Evil Insect God

Chapter 1077: Strong enemy

After getting up, Huo Hai had already asked all the information he needed. With a move in his heart, Xiaodie let go of the master of the Sky Star Sect below, losing Xiaodie's control, and the anger on the master of the Sky Star Sect disappeared instantly.

The moment the corpse fell to the ground, it already began to melt. As the corpse gradually melted away, everything left on the master of the Sky Star School, including clothes, disappeared without a trace with a flash of light.

"It seems that it is really weird here. This Sky Star Sect does not know what other thoughts there is. If... forget it, I have nothing to do with them anyway." Huo Hai shook his head. Regarding the current Sky Star Sect, Huo Hai didn't hold much hope, if the strength of the Sky Star Sect was really strong, how could it be controlled by Yuehua Sect in name.

Moving forward, Huo Hai took out the map fragments from time to time to test it. Every time Huo Hai injected spiritual power, he could clearly feel that this map should probably have a certain relationship with the inner spiritual formation.

As for the reason why this map is broken, Huo Hai is not very clear about the reason. Such an important thing, generally speaking, will not be so easy to be broken, and Huo Hai has also tried, this map fragment in his hand, It simply cannot be torn apart.

Even if he can’t destroy it, how did the old man of Yinshan do it? Huo Hai can be sure that the old man of Yinshan had not touched the treasure map at first, and after the research of the Jin family’s head, this treasure map There is absolutely no gap, not one piece at a time. Forget it, if you care about so much, you should look for it quickly.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When Huo Hai passed through a space node, he suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power fluctuations again. The Star Gus immediately stepped forward. Through the Star Gu, Huo Hai quickly determined that the two people in front were fighting. .

These two people are both masters of the second-level spirit king realm: "Huh, hurry up and hand over the map on your body, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite." Map, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't expect to be able to Encountered here.

"If you want a map, don't dream it. You also have a piece of it. Please hand it over quickly. If you don't, wait for my companions to come, then you won't want to leave." It's another map, your own Good luck.

However, what makes Huo Hai wonder why these two guys actually have maps. None of the people who got the maps were below the third-level spiritual emperor. Now the map has two second-level spiritual emperors. In my hands, I don't know what happened, after all, this place is indeed very dangerous.

No matter how many, get the map first, Huo Hai's heart moved, Star Gu has already launched an attack, almost without Huo Hai's blessing, at the realm of the Spirit Sovereign, the spirit worm will not be too weak against a master of the same level.

Especially during a sneak attack, the spirit worms were able to give full play to their abilities. Before the two people who were fighting could react, a hole was pierced in their heads, and the two of them opened their eyes wide and relaxed. Slow down.

Huo Hai knew that if people were dead here, the corpse and everything would be transported away soon. Huo Hai didn't dare to neglect, and rushed forward, his hands seemed to turn into shadows, almost instantly Touched his body again, almost all valuable things reached Huo Hai's hands, especially the map fragments on the two of them.

After a little sense, Huo Hai knew that the two maps were real, "Huh, I didn't expect you to have two maps. If you hand them over, the old man will leave you a whole body." As Huo Hai checked the map, Suddenly a person appeared in front.

Huo Hai cursed secretly in his heart. There are too many space nodes here, and they are constantly changing back and forth. An old man appeared in the space node just ahead. Huo Hai hadn't noticed it before. He looked up and Huo Hai felt this. Human beings are powerful, ninth-level spiritual emperor master, the spiritual power in his body is very vast.

Huo Hai made a slight eye, and then waved his hand: "Here you are." As he said, Huo Hai threw two pieces out. The moment he threw them out, Huo Hai turned around and ran. The old man ignored him, first took the things, and then His face changed drastically.

"Boy, do you dare to lie to me." At this time, what the old man is holding is not a fragment of the map at all, but two ordinary blades that Huo Hai took out from his inner space just after the opportunity.

Seeing the deceived old man, he immediately chased him up, "Boy, no one who dared to deceive the Emperor Xuanyue before can escape from the old man." As he said, Emperor Xuanyue had already made a move and slapped his palm forward. , A huge spiritual power formed in his hands, and in an instant, a white round moon appeared in Xuan Yuehuang's hands, and the whole became black in the next moment.

It's a pity that Huo Hai is not a person in the Sky Soul Realm, otherwise he will definitely recognize that this move is the unique Xuanyue Palm of the Yuehua Sect. Even among the Yuehua Sect, few people can learn the Xuanyue Palm.

