Evil Insect God

Chapter 1106: Master

Where the poisonous fire passes, as long as the vast land master is enveloped by the poisonous fire, no one can be spared. The overbearing of the poisonous fire, in a very short time, actually penetrated the opponent's spiritual defense and spread along the defense barrier to the opponent in vivo.

In the next moment, many people burned dark green flames from inside to outside. Under the flames, these masters just screamed and lost their sound. If you come to check, you will find that these people are all Was poisoned to death.

Before the corpse fell to the ground, only the bones were burned, and the flames scattered. Those who did not reach the realm of the spirit emperor, when faced with the poisonous fire, there were no bones left. People who had just stuck to a little poisonous fire also discovered that the poisonous fire spreads very fast in the body, and the head of those who were not strong enough had already begun to faint.

"No, this fire is poisonous." A spirit emperor roared and immediately chopped off his own arm that had been ignited, so that he could feel better. For other people who hadn't had time to do it, the flames had penetrated all over.

Poison fire is also a kind of poison. Its penetration ability is quite strong. The penetration speed is very fast. It is very difficult for a few people to quickly cut off the place where they are on fire. One attack, the vast empire has at least more than 20 spirits. The emperor was killed.

At this time, there were fewer than thirty Spirit Sovereign masters left, and nearly half of the masters were missing. Huo Hai also relaxed. There were only less than thirty Spirit Sovereign who were not as strong as his own, Huo Hai. I don't care much anymore, as long as I'm careful, no matter what special methods the other party has, it is impossible to cause too much threat to myself.

"Hmph, kill them for me." Huo Hai waved his hand, and the scarlet spiders rushed up. The twelve beasts that reached the peak of the sixth-level spirit emperor, the combat power that can be exerted is not waiting, it is more than two. More than a dozen masters are still strong.

In desperation, these people could only hold on and fight the blood-red spiders. The individual spiders were powerful, and there were a large number of royal masters in the empire, and their cooperation was good. In a short time, they were actually tied.

Huo Hai looked at from a distance and found no problem, so he let the spiders continue to fight. Huo Hai's gaze was already placed on the people under the other spirit emperors, his hands moved quickly, and he used the enhanced spell again. Unlike the last time, Huo Hai has no way to stack five times at all this time. It is not easy to stack five times.

Now Huo Hai has only been superimposed three times, but the blessed spirit worm has become Xiaoyun. When Huo Hai entered earlier, Xiaoyun also followed in. To deal with a large area of ​​poor people, it is Xiaoyun, a spirit that controls clouds. Worms are more suitable.

A large cloud and vortex formed out of thin air, and the people below immediately realized that it was wrong, "No, his goal is us, fast, fast." Some people move fast, others move slowly, but none of them can run away.

Xiaoyun’s speed of action is not comparable to them. A large cloud and mist vortex and weapons are emitted out of thin air. There are a large number of people on the ground who are not in the spiritual emperor realm. They are twisted into pieces before they can even scream. In this scene, the spirit emperor masters who were fighting with the spiders had their eyes open. These were all the elites of their vast empire.

The future spiritual emperor masters of the royal family are all born from these people, and many of them are dead, or the descendants of their spiritual emperors, who are all killed by Huo Hai, how could they not go Ape.

"Unexpectedly, we will soon have no chance of survival. Everyone, it's time to work hard." An old man yelled and immediately took out more than twenty scrolls and threw them directly at Huo Hai's spider. , The scroll made by the master of the vast land empire, the power that can be exerted is very terrifying, after a large amount of light and shadow, Huo Hai felt that his spider was injured.

"Hmph, the Hundred-legged Worm is dead but not stiff. The Haotu Empire is really not that simple." Huo Hai is about to forget, the Haotu Empire is very good at creating attack scrolls. With a wave of his hand, a large number of Star Gus also rushed up. .

The addition of Star Gu made the masters of the Great Land Empire feel more pressure. Even if all the hole cards burst out suddenly, they can still only be evenly matched, but once the burst is over, they probably won't be so relaxed.

"Hey, what are these people doing? Is it a spiritual formation again?" Huo Hai narrowed his eyes. Just now, a Star Gu who had not participated in the battle at a high altitude told himself that there were many people from the vast empire around. What are they doing? Seeing how they surround this place into a circle, what kind of spiritual formations should be arranged.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai snorted coldly. Huo Hai didn't dare to underestimate the spirit formations of the Haotu Empire. At the beginning, he almost died in these spirit formations several times. At the battle of the Medicine King Sect, even though the Haotu Empire did not use spirit formations, But it is also a very powerful means of attack.

