Evil Insect God

Chapter 1082: Collection place

If you don't stop, you don't know. Huo Hai feels bad when he stops. He didn't expect that in this secret room, he would have been closed for five months. Five months was actually nothing to the Spirit Sovereign.

But such a long time was wasted, and I don’t know what the ruins are doing now. "Hurry out and check, I don’t know if those people have left." Huo Hai was a little anxious, and returned to the node again through the teleportation array. , Huo Hai took out the map, injected his own spiritual power, and began to observe the situation within the map.

Because Star Gu has fully recovered and its strength has improved to the next level, Huo Hai is now able to detect the surrounding Star Gu once again. A large number of Star Gu circling around, as long as someone is close, Star Gu can be spotted for the first time. .

"What is this." Suddenly, Huo Hai discovered that there were two small dots within the range of his map. Unlike his own, these two dots are more special small dots, and they are still moving. .

"Damn it, what the **** is this place, why there is no exit, it has been five months, and I still can't get out." A master of the fourth-level spirit emperor realm said helplessly, besides, there is a first-level spiritual emperor realm People, but these two people weren't together at the beginning, but later met when they were running around.

The two of them now look like an alliance, or they can be said to have gotten together to have a companion. For five months, they were not in the middle of cultivation, but in this kind of maze that seemed basically unchanged. shake.

This kind of life, I am afraid that no matter who it is, it will feel boring to uncomfortable. Take out the map and hold it in his hand. The headed person looks helpless: "I can't leave here. What's the use of a map."

Huo Hai, who had just arrived here, just as Star Gu was released, he saw these two people, "Hehe, there is a map, that's all right." Huo Hai's heart moved, reaching the seventh-level Spirit Sovereign Star Gu Flew out instantly.

The two of them did not react at all. Star Gu opened their mouths and gently bit the map in their mouths. The next moment they flew towards Huo Hai, although Star Gu’s power is strong, these maps cannot be bitten. Broke, the two of them were stunned and found that the map had disappeared without a trace, "No, chase."

The two people who found that something was wrong, chased them immediately. Unfortunately, Huo Hai moved faster, took the Star Gu through the space node in front, and disappeared in front of the two of them. In just a moment, Huo Hai took it with him. Map, I don’t know where I went.

The two people were left looking at each other. Without the map, they had no hope of leaving here in the end, "Damn it, who did it, if you let me know, you will be broken into pieces." Their eyes were full of anger. And despair.

A distance away, Huo Hai smiled slightly while holding the map fragments: "So, these strange points are the other map fragments on this map of mine. It really takes no effort at all." He said, Huo Hai Infused with spiritual power, under a burst of silver-white light, the new map fragments quickly merged into Huo Hai's hands, bit by bit.

The next moment, the map range that Huo Hai could control suddenly increased a lot. At this time, there was a map fragment within the map range of his own, and the top priority was to quickly get this map fragment into his hands.

Huo Hai's heart moved, and he immediately began to formulate his own route, and went all the way, and soon Huo Hai found the location of the next map fragment, "It is only at the level of the second-level spirit emperor, it is really weak."

I don’t know why, this map fragment was actually in the hands of a second-level spirit emperor, but this person did not take out the map fragment. If so, then I don’t have to be polite. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately ordered Star Gu to attack. With Star Gu's current strength, attacking a second-level spirit emperor was simply not difficult at all.

From releasing spiritual power to accelerating the attack, the second-level spiritual emperor in front did not react at all, until his spiritual source was pierced, the person still had a deep doubt on his face, I don’t know what happened. Going on.

It seems that the boring life here for such a long time has also reduced the vigilance of these people to the extreme. Huo Hai's figure flashed and quickly rushed over, in the shortest time to get everything on this person. .

"Guilty, sin, it turned out to be a woman." After Huo Hai touched the other party's whole body in a short time, he finally realized something was wrong, but Huo Hai still didn't look guilty at all at this time, and counted things up again. , And then quickly joined the map in his hands. At this time, the range of the map that Huo Hai could control had exceeded half.