Only Emperor Xuanyue is the only one who can practice the change of Xuanyue Palm to this extent. Otherwise, why would this person be called Emperor Xuanyue? As soon as Emperor Xuanyue moved his hands, Huo Hai felt behind him. A terrifying force came.

"Damn it, is this the power of the ninth-level spirit emperor." Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he passed through the space node that he had just passed. The power of Xuanyue Palm hit the space node, and it was completely decomposed in an instant, but there was still a part of it. When Huo Hai didn't have time to escape, he broke into Huo Hai's body. Huo Hai just passed the node and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn old man, he is so powerful." Huo Hai cursed and continued to run away. Although the nodes are constantly changing, no one knows when these nodes will change. Just after Huo Hai left, there was a person behind him. Figure.

"Boy, stop for me, otherwise the old man will definitely smash your corpse when he catches you." Xuan Yuehuang shouted and slapped once again. The terrifying power of the Ninth-level Spirit Sovereign is simply not something Huo Hai can bear. of.

Huo Hai cursed in his heart and continued to hide, believing that this old guy is an idiot. If he really dared to stop, Huo Hai would be sure that he would die here next moment, and Huo Hai had previously discovered strangely, in this Among the ruins, the map fragments could not be put into the space objects, and even their own inner space could not be entered.

If he dies, things will reach the opponent's hands in an instant. There is nothing that can threaten this old guy. Huo Hai can only run away. After turning a corner, Huo Hai's eyes suddenly brightened, "Haha, there is a way."

Ahead, I don't know when, a powerful spirit servant floated over. I don't know why, the spirit servant here seems to be very meek and never attacked himself. Huo Hai felt that it might be because of the spiritual power of the stars.

The guy behind did not have the spiritual power of the stars. Huo Hai slowed down and blocked the spirit servant with his own figure. The next moment, behind the corner, Emperor Xuan Yue appeared, "Boy, you still want to run, you can't run. "The Emperor Xuanyue shook his palm once again, and Huo Haineng insisted to this day because of his smart body and the complicated terrain.

After gritting his teeth, Huo Hai burst out his spiritual power with all his strength, and his figure suddenly accelerated. After turning around, Huo Hai came behind the spirit servant. This palm almost rubbed Huo Hai's back and directly hit the spirit servant. .

The old man had no celestial spiritual power, but now he hit this ghost-like spiritual servant, and the spiritual servant immediately became angry and attacked the Emperor Xuanyue. This spiritual servant was not simple, it was also the strength of the ninth-level spiritual emperor.

"I don't know how long I can entangle him." Huo Hai did not turn his head, his figure flashed, and he accelerated to escape. The next moment, there was a fierce battle fluctuation behind him. Although the two are both the ninth-level spirit emperor, Huo Hai Hai knew that if there were no special circumstances, that Spirit Servant would definitely not be Emperor Xuan Yue's opponent, but Emperor Xuan Yue had cultivated a very clever battle spirit technique.

Huo Hai had already felt the palm technique that was just performed by Emperor Xuanyue from a distance. This set of techniques is probably not inferior in quality to his own spirit-attached sword technique at this stage. The origin of Emperor Xuanyue is definitely not simple.

Continuing to run away for a while, no one has attacked him for a long time. Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief and stopped. I have to say that this place is still very big. After running for so long, he has not encountered another A person.

Huo Hai stopped and felt his back. At this time, the clothes behind his back had burst open, blood flowing out from inside, dripping onto the floor, and it would be absorbed by the spirit array on the ground immediately, Huo Hai I didn't care about this, as the spiritual power was running, the blood was quickly completely sealed, "It's so strong, Xuan Yuehuang, I remember you."

Huo Hai said coldly. Fortunately, he just ran fast, so the injury was not very serious. Now he feels his back, but it is just some skin trauma. It may look scary. As long as you use spiritual energy to nourish, you can quickly The restoration is as before.

Huo Hai even put a Star Gu behind his back, slowly releasing his light attribute spiritual power. Now the light attribute in the Star Gu's body accounts for less and less spiritual power, but this power is still continuing to work. .

Under the ray of light, Huo Hai felt a rush of Susu numbness behind him, which shows that his injury has been quickly recovered. The special spiritual power left behind by the previous attack is also used by Huo Hai’s extremely pure spiritual power. Next, being repelled little by little, someone looking at Huo Hai's back will definitely find that the back of Huo Hai always emits a white light.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Huo Hai came back to his senses again, the injuries on his back had basically recovered.

Well, look at the map in your hand, you should be able to find more clues, I got it from the old man of Yinshan, but the middle of the map, any other map, don't have to worry about whether it will not be able to be stitched together.

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