Evil Insect God

Chapter 1071: In the desert

After Huo Hai and his party entered the desert, they no longer paid attention to those who were following them. It was not easy to walk in the desert of stars. In fact, Jin Sheng didn't know the specific location.

"Brother Huo, I, I only know the approximate location of the treasure, which should be north of the center of the starry desert. I don't know the specifics. Let's go and take a look first." Jin Sheng scratched embarrassedly. head.

Huo Hai looked helpless, this kid didn't know anything, so he dared to enter the desert, "Well, let's look for it slowly, I believe there is no problem in finding someone." There are a few Star Gus around Huo Hai, basically It was still able to help Huo Hai find and locate, and this way of chasing, he did not catch up with the Patriarch of the Jin Family and Chi Family.

It's right to think about it. The two Spirit Sovereign masters didn't bring any of their subordinates at all. Of course, they were fast, and they weren't the ones riding Cloud Horses that could keep up. The two of them set out relatively suddenly.

So at that time, few people could follow, otherwise, these people would not have to follow the team of Jin Sheng and others. Jin Sheng was like beckoning disaster to the Patriarch of the two families.

Even in the desert, there is no shortage of insects. Huo Hai’s current strength and spiritual power fluctuations are released, he can already feel and slightly control the surrounding spirit insects, even if the level of these spirit insects is very high. The same goes for Gao, Huo Hai doesn't even know that, in this respect, he is no longer inferior to an insect spiritist of the same level.

Huo Hai always believes that he is a fake and inferior worm spiritist, so in terms of temporarily controlling insects, he cannot compare with a real worm spiritist, but using spirit worms to cast spells is not something other worm spiritists can fight against. .

Along the way, Huo Hai also discovered a phenomenon, that is, there are many spirit worms under the sand, and the place where there are no spirit worms is basically the quicksand area, no, it cannot be said completely.

After finding a few quicksand areas, Huo Hai discovered that in the quicksand, only some very special spirit worms can survive. These spirit worms are somewhat similar to aquatic spirit worms. Therefore, in this kind of quicksand, it is like a fish in water. Yes, as long as Huo Hai senses this kind of worm, it means that this area is a quicksand area.

Huo Hai walked all the way, pointed, smoothly pointed out all the quicksand areas, and then walked around, "Brother Huo is so powerful, it's no wonder that others say that the insect spiritualist is one of the spiritualists with the strongest comprehensive ability."

Jin Sheng and Chi Lian'er were completely conquered by Huo Hai’s abilities, and even both of them were thinking that if they had chosen insect spiritualists at the beginning, they wouldn’t have to be so troublesome. It’s just that although insect spiritualists are powerful, they need to be cultivated. not easy.

There is no powerful secret method or a large number of high-level spirit insects. Insect spiritists are waste residue. Before they grow up, they are very fragile and need protection from others. Even after they grow up, they are still not too strong. , So most of the worm spirit masters in the heavenly soul domain are cultivated by large forces, and basically there is no casual cultivation.

Huo Hai is a special case of a loose repair insect spiritist, and Huo Hai is not humble: "Ha ha, the investigation is originally the expertise of the insect spiritist, hey, everyone pay attention to the front, there are a large group of scorpions in front."

The desert scorpion is also a kind of spirit worm, but it is a pity that the level is too bad, and the highest is only the realm of the spirit king. Hearing this, everyone stopped on the spot, Huo Hai walked to the front, and quickly shot one with both hands. Handprints.

Following the handprint rune, a mysterious power fluctuation gradually began to spread, and soon filled all the surrounding areas. With Huo Hai's movements, several humble star Gu also flew up in the sky, emitting their own fluctuations. .

With the help of Huo Hai’s spells and original aura, coupled with the fact that Star Gu, as a powerful Gu worm, was born to suppress ordinary spirit worms. Soon, a large gray-brown desert scorpion appeared on the ground, shaking with Huo Hai’s spiritual power , These scorpions gradually calmed down, "Well, these things have been controlled by me, let's move on."

The desert scorpions are very toxic, but they are far behind Huo Hai’s use of the kind of spirit worms that can synthesize toxins. These desert scorpions themselves are not very powerful and their level is not high. Huo Hai has no control at all. idea.

Temporarily controlling these scorpions, Huo Hai just let these scorpions clear the way. The real danger in the desert is not just quicksand traps. Jin Sheng and Chi Lian'er looked at this at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. The desert scorpions, their complexions were a little pale, they just approached a scorpion den on the starry desert.

These terrifying numbers of scorpions are not a threat to the spiritual emperor masters at all, and they are not even as dangerous as quicksand traps, but to people below the spiritual emperor, they are extremely dangerous things.

