Evil Insect God

Chapter 1120: Middle of the lake

After creating the fourth-generation insect-refining array, Huo Hai immediately replaced the original third-generation insect-refining array completely. This type of insect-refining array does not need to be removed at all, so the shortcomings that cannot be removed are not disadvantages. Up.

That’s right, the two special insect refining formations that are completely integrated into the soul and bloodline will never be lifted once they work. Huo Hai does not care about these. At this time, for Huo Hai, this fourth generation of refining insect formations has already reached perfect.

With the original Refining Insect Array, Huo Hai can almost deal with most of the problems of spirit insect control, but some eyesight is still required. Once the fourth generation of Refining Insect Array has been used to control some spirit insects with very good potential, then he wants It is impossible to replace the original insect refining array. Only the spirit insects refined by the original refining insect array have the greatest potential and the easiest to control.

With the fourth-generation Refining Insect Array, Huo Hai completely eliminated the drawbacks of previously unable to control a large number of spirit worms. He originally wanted to equip each Star Gu with the fourth-generation Refining Insect Array, but he thought about Huo Hai. Still gave up.

For the control of Star Gu, Huo Hai is actually based on Xiaoxing, the Insect King, because the Star Gus are under the absolute control of Xiaoxing, and they are so cute and well-behaved because they are usually exposed to a lot of Huo Hai’s breath. obedient.

In fact, these Star Gus may betray at any time, but the fourth-generation Refining Insect Array still has not resolved the shortcomings of the Refining Array's own power maintenance. Once the Star Gus are blessed, then the Star Gu cannot stay outside for a long time. Now, if due to special reasons, the Refining Insect Array has no strength to maintain and collapses, Huo Hai will lose Star Gu.

Forget it, anyway, Star Gu is very smart, and the relationship with him is also very good now. The two sides are very close now. We should wait for the fifth generation of Refining Insect Array to appear and completely solve this problem before giving these ordinary Star Gu blessings. .

After letting go of the Star Gu, Huo Hai continued to study the spirit formation and improve his own cultivation level for the rest of the time. Time flickered. Huo Hai actually lived in this place for two months, two months, Huo Hai's star-shifting method of fighting body, in terms of speed and agility, is not inferior to the eight spirit bats that he has fully used.

In this way, after he breaks through, the eight spirit bats can really merge. Anyway, the eight spiritual bats have no subsequent cultivation methods. In terms of swordsmanship, there is still no fusion, and Huo Hai has temporarily given up.

His own cultivation base is getting closer and closer to the peak. According to his current situation, Huo Hai may be able to reach the peak of the Spirit Sovereign in less than half a month. At this time, with his powerful combat power, he is almost among the Spirit Sovereign Invincible.

On this day, Huo Hai was working hard to cultivate. Suddenly, the fog outside churned, and wisps of thick fog entangled towards Huo Hai, "What's the matter, I found a good thing, what is it, you don't know."

This thick mist is controlled by Xiaoyun. Although Huo Hai has been cultivating during this period, Xiaoyun and Xiaoshui are dangling outside. Huo Hai also hopes to find the treasure he needs, but he has always , Didn't find any good things. Huo Hai didn't need the fierce beasts and the creatures in the water.

Today Xiaoyun actually told himself that it had found something good, and Huo Hai asked strangely: "Do you know what is on the island in the center of Yanyun Lake." The location Xiaoyun gave Huo Hai is in the center of Yanyun Lake.

Hearing this, the expressions of several spirit bats suddenly changed: "Central Island, there is too dangerous, we dare not approach it, but we can feel that the closer we are to the center, the thicker the fog, when we were far away. I have felt it, and there is a strong breath in it, um, it's almost the same as your body." The spirit bats recalled.

Similar to himself, that is the realm of Spirit Emperor, as long as it is not in the realm of Spirit Emperor, Huo Hai is not worried.

During this period of time, because they learned a lot of knowledge from Huo Hai, these spirit bats gradually respected Huo Hai, and they became adults as they knew it was a respectable name in human society.

With the spirit tactics and war spirit tactics provided by Huo Hai, the cultivation base of the spirit bats has been improved very fast, and under the accumulation of thin hair, the most powerful spirit bat has basically turned into a human form, and the cultivation base has also been Reached the seventh-level spirit king.

Huo Hai also provided a lot of materials on the beasts, which are also very beneficial to the spirit beasts. During this period, two more spirit bats successfully broke through to the realm of the spirit king. In order to obtain a substantial improvement, what Huo Hai did not expect was that when the spirit beast broke through the realm of the spirit king, the success rate was actually very high.

The spirit beast has a strong body and strong resistance. As long as it is not that its talent is really bad, it can generally break through to the spirit king relatively easily. The spirit bats here are one of the kind of talents that are very good for resisting thunder. Kind.

