Evil Insect God

Chapter 1085: Leave the ruins

Huo Hai sat quietly on the ground, his eyes flickered, his hands quickly typed runes one after another, and carefully counted, Huo Hai's total handprints totaled 3,000, which happened to cater to the total number of spiritual veins in his body.

The Secret Method of the Star Line requires that three thousand mudra must be completed within one minute. If it is an ordinary person, it is really impossible to complete. Fortunately, Huo Hai is strong now, and whether it is spiritual power or physical, it has reached the requirements, and spiritual power is even more important. Very powerful, it is really not an easy task for someone else to complete three thousand handprints in such a short time.

This is the key entry point for cultivating the star line secret method. Huo Hai tried several times before finally succeeding. With Huo Hai’s handprints, his spiritual power and spiritual veins gradually vibrated, and the stars spiritual power in his body was even more strange. Start to condense.

After a while, a crystal clear thin line appeared in Huo Hai's hand. Huo Hai exhaled, and while maintaining the thin line, he tugged hard with his hand. In the end, Huo Hai used almost all his strength. Did not tear it apart.

This kind of toughness is no longer inferior to that of the scarlet spider's silk. Huo Hai smiled slightly, and the next step was the first step. Huo Hai closed his eyes, and the star line in his hand gradually sank into his chest. As the center, it spreads little by little, and every time it spreads, the star line spreads to the surroundings, and finally merges into the spirit veins.

Huo Hai still can't feel the specific changes. He may have to wait until the star line is completed before he can feel that little, "Unfortunately, the cultivation speed is too slow." After spending a whole day, Huo Hai just succeeded a little.

The star line merges into one's spirit veins, if you want to blend perfectly, you can't act too hastily, Huo Hai is cautious, controlling little by little, the time of the day is only a small part of the spirit vein.

Although this is the main channel, it consumes a lot of spiritual power, so it is slower, but if you want to integrate all the spiritual channels in your body, even your own branch veins, the amount of work is definitely not too small.

With a sigh, Huo Hai opened his eyes: "Hey, it's time to go out." In this room, apart from the puppet line and the secret method of changing the sky, there is nothing of value. Huo Hai walked to the door and put his hand on Above the stele, this stele is not just for leaving messages. In fact, this stele is the control center of the entire spiritual formation.

Under Huo Hai’s control, the entire spirit formation gradually stopped running, and the space nodes that were originally everywhere gradually calmed down, no longer wasting the spiritual power of the relic, "It’s time to leave." Huo Hai looked at his hands. map.

This map is the key to enter the ruins and control the ruins. It cannot be thrown away casually, at least until Huo Hai fully controls the spiritual formation, it is not possible to throw it away. Fortunately, now he has become the new owner of the ruins. Therefore, Huo Hai can easily collect the map into the inner space at this time. After putting the map away, Huo Hai sends out a burst of spiritual power in his right hand.

While the white light flickered, everyone in the entire ruins found that the surrounding scenery began to become blurred. Outside, Chi Lian'er pointed to the entrance and said loudly: "Hurry, look there, how the entrance is closed."

It has been five months. The reason why Chi Lian'er and Jin Sheng are still here is because the family owners of the Jin family and the Chi family. After Huo Hai and others entered the ruins one after another, the family owners of the two families were also there. I recovered my body after days.

Later, the two really couldn't bear to give up the treasure, but Jin Sheng and Chi Lian'er insisted on not going back by themselves, so the two of them combined, thinking that there might be no way to leave in a short time, so they left. After a trip to the Star Desert, I got a lot of drinking water and food, and then let Chi Lian'er and Jin Sheng wait here.

The two Patriarchs, after recovering from their injuries, resolutely entered the ruins, but today, the entrance to the ruins began to close bit by bit, and looking at the spirit formation above, they might not be able to open it.

At this moment, there was a wave of spatial fluctuations, and several figures appeared on the ground, "Where is this place, could it be that I have come out." The person who just came out was extremely confused, and then became excited.

With the appearance of the first person, more and more people continued to appear around the depression. When everyone first came out, they were a little confused. For five months, no one could find an exit. But it was inexplicable, it appeared here, and then everyone's eyes suddenly became vigilant, looking at other people around.

If you enter the ruins, you can still come out. At this time, I am afraid that less than half of the people have died in the ruins. Moreover, most of them died in the hands of other people.

It is really rare to see those who can survive only in the realm of the spirit king. At this time, there are only a dozen or so masters of the spirit king, not even one-tenth of the number of the spirit king. On the contrary, there are still more spirit kings. Hundreds survived.

