Evil Insect God

Chapter 1095: reward

Every time, the sound is made after the strong wind blows. Is it because the terrain here is special. Although the nature is very magical, it is not like this. These winds do not have the power to bless the world.

Wait, no, the voice is wrong, Huo Hai suddenly thought that after he came to the middle of the valley, the voice he heard had changed. Although there was no difference on the surface, the voice in the middle of the valley was not so pleasant.

Huo Hai directly dispelled the Soul Extinguishing Fire, but there was nothing wrong with it. As expected, it was not a sound. Without the help of Soul Extinguishing Fire, Huo Hai would not feel any uncomfortable, let alone fascinated. It must be wrong. There must be something he didn't notice, Huo Hai walked around, unconsciously, has left the middle of the valley.

When he came to the mouth of the valley, Huo Hai suddenly widened his eyes, "Yes, that's the sound." Huo Hai looked up, he had already left the middle of the valley, and heard this fascinating thing again. sound.

This time Xiaodie became clever, and after seeing Huo Hai fascinated, he quickly used the Soul Extinguishing Fire to isolate Huo Hai from this sound wave. Otherwise, Huo Hai didn't even realize that he was addicted again.

When I found it, I had to look for it. Huo Hai walked back and forth around the mouth of the valley, constantly searching. Finally, Huo Hai saw a large rock full of holes, "That's right, this stone is special. "This stone is just above the intersection leading to the valley passage in the valley, and its location is very special.

If the entire valley is a flute, then the inside of the valley is where the air is blown, and the location of this stone is exactly the location of the flute membrane. The sound of the entire valley depends on this stone.

But there is nothing special about this stone. Thinking of this, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, "Huh, if it's really just because of the terrain, then it has nothing to do with me." Huo Hai waved his hand and let out a spirit. force.

This porous stone is just an ordinary stone. Under Huo Hai’s spiritual power, there is no resistance at all. It was blown to pieces on the spot, but as the stone was blown to pieces, a beautiful voice suddenly resounded, stronger than before. Several times, but fortunately, Huo Hai had already used Soul Extinguishing Fire to protect his soul, otherwise he really didn't know what would happen.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Huo Hai's gaze looked inside, and a special snow-white jade stone appeared in front of Huo Hai, and the light flowed on the stone. Whenever the wind blew, it would make a wonderful sound.

And this kind of sound will show a hundredfold and thousandfold improvement after the valley is amplified, the effect is amazing, "This will not be the legendary Miyin Stone." Huo Hai finally remembered the true origin of this thing, Miyin Stone , Is a very special stone.

This kind of stone can be said to be a natural creation between heaven and earth. It is a good thing that is very suitable for sonic masters to condense the origin. The biggest feature of Miyin Stone is that it can make beautiful sounds. Some require wind to blow through, and some require water flow. , Even water droplets, knocks, fires and other special conditions, the only thing in common is the ability to make beautiful sounds.

And most of these sounds also have very special abilities. This kind of stone is all called the Miyin Stone. The Miyin Stone is a good thing for sonic masters to condense the origin, but the quality is uneven and different. .

This Miyin Stone can be magnified through the valley, making the masters of the Linghuang realm indulge in it and unable to extricate it. One can imagine the terrifying effect of the Miyin Stone. Huo Hai stepped forward and probed carefully. The more he explored, The more amazed.

"The quality of the heavenly rank is definitely the quality of the peak of the heavenly rank." After Huo Hai's investigation, if this lost sound stone is used as a source spirit spirit treasure, the quality is not below the wood attribute essence used by Yuner, if it is obtained from the heavenly soul Territory is definitely priceless, "Hehe, it is blessed to think about rain." Huo Hai suddenly thought that Qu Siyu itself is also the origin of the sound wave properties.

For a long time, Huo Hai has only the Heaven-level Origin Spirit Stone, but there is no such high-level Origin Spirit Spirit Treasure. After looking for such a long time, he has not encountered it. Now he finally encountered it. He took the stone away. It's a worry.

The Miyin Stone that entered the Huo Hai’s inner space was put in a small box by Huo Hai. Without wind, it would naturally not make a sound. In the outside world, without the Miyin Stone, the sound of the wind can still make the valley sound. .

However, it lacks the effect of the melody stone, and the sound here can only be described as weird. Some of the fierce beasts that were addicted to it slowly woke up. When they noticed the surrounding scene, the fierce beasts suddenly became crazy and desperately He ran outside, and soon there was no more fierce beast in the entire valley. Huo Hai walked out all the way without seeing any trace of the fierce beast.

Forget it, I'm doing so much by myself. Anyway, the things are already in hand, so just keep going. Huo Hai walked all the way to the front. Two days later, he finally came to the location of the map mark.

