Evil Insect God

Chapter 1087: Sandstorm

The power of the desert storm that erupted completely was really terrifying. Because of the desert storm, more and more of the power of the surrounding world was involved, and the spiritual energy between the sky and the earth became more and more violent.

The place visible to the naked eye, even the slightly larger sand, under this force, will be crushed and turned into smaller sand. Fortunately, there is an invisible barrier around it. After the wind and sand come here, it will be weird. Those who went around would not have any impact on them. Seeing this kind of sight, the survivors were finally relieved.

"Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise I'm afraid we will die inside." The Jin Family Patriarch looked at the terrifying desert storm with joy and fear. At this time, even the broken arm seemed to no longer hurt.

Huo Hai looked around, and sure enough, the people of Yuehuazong returned here. The others were also paying attention to their surroundings. At this moment, Emperor Xuanyue suddenly said, "Don’t take it lightly, our danger is still There is no past."

Everyone felt strange for a while. After all, most of the people present did not know the Starry Desert. They just followed the Jin Family and Chi Family to find treasures. Before they came here, they didn't know where the treasures were.

Before being asked by anyone around, a scream rang out: "Ah, help, help..." In the desert, a huge sickle suddenly stretched out, and then pulled a person out from the edge of the protective cover. In just a moment, this person has disappeared without a trace, and he doesn't know whether he was killed by the beast or crushed by the storm.

Seeing this scene, everyone panicked, and quickly retreated a certain distance in the middle. After a while, a dark figure slowly crawled over to the place where the movement had just started, but in the middle of the storm, they moved very slowly.

"Desert giant locust." Someone recognized this kind of thing. This huge worm-like beast is not waiting for a moment. Its cultivation base has reached the height of a fifth-level spirit emperor, and its head is like a locust.

The limbs are very powerful, full of barbs, and two long telescopic sickles growing on the head, like a variant of a praying mantis. It is this thing that just grabbed people out. The barrier here can prevent erosion by wind and sand, but There is no other way. It seems that this giant desert locust has not found a suitable place to hide.

Therefore, after the wind and sand blown, it came here. For the beasts, it is indeed a good place to hide. The creatures in the desert are still very resistant to desert storms.

"Attack, don't let these things in." A master yelled, and then various attacks around him sent towards this giant desert locust. In the wind and sand, the body of the giant desert locust is difficult to move flexibly.

Watching a large number of attacks fall on him, the giant desert locust wanted to resist, but it was very weak. During the attack, the giant desert locust was already seriously injured in a moment, and then the whole was attacked and flew away in the storm. , In the sight of everyone, the powerful insect-like beast was easily torn to pieces by the wind and sand in the air.

Even the hardest crystal nucleus didn't know where it went. It might have fallen to the ground, or it might have been torn apart. People who had never seen the horrific power of Desert Storm had their eyes widened when they saw this scene.

"Don't be distracted, something is coming." It seems that the giant desert locust is just the first forward. Then, a large number of fierce beasts began to rush toward the place where everyone was hiding, most of them did not reach the realm of the spirit emperor. , But the number is increasing.

Everyone had no choice but to show their supernatural powers to kill these desert beasts one after another. If they saw the arrival of the beasts in the realm of Spirit Emperor, they would even fly them in advance and kill them with the help of the storm. .

Occasionally a fierce beast from the Spirit Sovereign realm entered it, and it was immediately chaotic, and even some of them were weak. When the fierce beast assaulted, they were already injured or even killed. In the end, with Xuanyue Emperor as the leader, several reached seven. People above the first-level spirit emperor became the fire fighting team, hunting the spirit emperor fierce beasts everywhere.

Huo Hai’s breath is very obscure, so no one knows Huo Hai’s specific cultivation base. With a wave of Huo Hai’s hand, twelve scarlet spiders have appeared, and they have firmly protected a region around Huo Hai. The spider silks, It's not that easy to deal with.

A piece of spider silk passed by and easily tied a group of fierce beasts, and then either was poisoned to death, or struggled into the storm, and was chopped to pieces by the storm, even if it was a powerful spirit emperor realm fierce beast.

"Desert scorpions are a group of scorpions." Suddenly, a person next to him shouted, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, and he saw that a large group of scorpions were pouring in here. Every now and then, scorpions died in the storm.

Huo Hai snorted coldly: "Huh, the mere worms dare to do it to me." Huo Hai quickly slapped his hands one after another with handprints, his spiritual power exploded, and a vague magic power spread out, with Huo Hai's current strength , It was very easy to control these scorpions, even Star Gu assistance was not needed. After a while, all the outcropping scorpions were controlled one after another, and then they attacked the fierce beast in turn.

