Evil Insect God

Chapter 1116: Before the war

In order to cooperate with the Piaohua Pavilion and also to confuse the Xuanbing Sect, Huo Hai did not leave the Piaohua Pavilion during this period. On the contrary, Huo Hai completed the Ning Jade Heart Sutra in the Piaohua Pavilion.

The introduction to the Ningyu Heart Sutra is very simple, as long as there is a spiritual defense secret method, the stronger the defense secret method, the better the effect. Huo Hai’s spiritual power is very terrifying, plus he cultivates extremely powerful divine imperial skills, so he cultivates It is also very easy to condense the Jade Heart Sutra. After completion, Huo Hai's divine imperial art has been condensed to its essence.

The mental power defense barrier like jade collects the mental power that Huo Hai has inadvertently radiated, and then uses a special method to penetrate into the spiritual source, using this method to temper the spirit.

When his mental strength is tempered like a piece of beautiful jade, and there is no flaw in the whole body, even if the Jade Heart Sutra is completed, but Huo Hai's own mental strength is already close to this level.

Therefore, Huo Hai's potential is greater, and the degree of condensing is higher. Usually the Ning Jade Heart Sutra will practice by himself, and the speed of cultivation is related to the speed of his own mental power. To speed up his cultivation, he can only consume a lot of mental power to actively temper. After some attempts, Huo Hai discovered that his current mental power seemed to be insufficient to support his cultivation.

All mental power was exhausted, and it could only be maintained for one day of cultivation, but it would take several days to recover afterwards. The mental state was not good, and the strength he exerted was not good. It seemed that he could only practice actively after he broke through to the realm of Lingdi.

Anyway, the Ning Jade Heart Sutra will not disperse on its own before it breaks through to the Heaven-level Spiritual Venerable. During the few days in the Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai faintly felt a very special feeling. Through the Star Gu, Huo Hai actually felt the white jade. There are more and more beetles.

These white jade beetles have lived in their inner space for too long, and they have been contaminated with the breath of Huo Hai. Therefore, Huo Hai and his spirit beetles are very sensitive to these white jade beetles. It seems that they still underestimate the Tianling Continent. The method, the insect spirit master of the Heavenly Spirit Continent, is definitely not useless, at least there are many things worth learning by yourself.

These worm spirit masters also have special secret methods to spawn spirit worms. Huo Hai has not seen it before, but it does not mean that there are none. The white jade beetle was spawned in large numbers by Piaohua Pavilion, and it seems that they want to make a large number of spirit-breaking weapons. .

But Huo Hai could feel that a pair of white jade beetles did not participate in it. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and said in his heart: "It seems that this secret method of spawning is harmful to spirit insects, and those two are the seeds left by the Piaohua Pavilion. Right." The Floating Flower Pavilion's secret method for spawning is not perfect, this point cannot be compared with his own Gu Master secret method, Huo Hai is relieved a lot at this time.

At least, I still have an advantage in many situations. If this secret method of spawning spirit worms spreads, but there is no defect in itself, then Huo Hai will soon have insufficient advantage compared with others in controlling spirit worms. Up.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai continued to do his own thing. The star line needs to be merged bit by bit. The sword technique and the last layer also need to be blended. Fusion spells need to be studied and practiced. There is also a tarsal needle, and Huo Hai also needs it. work out.

I haven’t seen each of them during this period of time. Fang Biya and others have reached the level of the Peak Spirit King, but after Huo Hai’s inspection, his face became unsightly, “How many pills have you taken, how can you improve so quickly? , The spiritual power is not pure enough, even the crystal core polishing is not perfect enough." This is equivalent to destroying his own foundation, how can Huo Hai not be angry.

Fang Biya was a little scared, and whispered: "Hai, we don't want to be a burden to you, so that's why we are so eager for quick success and quick profit." During this time, they also discovered that the more pill that they take, the more they want to break through. difficult.

Now, even if you want to break through the Spirit Sovereign, it has become almost impossible. This has really become a burden to Huo Hai. At this time, Fang Biya is full of regrets, and everyone else is the same, including Yun'er. I dare not say a word.

Huo Hai sighed: "Fortunately, this time I brought back some shampoo. You will use shampoo to clean up your own erysipelas and impurities. Although you cannot suppress your cultivation base, the foundation can be restored. Before breaking through the spirit emperor, you absolutely can't use any pill, you know, if you continue to mess around, your foundation will be completely destroyed."

Huo Hai is a bit grateful. If Fang Biya and the others are messing around like this, they really can’t improve. Huo Hai doesn’t want to be on the road of cultivation. He is the only one left. He also needs someone to accompany him. By your side.

The cultivation base cannot be improved, and the life span cannot be improved. Who will accompany her when that happens? Fang Biya lowered her head and dared not say a word. Feng Jiaojiao is the same, because such a smart girl actually chose the same thing as them. method.