"Is this an extinct volcano in the north? The range of the volcano here is really big enough." Huo Hai looked at it from a distance. This giant crater is much larger than all the volcanoes I've seen and heard in the past. It is really scary. .

If such a large volcano erupts and the terrifying volcanic power is mixed with the power of the heavens and the earth, maybe even the masters of the spirit emperor realm will not be comfortable nearby. The natural disasters of the Tianling Continent can all provoke the power of the heavens and the earth. I can't manage that much myself. I don't know how long this volcano has been dead, and it's impossible to erupt.

Huo Hai quietly walked forward all the way, Star Gu had already begun to explore in advance, "Haha, found it." Huo Hai looked in one direction, beside the big volcano, there was a small crater, which still exudes not low heat.

Huo Hai doubted whether this small crater was an active volcano. Around the crater, there lived a group of fiery red bats. These bat fierce beasts are powerful and have a five-level spiritual emperor, which is exactly what Huo Hai needs to find. .

Even Star Gu also saw that when these bats deal with other hostile beasts, they actually release flames. One is to spit flames from their mouths, and the other is to attach flames to their bodies and use their sharp wings to cut enemies. The method, the flame attribute is very strong, this kind of bat is definitely the fire attribute.

Soon, Huo Hai arrived nearby. The spirit bats of the Spirit Sovereign realm, Huo Hai had no idea of ​​catching them. The most important thing for practicing the Eight Spirit Bats is to balance. What Huo Hai needs is the Spirit King realm. Only the spirit bat.

Secretly approaching, Huo Hai finally saw a Spirit King realm spirit bat leaving the team. Seizing this opportunity, the Star Gus moved quickly and rushed forward. After a while, they controlled it and sent it to Huo Hai's hands. .

The spirit bat in the realm of the spirit king, no matter how hard it struggles, Huo Hai will not care. A long-prepared spirit talisman penetrates the bat's mind, completely controlling the soul, and then slashes the spirit bat completely with a sword. Kill, a beckoned, a white ball of light emerged, and in the ball of light, there was also a red bat shadow floating up and down.

"Very good, it is indeed a fire-attribute spirit bat." Huo Hai's heart moved, and he poured spiritual power into the spirit of the spirit bat, refining it bit by bit. With Huo Hai's terrifying power today, he wants to refine this spirit. Bats are too easy.

It didn't take long for the soul of the spirit bat to be completely refined, and then Huo Hai waved his hand and integrated it into his body, into the specific spiritual vein, and slowly sank into the fixed spiritual cave.

Then, a fiery force was generated out of thin air, and it merged with the other five special spiritual powers. For a moment, Huo Hai felt that his body had changed, and his speed was faster. In his mind, some special skills emerged, as if Just like an epiphany, he understood and understood completely at once, and as soon as Huo Hai's figure moved, his speed really increased a lot.

In no hurry, Huo Hai spent two days in the same place getting familiar with and adapting to the new eight spirit bats. While performing his body skills, he also had to cooperate with his various fighting skills. He was finally familiar with it before, but now he is a little uncomfortable. .

Forget it, after a series of battles, I will definitely get used to it, "No, these spirit bats can't be let go." Just as Huo Hai was about to leave, he suddenly noticed the spirit bats here, not only for himself, but for family members. also need.

Moreover, these spirit bats’ bloodline talents are very powerful. If they can be cultivated well, maybe in the future, Cross Canyon will add a lot of bats of the spirit emperor realm for protection. Thinking of this, Huohai suddenly became excited and sneaked into it secretly. Huo Hai didn't care about these spirit bats at all. In terms of strength, Huo Hai was much stronger than these spirit bats.

Star Gu and blood-stripe dragonflies go into battle together to capture spirit bats. What Huo Hai wants is only those below the spirit king realm, and bats that reach the spirit king realm are not required, because these spirit bats have become beasts when they reach the spirit king.

It is a spirit bat that is a fierce beast, no matter how special the formation of Cross Canyon is, it cannot be transformed into a special spirit beast. What Huo Hai wants is a spirit bat that can protect Cross Canyon, not for destruction.

The spirit bats that have just been collected into Huohai’s inner space naturally have a large number of powerful spirit worms to educate them. After being taught, these spirit bats finally stayed obediently in a corner, receiving the transformation of the special power of Huohai’s inner space. It is cleaned up bit by bit, so that it can be further transformed after reaching the Cross Canyon in the future.

Those disobedient bats were caught and eaten by spiders long ago under Huo Hai's signal.

Fierce beasts are fierce beasts. They are qualified to become post-supplemental beasts. No matter how bad their heads are, they can at least be able to understand them by simply trying to avoid harm. Seeing these bats know the current affairs well, Huo Hai is relieved. .

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