After the area was enlarged, the information of other map fragments naturally appeared in Huo Hai's map again. He simply did nothing, and Huo Hai followed the map and moved forward quickly, taking all the map fragments one by one.

All means were used to take advantage of it, but Huo Hai was in a better mood now. Those with map fragments in his hands, Huo Hai directly snatched them, and did not kill all the people they saw.

With Huo Hai’s current strength, these people have no threat at all. Besides, Huo Hai doesn’t want to provoke so many enemies in vain. Who knows if these people have any special means to mark themselves before they die, map The larger the terrain, the more complicated the terrain. Huo Hai has been busy all day, finally collecting most of the maps.

"Just one piece to the west." Huo Hai looked at the map and kept sighing in his heart that now only a piece of the map fragment in the west is not in his hands, and the map fragment is not within his control.

Forget it, let's not worry about so much for the time being, Huo Hai's heart moved, and he first walked towards the easternmost position from him. The map showed that there was a secret room at the easternmost position, and the same was true in the south.

It seems that there is a secret room in each of the four locations, coming to the east, as before, keeping the spiritual power injected into the map, and then directly stepping on the space node, the light flashes, and Huo Hai appears in a secret room displayed in a box on the east. At a glance, this is similar to the northern secret room, and they are all the same empty, the same huge space.

But Huo Hai searched it and was disappointed, "It seems that other people are not completely unable to discover the secrets of the map." There is nothing in the secret room. Looking around, there are traces of others. .

I really don’t know who took the things away. Huo Hai reluctantly left this secret room and headed to the south. As before, Huo Hai quickly stepped into the southern secret room, but there seemed to be no one in this secret room. Over.

A large number of items were piled up in this place, "Hey, this piece of clothing, isn’t this the clothing of the person who died before." Huo Hai suddenly discovered that there was a piece of clothing here that was very conspicuous. After thinking about it, it was himself. The master who killed one day ago was left behind. After all, among the people who came here, women were very rare.

The corpse had been melted and absorbed by the spirit formation at the beginning, and the rest of the things were all sent away. It turned out to be sent to this place. It seems that this is the warehouse inside the entire ruins. No matter what it is, it will eventually be collected here.

Huo Hai walked over quickly, basically there was nothing good in front of him. When the owner died, the space ring had already been taken away. If he continued to walk forward, the things in front were really valuable.

"There are so many Star Pills, the resources for cultivation will be lost in the future." What catches the eye is a large number of Star Pills, hundreds of bottles, if you use them all, you might be able to use this power to reach the peak of the Spirit Emperor. , Even higher, at the same time, there are a large number of various elixir ores, as well as various special materials.

I don't know what method the Sky Star Sect used to preserve. After so many years, these elixirs are still very well preserved, and even the medicinal properties are not lost at all. Huo Hai directly put them into the inner space.

"What is this, a complete set of materials." After Huo Hai collected everything, he finally saw a book. The contents of this book are actually notes on the materials needed for various cultivation. There are records of a lot of special places, these places are specialized in producing special materials, and at the same time, they can help people practice special war spirits.

It’s really a good book. Huo Hai, who doesn’t know much about the common sense of the Heavenly Soul Region, just needs this kind of thing. Putting the book away, Huo Hai continued to look around, but at this time he didn’t find any value. Something out.

He shook his head, not to say that the things here are not good, but to say that the things here are really of little use to oneself. If those big influences come here, I’m afraid they would think this place is more useful than the northern secret room. .

Huo Hai came to the side of the teleportation spirit array, his spiritual power was running, and he appeared in the outer space node in the next moment, "Now there is only the last map fragment. I don't know what will be special after the last map fragment is obtained. Changes.” Huo Hai sighed, picked up the map in his hand, and injected spiritual power once again.

"Hey, this guy has come out, but what is he doing, how can he run around?" Huo Hai finally found the location of the last map fragment, but what made Huo Hai puzzled was that this person was actually running around.

Could it be said that this guy is not worried about being encountered by other people? Forget it, no matter how much, as long as this person dares to come out, Huo Hai dare to act on him, plan the route forward, Huo Hai quickly walked forward , Through each node, Huo Hai is constantly approaching this person, but this person is always running around, making people very helpless.

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