Evil Insect God

Chapter 1073: Familiar feeling

Seeing Jin Sheng's appearance, Huo Hai didn't want to delay too much time, "Well, let's start now, but we still have to be careful, the action at night is more dangerous." Huo Hai got up and said.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Brother Huo." Jin Sheng looked at Huo Hai gratefully, and then greeted others to start walking forward. Walking in the starry desert at night is not an easy task. The more the night comes, The more powerful fierce beasts appeared, at this time, the scorpions that Huo Hai had collected before were completely used.

At this moment, the huge silver-white light in front suddenly collapsed, and the terrifying impact of aura spread to the surroundings in an instant, but although the aura was very large, it was actually not lethal.

"How come these spiritual auras seem to be the spiritual power of the stars? No, this is the spiritual power of the stars. How can they appear here." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. Huo Hai is so familiar with the feeling of this spiritual power. Spiritual power is similar.

To be precise, the aura here should be similar to the aura of the Cross Canyon. Could it be that this is also a site left by the Sky Star Sect, or that the so-called treasure is left by the Sky Star Sect, originally Huo Hai did not have much Looking forward to it, now Huo Hai feels a little hot in his heart. If it is really left by the Sky Star Sect, then Huo Hai must make a breakthrough.

"We speed up, I'm afraid the door of the treasure has been opened." Huo Hai said, the team temporarily accelerated some speed, which can only be achieved when Huo Hai fully controls the spirit worms, otherwise they would not dare to run so fast.

In the distance, the people of the Sky Star Sect felt this aura, and immediately opened their eyes: "It's the Star Aura, such a pure Star Aura. The relics here must be left by the ancient Sky Star Sect. Let us speed up."

The expressions of the people of the Sky Star Sect suddenly became excited. Once the things left by the ancient Sky Star Sect were of any value, they could definitely increase the strength of the Sky Star Sect. Even they would get a higher status. No matter who is in front of them, they will not back down, "Quickly, contact Zongmen."

Upon hearing this, a disciple of the Sky Star Sect immediately opened the communication spar in his hand, but the communication spar, which has always been unprofitable, was blocked at this time, "No, I can't contact, brother, what should we do? ."

The leader was silent for a while: "It seems that the aura just activated some spiritual formation, which blocked this place, and can block the starry desert without anyone controlling it. This is definitely an important heritage of the ancient sky star sect. Land."

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry over and don't let others succeed." Now that we know the exact location of the treasure, there is no need to track anyone at all. All those who are still in the starry desert are very clear at this time. Knowing where the target is, not only the people of the Sky Star Sect, but also the other teams.

"Huh, it really is the breath of the stars' spiritual power, the ancient Sky Star Sect really left a lot of trouble, this time we will go over and grab things." The leader of another team said loudly, leading people to speed up.

In the distance, some teams saw the silver-white light rising into the sky, and they became excited, "Oh my God, treasure, this is definitely a treasure, hurry, don’t lose to others, we must get the best of this treasure. thing."

When they felt this breath, everyone suddenly went crazy. This is a treasure that they finally found. As long as they get something, they will become a master in the future. You will become a master in one fell swoop, and you will no longer have to suffer like the present. Forced, you know, the competition in the Heavenly Soul Realm is even fiercer. If you can't step on others, you will only be stepped on.

Now even if he doesn't look around, Huo Hai knows that there must be a lot of people rushing to the destination. Huo Hai doesn't want to let go of things related to the Sky Star Sect. Huo Hai also feels the spirit of the surrounding spirit formations.

Huo Hai has received the Spirit Array inheritance from the Sky Star Sect, so he is more aware of how troublesome it is to arrange the Spirit Array here. With Huo Hai’s current ability, given him a few years, he can’t arrange such a layout with sufficient materials. Great array.

The power of the Spirit Formation here is no worse than that of the Great Cross Canyon. If there is any inheritance in it, Huo Hai is also sure that it is not an ordinary commodity. The Heavenly Star Sect was divided into countless branches back then, even the Heavenly Star. There are countless different cultivation directions, different branches, and the things left behind cannot be exactly the same.

"It's such a strong fluctuation. Someone started fighting so soon." Suddenly, Huo Hai raised his head. The place where the movement had just made the sound came once again, but this time the fluctuation was very chaotic.