In the air, dozens of blood-stained dragonflies fly back and forth, constantly emitting some blood-red light nets. In the future, the fierce beasts will be exterminated one by one. With so many insects guarding Huohai, this area has become the safest place. .

Huo Hai’s appearance is too eye-catching, and his overall strength is definitely stronger than these seven-level spiritual emperors. This is the horror of having a powerful spiritual worm spiritual master, but because of Huo Hai’s performance, Xuan Yuehuang is just After taking a look at Huo Hai, he ignored it. When he noticed this, Huo Hai also breathed a sigh of relief, finally dispelling Xuan Yuehuang's attention.

With the help of battle, Emperor Xuan Yue understood everyone's fighting methods. Even if someone had the means to hide, Emperor Xuan Yue believed that he could definitely see something, and no one could completely hide it from him.

"Damn kid, isn't it that he hasn't come out yet." Xuan Yuehuang's resentment was in his heart. In his heart, the guy who had robbed his own map before was probably already hidden in the ruins at this time, but the other party controlled the spiritual formation and took them. They were all sent out, and those in front of them should not be the ones who robbed their own maps.

There was a anger in his heart, but there was no one to vent. The Emperor Xuan Yue could only vent all the anger on the surrounding fierce beasts. In the eyes of others, the strength of Emperor Xuan Yue became more and more terrifying.

It's a pity that the entrance to the ruins on the ground can't be opened at this time, otherwise Emperor Xuan Yue will definitely rush in and kill the people inside, although Emperor Xuan Yue also knows that his terror is no longer the opponent's opponent.

Not far away, several disciples of the Sky Star Sect looked around Huo Hai from time to time. They didn’t know why, they always felt that Huo Hai was a little familiar, but they didn’t know where they were. Huo Hai’s breath was too vague. , It is difficult for even the people of the Sky Star Sect to sense anything, but Huo Hai has already attracted the attention of the Sky Star Sect at this time.

During the storm, the fierce beasts continued to gather here, and Huo Hai thought in his heart that perhaps this was originally a gathering point for a large number of fierce beasts to avoid the storm, otherwise it would be impossible for so many fierce beasts to come over by any means.

With the passage of time, everyone has been fighting for more than two hours. For more than two hours, the beasts that reached the realm of the spirit emperor have appeared. I don’t know how many. Huo Hai has calculated that it will definitely not be better than the spirit emperor here. Few masters.

If it were not for the help of the storm, as long as the fierce beast was shot into the air, it could be killed. I am afraid that so many spirit emperor fierce beasts would be enough to hurt the people here. Fortunately, the starry desert is not a big place. Otherwise, even the fierce beasts of the Spirit Emperor realm might appear, and the desert storm that lasted for two hours finally fell silent.

In the sky, as the first ray of sunlight fell, the wind and sand slowly stopped, and the sky became bright again, the sound of the surrounding wind weakened little by little, and the raised sand continued to fall from the air.

When the peace between the sun and the earth was restored again, the surrounding scenes had completely changed. The original position of the sand dunes had basically changed and moved forward, and the dead beasts had no corpses left.

"Hold on for a while, and soon these fierce beasts will leave." Xuanyuehuang said loudly. Even the two hours of high-intensity fighting, even Xuanyuehuang was uncomfortable at this time, although he was not injured, but The consumption is not light. Under this kind of riot of the power of heaven and earth, the spirit emperor master's desire to restore his spiritual power is also greatly affected.

As the storm subsided, the surrounding fierce beasts finally realized that these people were not able to deal with them by themselves. As some of the smarter fierce beasts quickly left, more and more fierce beasts gradually fled here.

As for the guys who have no brains and hit the front with a tendon, everyone will not keep their hands at all at this time. Without the obstacles of the storm, the recovery ability is gradually restored, and there is no need to be confined to a narrow space. So many masters do it. , The beasts were dying faster than before. I don’t know how many times, the terrified beasts that were killed finally collapsed completely.

"It's great, I finally persevered." Everyone is tired enough. Now it's not that their spiritual power is lacking, but the spirit of everyone is extremely exhausted during the battle just now, and everyone needs to rest at this time.

In the first battle, they didn’t lose at all. There were seven spiritual emperors lying in the desert forever, perhaps even the dead body could not be found. Most of the remaining people had a lot of wounds on their bodies. The strength of the fierce beast is not something they can ignore. Even Emperor Xuan Yue sat down at this time and slowly adjusted himself.

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