"Father, are you all right." Suddenly, Jin Sheng and Chi Lian'er saw their father, but the two of them were not very good at this time. The head of the Chi family was embarrassed, like a beggar, and obviously suffered a lot. , But it was much better than the Jin Family Patriarch who was supported by him. At this time, Jin Patriarch, half of his left arm had disappeared.

The two looked at each other, guarding the people around them, and at the same time they walked quickly, but facing these two people, no one around them dared to do anything. The situation at this time was not so good.

If someone does something, it will easily evolve into a melee. Everyone has been in it for such a long time, and everyone has anger in their hearts, not to mention that most people are good this time. reward.

At this moment, a powerful breath rose into the sky, and all the faces changed drastically. They looked in the direction where the breath came from, "Damn, **** bastard, don't let me find you again." The last one came out. , It was the strongest Emperor Xuan Yue, who had taken the map in his hand, and everyone came out a day later, and the fool knew there was a problem.

"It's the Emperor Xuanyue of the Yuehua Gate, how come he is here too." Everyone's expressions looked ugly. All the people present were the strongest, the ninth-level Spirit Sovereign, and he also cultivated the Xuanyue Palm. The most dangerous character here.

The people around looked at Emperor Xuanyue with vigilance. The only masters of the Sky Star Sect involuntarily stepped back. They are far inferior to the Yuehua Sect. If they were discovered, it would be great. .

"Damn it, how did the Yuehuazong know about this?" The eyes of several survivors of the Star Sect were full of vigilance and careful transmission. Although there was a lot of noise this time, how did the Yuehuazong know about this The matter has something to do with the ancient Sky Star Sect. After the Sky Star Sect was destroyed that year, the seven major sects teamed up to sweep away the starry desert.

At the same time, Huo Hai cautiously walked to Jin Sheng and the others, "Don't say anything, it's me, these people are going crazy, you are too weak, be careful." Once the Spirit Sovereign master started, Yu Bo would Not the spirit king can resist.

Hearing the words, everyone nodded and slowly began to back away. Huo Hai looked at Patriarch Jin with a hand injury, but he could see a look of joy and joy in Patriarch Jin’s eyes. Huo Hai knew that this was definitely not right. Issued by myself.

It seems that the Jin Patriarch entered the ruins this time, and has also gained a good result. At least after returning, he can bring the two families to the next level. Otherwise, it is impossible for the Jin Patriarch to show such a look, but this This kind of eyes were hidden deeply, and Huo Hai's mental power was strong, so he could vaguely feel that little bit.

When Huo Hai entered the Jinjiachi family's range, other people also used various methods to determine the position of their companions, forming a team with each other, and most of them were covered in black robes.

Everyone had no worries about the future, and their vigilant colors were aimed at the other people outside. The atmosphere now seems to be on the verge of exploding at any time. The Emperor Xuan Yue saw so many people in black, his eyes were extremely depressed.

Although he had fought Huo Hai twice at the beginning, Huo Hai’s breath was too vague. He didn’t even know which of these people was the one who did it on himself. Looking around, Emperor Xuan Yue found that almost all of them, The people who are most vigilant are themselves and the people around them. Who will let them be the strongest in the field?

But even if his strength is strong, other people are not waiting. Everyone is the spirit emperor. Who doesn't have any desperate means. If so many people work together on himself, Xuanyue Emperor is really not sure whether he can live. Come down.

"Damn it, cheap bastard, if you let me find it, you will look good in the future." A strong murderous aura flashed in the eyes of Emperor Xuan Yue, and the people around almost thought Emperor Xuan Yue was about to do something against them.

But while everyone was defending, Emperor Xuan Yue suddenly said loudly: "Everyone, since everyone has come out alive, I think everyone’s gains are actually the same. We have already killed and injured many people. There is no need for this. Pay your own life. I think you should relax a little bit. If you have any grievances, wait until you leave the desert."

Following the words of Emperor Xuanyue, everyone thought for a while, and it seemed that the same thing was true, "Well, since all the masters of Yuehuazong have spoken, then let's relax a little." Yuehuazong, Huo Hai's brows slightly raised wrinkle.

At this moment, no one is willing to work hard with others, especially when there are treasures in their hands, they are even less desperate. Everyone agreed, and then slowly backed away, and distanced themselves from everyone. Until this time, the sword was tense. The atmosphere at last calmed down, but everyone knows that you cannot stay here for too long.

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