In fact, Huo Hai didn’t know that this method was originally invented by Feng Jiaojiao. Feng Jiaojiao was born in the Danxia school, and had a natural affinity for the pill. She originally wanted to use the mist scrubbing grass to clean up the harm of the pill. Who knew that the medicine they used was too advanced, and they used too much at one time, even washing the fog grass, there was no way to deal with this situation.

But fortunately, the scrubbing grass still has some effects. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid that even if Huo Hai brought the scrubbing grass back, Fang Biya and others would have some very serious sequelae in the future.

"Wait, there's this, Siyu, this is the lost sound stone I got in the heavenly soul domain. As a source spirit treasure, it is also a treasure close to the peak of the sky. You will merge it later, and remember not Let Miyinshi see the wind, this thing is too powerful, even if I don't know it, I will be confused by this sound." Huo Hai handed a box to Qu Siyu.

Qu Siyu took the box and glanced at Huo Hai softly: "Thank you, husband, after thinking about the rain, you will definitely listen to your husband, and you won't annoy him anymore." This girl is also making trouble with other people.

Feng Jiaojiao looked at Qu Siyu like this with envious expression, but unfortunately she and Huo Hai are not too close to each other. Huo Hai can’t give Feng Jiaojiao Heaven-level Origin Spirit Stone and Origin Spirit Lingbao. There is no such thing in the sea.

Huo Hai sent all the people back to practice. It wasn't until everyone came out the next day that the aura on his body was completely calmed down, "From today, you need to practice Qi Locking Technique to condense your spiritual power, and I will also teach it. For some of your war spirits, what you have to do is not to improve, but to lay a good foundation for me."

Huo Hai knows very well how important the foundation is. Who knows that these girls would be so reckless if he didn't come back for a while, and the next few days were spent under Huo Hai's strict training.

And Piaohua Pavilion didn’t mean to disturb Huo Hai, because Piaohua Pavilion was working hard to make spirit-breaking weapons, as well as rehearsing the Great Spirit Locking Formation that he had just obtained from Huo Hai. Huo Hai stayed in Piaohua Pavilion. Months.

On this day, the pavilion master once again came to Huo Hai's side: "Your Excellency Insect Sovereign, we are ready to do it. I don't know what you plan to do."

Huo Hai said indifferently: "Mo Yun once said that as long as I take Bi Ya and the others back to the Cross Canyon, they will contact me. However, I don't want to get along with this matter. After all, they asked me to discuss it. It's not good to reveal it casually like this." Huo Hai didn't want to get involved in the confrontation between the two sects. This was an act that was not thankful to both sides.

"If this is the case, then I will send Bi Ya and her secrets back to Cross Canyon, sir, or you should find an excuse, such as where to go and do something or retreat, and we are within this period of time, right Xuan Bingzong did it."

After hearing the words, Huo Hai thought for a while: "It's okay, anyway, I'm going to find the spirit bat too. It's better for you to release the news and say that I have gone to the Yanyun Lake to find the spirit bat." This thing avoids trouble.

Yanyun Lake is not a place inside the Molian Territory, but a huge inland lake on the northeastern border of the Molian Territory. It is also a freshwater lake. However, this large lake is like the sea, because of its special environment, it is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round. Among them, there are not many special products at the same time, so few people will go to this place.

And the rain-type spirit bat that Huo Hai wants to find is also in Yanyun Lake. If the Piaohua Pavilion had more complete information, they really could not find the location of such a charm. Strictly speaking, Molian domain There should be these eight spirit bats.

You know, although the eight spirit bats were created by no one, according to records, the Molian Domain can indeed find all the spirit bats needed, but the Molian Domain is also very huge, and it is not easy to find a spirit bat.

"Since your Excellency has agreed, then let's start." The pavilion master sent someone to secretly bring Bi Ya and the others, and then headed towards the Cross Canyon. Huo Hai was uneasy, so he also walked in person. No one would have discovered Butterfly's illusion. When he arrived at the Cross Canyon, Huo Hai did not enter, but only blessed a few people with the secret technique.

"You go to the family to practice hard, and lay a good foundation for yourself. Also, don't show up at ordinary times, I will be back later." Huo Hai whispered before turning to leave.

At the Piaohua Pavilion, Fang Biya and others are still in the Piaohua Pavilion. This is not only to confuse the Xuanbing Sect, but also to make a gesture to show his attitude. Piaohua Pavilion does not want to offend casually. Huo Hai now.

Leaving the Cross Canyon, Huo Hai ran towards the northeast. Now everything in the Molian Region has nothing to do with him. Looking at the map, the northeast corner where Yanyun Lake is located, at Huo Hai's speed, would take three days to reach.

I usually don't know, it turns out that the Molian Region is so big, and many places close to the border are barren areas, so it gives people a sign of nothing. In these places, few people usually set foot.

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