With an order in Huo Hai's heart, Xiao Jin who was waiting next to him suddenly turned into a stream of light. Now Xiao Jin's speed is faster than that of the Star Gus. Almost instantly, Xiao Jin has come to those around him, "Formation, Sure enough, he is setting up a spiritual formation." Huo Hai had already seen what these people were doing through Xiaojin, and Huo Hai was not welcome.

Xiao Jin opened his mouth, and a hot flame burst out immediately. The person who arranged the spirit formation was not strong enough. Faced with this flame, without even reacting, he was burned to ashes. Xiao Jin's poisonous fire is not without temperature. effect.

The weak positions on these arrays were instantly destroyed in the poisonous fire. Whether the entire array could be repaired or not is still a problem. Xiaojin flew around at a very fast speed, spouting a burst of flame every time. All the people who arranged the spirit formations were killed. The spirit formation that the Haotu Empire finally used to deal with Huo Hai was also destroyed at this time.

In the distance, a middle-aged man looked at the fighting here and sighed: "Old ancestors, it's not the younger generation to bother you. If you don't take action anymore, we will really cut off our vast line." The young man crushed a spar.

Before long, a powerful breath rose into the sky, and an old man flew out from a palace below, "What's the matter, why is this messy, who is fighting in the secret realm." The old man looked into the distance and frowned and asked.

The middle-aged man bends down respectfully: "The younger generation is the master of this generation. Now the family has encountered a powerful enemy and has entered the secret realm. If the ancestors do not take action, our royal line will probably be cut off."

Hearing this, the old man snorted coldly: "Huh, it's really a bunch of rubbish. The empire will become like this when it falls in your hands. After this matter is over, you, the lord of the country, is no longer suitable for it." , The old man quickly flew towards the place where the spiritual power fluctuated. The Lord's face became stiff, and then he looked lonely, saying nothing.

If you do something wrong, you have to bear it yourself. No one can avoid this.

In just a moment, the old man had already arrived over the battlefield. At this time, Huo Hai also felt a strong aura, "Hey, he is actually a ninth-level spirit emperor. I really didn't expect that the vast land empire would have such a master."

Huo Hai discovered that he seemed to have underestimated the vast empire and the top powers. They were able to set up branches in the Heavenly Soul Realm. How could the strongest master only be the seventh-level Spirit Emperor? It seems everyone Was cheated by them.

This ninth-level spirit emperor is definitely not an ordinary person. "Boy, do you want to destroy my vast empire? No matter who you are, you don't want to leave this place today." The old man looked around and soon His eyes were fixed on Huo Hai's body, his whole body didn't have much aura, but he could fly in the air, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Who are you, the old monster of the vast land empire, it seems that as long as you kill you, the vast land empire will lose its final protection." Although this person is a ninth-level spirit emperor, it seems that he has just entered the ninth level. Level is not long.

Just entering the ninth level and approaching the peak is not a concept at all. If he is close to the peak, Huo Hai himself will probably only be tied with the opponent, but if he has just entered the ninth level, his strength should be weaker than himself.

It just so happened that Huo Hai didn't plan to use spirit worms, so he just used this old guy to hone his combat effectiveness.

When the old man heard Huo Hai’s words, his expression was a little ugly, "Junior, the vast empire is not something that people like you can destroy, take your life." Then, the old man drew out a long sword and drew a sword at Huo Hai. , Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and recognized that this was definitely a long sword of the highest quality at the Emperor Rank, otherwise it would be impossible to fully display the strength of the old man.

The old man used the same Luoxia sword technique, "Changhong is shaking the sky, seven fusions, really a good opponent." The old man's cultivation base is stronger than his own, and the sword qi fusion has reached seven times, which seems not so easy to deal with.

Huo Hai drew out his long sword, his figure flashed, and the whole person greeted him. The same Luoxia sword technique, the same sword aura, Huo Hai's basic sword aura is stronger, so the sword aura is more powerful, but on the weapon. , Not as good as the other party.

Therefore, the two sides are basically the same in terms of swordsmanship. In terms of physical form, Huo Hai’s eight spiritual bats are very strange, while the physical form of the grand ancestor is just suitable for swordsmanship. They are still evenly matched. Just after the fight started, it had already reached a fever pitch. If it weren't for Huo Hai himself to be terrifying in all aspects, there was really no way to resist it.

At this time, the ancestor of Haotu was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that this young man actually reached the seventh-level spirit emperor, and could be evenly matched with his own ninth-level spirit emperor. This is really incredible.

Could it be that this kid is from the Heavenly Soul Realm? No, he is using the Luoxia sword technique. "Boy, why do you know the Luoxia sword technique? Are you also a member of my clan? Since you are a member of my clan, why? Betrayal." The one who knows the swordsmanship of Luoxia must be the Haotu royal family. This was already common sense before Huo Hai appeared.

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