Huo Hai is very familiar with this kind of fluctuation. Generally, this kind of fluctuation occurs only when he is a master hand, and the person who does it must be a master of the Spirit Sovereign realm, "Brother Huo, let's go quickly."

Both Jin Sheng and Chi Lian'er became anxious, and Huo Hai was helpless: "Well, I will try my best. In this kind of place, we can't get up soon if we want." The starry desert is not a good place. Being caught in the quicksand, fortunately, Huo Hai's exploration, whether it is quicksand or dangerous beasts and worms, Huo Hai can spot and avoid them in advance.

Among so many teams, Huo Hai's team is advancing the fastest. After the spiritual power that has just soared to the sky, this spiritual power dispersed into the surroundings, opening the entire starry desert's spiritual circle restriction.

At this time, the entire starry desert has been completely imprisoned by the spirit formation. The outside world will not find any movement inside. It is very easy to enter from the outside, but it is absolutely impossible to get out, and will only fall into the boundless illusion.

It’s just that, at this time, who would think about going out? Once the spirit formation is turned on, if no one closes it, I’m afraid it won’t dissipate in a few years. The formation, at this time the formation gradually sinks, and then separated from the middle, the spirit formation quickly recovered, revealing a passage in the middle.

"It seems that this is the entrance of the treasure, let's go in." Jin Family Patriarch said.

"I want to go in, I have asked the old man if he has it." At this moment, a voice suddenly rang, and the two looked up. They didn't know when, above the big pit, several figures had already appeared.

The old man who just spoke, the aura on his body has reached the height of the fourth-level spiritual emperor. Two people are only the first-level spiritual emperor. How can they be the opponent of this old man? Needless to say, there are many other people, each of them The breath is very strong.

Being able to follow them all the way without being lost, the people present are at least the strength of the third-level spirit emperor. The two patrons, but only the first-level spirit emperor, are very weak compared to them, and they are full of shock. , I didn't expect that at least 20 people would follow me by my side. It was because I was too careless or because the other party's hiding skills were too good.

The two glanced at each other and nodded secretly. With a jump, they planned to enter the underground passage, but before two people entered it, a figure suddenly flashed, and there were two muffled "bangs", the owners of the two families He was shot and flew out immediately.

The figure who has just started, is a young man, his strength has reached the third level of the spiritual emperor, "Two, of course the treasure is for the able to live, this place is not suitable for two, please come back for the two." Strength means that there are powerful forces behind them. There are only these two people. There is no strong backing behind them, and their strength is not as good as others.

"Yes, this little friend is right, you two should leave soon, otherwise it will be bad if you lose your life." The old man just now stared at the two people and said, the two of you were already injured just now. .

"Seniors, this treasure was discovered by us and opened by us. If you want to go in, we have no opinion, but the treasure is so big, we go in, and I hope you will not object."

The old man snorted coldly: "Huh, I'm so brave, I dare to be in front of the old man." As he said, the old man waved his hands, and countless black shadows flew out of the old man's hands. When the two Patriarchs saw this, their eyes immediately Staring wide, urging his own spiritual power with all his strength, but unfortunately the gap between them is too big, and the shadow hits the two spiritual power defenses and instantly penetrates it.

"Tongguzhen, you are the old man of Yinshan." Patriarch Chi family felt the terrifying pain in his body and immediately shouted.

The old man smiled indifferently: "I didn't expect the two of you to know the old man. If that's the case, then leave the things to the old man." The old man Yinshan looked at the two, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the two looked at each other, his eyes full of bitterness. .

"Since the senior wants it, the junior dare not obey." Patriarch Jin family endured the pain and threw the map in the air, but before the map fell into Yinshan's hands, a suction surged in and directly sucked the map over.

"Old man Yinshan, there may be some records on the interior of the ruins. Let me keep them." But before the map passed, a strong suction came and pulled the map over.

Before long, all the masters in the same place realized the specialness of the map, so they increased their strength and used their best efforts to compete for the map. In the air, the map flew from left to right, and the old man Yinshan's face became more and more ugly. Finally, a few black shadows shot out from the hands of the old man Yinshan, and they instantly hit the map in midair. With a "poof," the map was torn into seven or eight pieces.

The strongest people on the scene each got a piece of it, "Huh, this is just right, no one needs to grab it."

Yin Shan took the biggest piece and snorted coldly. Before the others could react, he jumped into the passage, while others, seeing Yin Shan's movements, hurried into it, and didn't care at all. Patriarch of the two families.

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