therefore, although the robbers here like to **** things, as long as they don’t Rebellion, the robbers here are just robbing, not hunting passersby.

When it was Huo Hai's turn, Huo Hai did not hesitate, took out the space ring, and threw the ten thousand spirit crystals aside with a wave of his hand. After checking the error, the master of the Sirius Gate waved his hand to let Huo Hai pass quickly.

"Brother Huo, do you want to sit in my house, you are a master, my father will be very happy to see him." Seeing Huo Hai pass, Jin Sheng hurriedly joined in and said, there is no Spirit Emperor among Jin Sheng's team. Escort.

After hearing the words, Huo Hai thought for a while, anyway, he didn't have any plans now, so it was better to go and see. As for his own purpose in the future, he still had to consider the long-term plan, so Huo Hai directly nodded in agreement.

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