If they encounter a quicksand trap, they can still escape, at most only one or two people will die, but if they encounter a place where such scorpions are crowded, they have not reached the realm of the spiritual emperor, and basically they can only wait for death.

Now, so many scorpions are easily controlled by Huo Hai, and they have become their path-finding pawns. This makes the group more and more envious of the profession of insect spiritualist. Jin Sheng is even considering whether to find a way to train in the future. Some family insect spiritualists.

Huo Hai didn't care about this. Huo Hai just controlled these scorpions to move forward and then searched for the quicksand area by himself. These scorpions were very light. As long as a large number of scorpions didn't pile into the quicksand area, they would not cause the flow of quicksand at all.

Besides, even if there are too many scorpions swallowed by quicksand, Huo Hai does not feel distressed at all. These scorpions, to the point where Huo Hai is now, have no help at all. If it were not for taking care of other people, Huo Hai would not It takes effort to control so many scorpions. With these scorpions, everyone moves faster.

But before long, everyone had to stop, "Be careful, there are a lot of sand lizards ahead." The sand lizard is a monitor lizard that lives in the desert. Of course, this is a fierce beast in itself and very dangerous.

Just when a large number of scorpions were advancing, one by one black shadows suddenly appeared, and then a large number of scorpions controlled by Huo Hai were swallowed, and the attack of the scorpions was completely useless for these rough and thick skins. It took a short time. Inside, a large number of scorpions were eaten by these sand lizards. Now, all the sand lizards gradually gathered and started a grand dinner.

"Sand lizard, our luck is really bad." Jin Sheng's face was full of wry smiles. The sand lizard is in the desert, but it is more dangerous than the quicksand trap. Among the sand lizards, the powerful can reach the realm of the spiritual emperor.

For the desert, these sand lizards are much more familiar than normal people. The sand lizards are very toxic and can spit out poison. This kind of poison is not as terrifying as Xiaojin, but it is extremely difficult to get rid of after being poisoned.

The individual sand lizards are not very powerful, but the number is very large. A large group of sand lizards often has tens of thousands. Huo Haiyuan used Star Gu to observe: "The number of sand lizards ahead is almost 20,000. There are eight sand lizards in the spirit emperor realm, which is really troublesome." Huo Hai had already seen the sand lizards that had gathered completely at this time.

My own scorpions are not enough for these sand lizards to eat, "Brother Huo, we, let's evacuate as soon as possible. If we encounter a group of sand lizards in the desert, even a master of the spirit emperor can't fight it." Chi Lian'er hesitated. .

Hearing this, Huo Hai shook his head instead: "Don't worry, I still have a way to deal with these things, but speaking of it, it seems that this is a good material for the sand lizard." The sand lizard's skin and toxins are still There is a crystal nucleus in the body, which is very popular in the outside world. The people around him stared at Huo Hai with an incredible expression.

Huo Hai didn't explain. With a wave of his hand, a big butterfly appeared in front of Huo Hai. Following Huo Hai's wave, the colorful butterfly flew up to the sky, slowly flying towards the group of sand lizards in front.

Huo Hai himself quickly made handprints one by one, blessed by powerful spiritual power, and integrated into the body of the big butterfly. When the big butterfly flew over the sand lizard, waves of mental fluctuations spread out.

Before long, all the sand lizards had heavier and heavier eyelids, and eventually closed their eyes and fell to the ground. Not only these sand lizards, but also a large number of scorpions, fell to the ground one after another, as everyone moved forward. Go, this weird situation became clearer, and when they saw a large number of sand lizards lying on the ground, everyone's expressions finally changed.

"This is, I'm asleep, Brother Huo, how did you do it." Chi Lian'er looked at Huo Hai in surprise. Huo Hai's hand has surpassed their knowledge of the Spirit Sovereign master. This is simply It's horrible.

At this time, Jin Sheng looked at the big butterfly in the sky with horror. Now he finally saw that the butterfly was in its original form. The butterfly was white. This colorful color was formed by refracting sunlight.

"Hey, my god, this won't be the legendary Death Moth." Hearing that, the eyes of other people are also big. The death moth is famous, and everyone near the border almost knows it, although they have never I have seen the Death Moth, but I know it very well, especially now that only the Death Moth can do this.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Haha, luck, luck, luck just got a death moth, don't be so surprised."

The people who got the confirmation were suddenly even more shocked. This is really the death moth. The only death moth that has been caught in history was only when the death moth was first discovered. A spirit emperor grabbed one, and never again. People have gotten the death moth.

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