But even so, only two of the three spirit bats who crossed the triumph were successful, and one was beaten to fly ashes by the sky. Even with Huo Hai's current strength, he broke through the spirit king's sky. Hai still did not dare to help others resist.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai said: "I have been here for a long time. I will go to the middle of the lake. You don't have to wait for me. After this time, I will leave Yanyun Lake directly." Hearing Huo Hai If you look at me, the spirit bats around you look at me, and I look at you, with a look of reluctance in their eyes. Huo Hai's teachings are really too great for them.

As for the two spirit bats previously killed by Huo Hai, in the world of spirit beasts, the strong is respected. As the strong, it is a gift that Huo Hai did not destroy them all. The spirit beasts here are all This is the idea.

This kind of thought, Huo Hai feels very strange, because Huo Hai never thinks that the other party can kill him casually because he is better than himself. He dares to do it on himself. Huo Hai has always been a must-have, looking for opportunities to kill him. kill.

Without waiting for these bats to stay, Huo Hai's figure flashed and entered the thick fog. While following Xiaoyun's guidance, Huo Hai quickly walked forward and entered the thick fog. Huo Hai discovered that the fierce beast here It's a lot, but it's a pity that only the fierce beasts in the realm of the Spirit King can survive in the clouds for a long time, otherwise they will be slowly poisoned to death.

However, those fierce beasts with insufficient strength, because of lack of IQ, often like to run into the thick fog, and eventually poison themselves to death without knowing. Therefore, if the group is to survive, it is very important to have a spirit beast in the realm of the spirit king. important.

Just like the bats on the Bat Island, restricted by their masters of the spirit king, they never enter the dense fog area.

And the fierce beasts here rarely come in groups, probably because of the special environment here. Most of the fierce beasts living here are a single one. This fierce beast is nothing to Huo Hai. .

Frequently there are fierce beasts who see Huo Hai and rush over Huo Hai as prey, but these fierce beasts have not waited to get close to Huo Hai. They are either crushed by the suddenly distorted clouds in the air, or a jet of water suddenly rushes out of the water surface. The beast slammed into a few pieces directly. Huo Hai didn't even have any interest in collecting the corpses of this ordinary beast.

Yanyun Lake is still very large. In the thick fog, Huo Hai took two hours to reach the central area. Of course, this is also related to the environment here. In this environment, Huo Hai naturally didn’t want to run too fast. .

Previously, because of the speed, he almost hit a fierce beast in the realm of Spirit Sovereign. The strength between the two was very different, but Huo Hai was still almost injured by the opponent. The fierce beast who lived in the clouds and mist for so long, Sure enough, they are not waiting.

"Is this the central area? There is something here." Huo Hai asked, because there was a large cloud and fog in the central area that Huo Hai could not see clearly. This shows that something is controlling these clouds and fog. Xiaoyun did not answer. It is to infiltrate little by little with the clouds and mist that you control, and then control these special clouds and mist.

As a result, Huo Hai’s sight was getting farther and farther away. Before he knew it, a huge black shadow appeared in the clouds. From the outline, Huo Hai could not see what this thing was, but he could still feel the breath. Arrived.

"Peak Spirit Sovereign, this is also a fierce beast." Huo Hai's eyes lit up. He didn't expect to encounter a fierce beast in the pinnacle of spirit emperor's realm here. It happened that his cultivation level had recently improved a lot.

The strength of the fierce beast is much stronger than ordinary masters of the same level. The fierce beast of the peak of the spirit emperor is probably stronger than the peak of some large sects. It is just to use this fierce beast to verify its strength. , Huo Hai did not act rashly, but let Xiaoyun continue to infiltrate to make himself see more clearly.

As time passed, Huo Hai finally saw what it was. A giant snow-white tiger appeared in front of Huo Hai, and this huge tiger had two huge fangs on its mouth.

"This thing, is it a mutated saber-toothed tiger?" A strange light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes. Why are so many fierce beasts and spirit beasts look like ordinary beasts, "Forget it, what do I care about so much, cats and tigers? Doesn't it look the same? It's just a different body shape." Huo Hai shook his head and threw the strange thought out of his mind.

Suddenly, Huo Hai felt Xiaoyun's eagerness: "So what you want is this." Huo Hai looked at the central island, and there was something like a small tree carved from white jade. The good thing Xiaoyun said earlier is This one.

Moreover, the surrounding clouds are not controlled by the white tiger. Instead, they are controlled by this small tree. If Xiaoyun wants to see through the clouds, he must compete with this small tree for control, so that Xiaoyun can control the clouds. The troublesome little tree, Huo Hai can't be sure what this thing is, forget it, let's put it away later and have a look.

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