Evil Insect God

Chapter 1122: White Jade Tree

Stepping forward, Huo Hai glanced at the body of this strange white giant tiger, "It's a pity that there is no crystal nucleus in the body." Huo Hai shook his head, somewhat disappointed in his eyes.

Spirit beasts are different from fierce beasts, fierce beasts definitely have crystal nuclei, while spirit beasts do not necessarily. Some spirit beasts have crystal nucleus, but some do not have crystal nucleus. Of course, this is a unique characteristic of earth-level spirit beasts. The absence of crystal nuclei means that Huo Hai's harvest is a bit less. The most valuable thing in the entire White Tiger is a coat of fur and teeth.

As for the other parts, Huo Hai just put it away and waited to see if it was of any use. After Huo Hai killed the white tiger, Xiao Yun had already excitedly rushed towards the small white jade tree, on top of the small tree. Revealed his body.

Huo Hai looked at Xiaoyun, who was already very transparent at this time, and said helplessly: "What are you in a hurry, no one is robbing you of this thing, tell me what this thing is." Huo Hai asked with a strange expression on his face. Tao.

But Xiaoyun just sent a very useful message to Huo Hai, and then he squatted on the little tree with a mouth and bit on the little tree. At this time, he seemed to feel some dangerous little tree. Suddenly the whole trembled, but it was a pity that the white jade tree was not a spirit beast after all, and it was impossible to fight back, even to resist.

As Xiaoyun sucked hard, the small trees gradually turned into clusters of light spots, continuously entering Xiaoyun's body, and even the white jade tree itself gradually began to become transparent, and some small details were constantly dissipating.

"You are condensing your origin." Huo Hai finally understands what Xiaoyun is doing. Strictly speaking, spirit worms can also condense their origin, but spirit worms are different from human beings. They are not arbitrarily condensing their origin.

Most of the time to condense, it is also based on its own attributes, just like Xiaoyun is a fog attribute, to condense the origin can only be fog attribute, but Huohai's spirit worm is very special after all, the general source spirit spirit treasure They simply don't care about it, even if it is their own powerful attribute spiritual power, they also don't care about it, and they want to find the best.

Fluttershy condensed the soul-extinguishing fire, Xiaojin directly used two heaven-level source spirit treasures to condense his own poisonous fire. Now looking at Xiaoyun's appearance, it goes without saying that the small tree in front of him is the source spirit treasure. It must be heavenly.

Moreover, perhaps in the heavenly ranks, it belongs to the very advanced one. Huo Hai shook his head. Without stepping forward to explore, Xiao Yun has already begun to condense the origin. At this time, Huo Hai does not want to disturb at will, and release the Star Gu. Huo Hai completely controlled his surroundings, whether in the sky or underwater, as long as a creature dared to approach, Huo Hai would kill it.

Huo Hai sat next to him and began to experiment with his own fusion spells. In order to study fusion spells, there were many spider-type spirit worms in Huo Hai’s inner space. After the experiment, the spirit worms were also very dead and injured. many.

Time passed slowly, two hours passed in a blink of an eye, Xiaoyun's body gradually became transparent, when it became completely transparent, it began to turn white again, little by little, restored to crystal clear jade s color.

No, it cannot be said to be restored. Xiaoyun at this time is more beautiful than before. If it was just carved with ordinary white jade before, now Xiaoyun seems to be a work of art carefully carved with fine white jade.

The color change is just superficial. As the little tree was completely swallowed by Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun gradually condensed a cloud of misty origin, a very powerful force, emerged from Xiaoyun." Hehe, it seems that you have gained a lot of benefits this time." Huo Hai stepped forward and suddenly saw that there was not nothing left on the ground.

After Xiaoyun swallowed and absorbed the small tree, the three fruits originally on the tree fell to the ground. Huo Hai picked it up and felt it. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Sky-level source spirit Lingbao, three The fruits are all."

This is why Huo Hai is not surprised. The three fruits produced by the small tree are all heaven-level source spirit treasures, although they are only the kind at the early stage of the sky-level, but Xiaoyun did not swallow the three fruits, but instead swallowed them. Little tree, the level of this little tree, one can imagine how terrifying it is, but unfortunately, after being swallowed, Huo Hai couldn't detect it.

After putting away the three white jade fruits, Huo Hai looked at Xiao Yun. At this time, Xiao Yun did not hide in the void, but was supported by Huo Hai. After a long time, Huo Hai raised his head.

"The cultivation base has been upgraded to close to the ninth level of the spirit emperor, but I still want to see how your current ability is." Huo Hai gave an order, and Xiaoyun immediately began to show his ability, Xiaoyun's ability, and There was basically no difference before.

Control the clouds and mist, let the clouds form weapons or attack like whirlpools, but Huo Hai keenly discovered that in the attacks sent by Xiaoyun today, the mist is more condensed and the power is more terrifying. Now this kind of attack, even for the same Level masters can also pose a very big threat, which is a very huge improvement.

In the past, Xiaoyun faced a master of the same level, his own cloud attack could not even break the opponent's spiritual shield, and the combat power of the fog attribute was evident from here. Now, it can finally be changed.

Although Xiaoyun's current combat effectiveness still loses more and loses less against masters of the same level, at least there is a certain possibility of victory, especially against those with very poor combat ability, Xiaoyun can kill the opponent.

Xiaoyun, whose strength has increased, will be able to play a greater role in group battles in the future. The clouds and mist are filled. With Xiaoyun's current control over the clouds and mist, the mist is more confusing, even if the peak spirit emperor enters the mist, now It was also difficult to tell what was in front of me, and it was even more difficult for the clouds and mists to be broken up.

At this moment, Xiaoyun condensed a large amount of clouds and mist to a high degree. Suddenly, a sharp blade issued, and Huo Hai's eyes lit up when he saw the sharp blade: "Haha, I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to even learn this. "

This sharp blade is exactly the move used by the white giant tiger. Xiaoyun tilted his head up and looked smug. The clouds and mist in front of him spun around. The cloud explosive bomb used by the giant tiger was also used in front of Xiaoyun. Came out.

Huo Hai is very happy. With these two moves, Xiaoyun's combat effectiveness is finally worthy of his own level. It is a pity that it takes a certain amount of time to condense these two moves. Xiaoyun is a spirit bug after all. , Instead of the spirit beast, it is impossible to use his physical advantage to forcefully condense the sharp blade and the cloud explosive bullet like the white tiger.

At this moment, Xiaoyun waved his paw suddenly, and a group of clouds gathered strangely in the distance. It didn’t take long before a big tree formed by the gathering of clouds and mist took shape, and the big tree was very clear, as if It's really the same.

The big tree spreads out countless cloud and mist vines, which are full of power. Huo Hai feels it and realizes that even if he encounters this thing, it is not easy to solve it. As for those who don’t know that the big tree constitutes clouds and mist , It will definitely be more difficult to solve this big tree. The power of such a big tree has reached the level of the eighth-level spirit emperor.

"Innate skills, I didn't expect this little tree to have such abilities." Huo Hai's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of incredible. There are not many source spirit treasures with innate skills, and Huo Hai has seen the only one for so many years. Just a few times.

The first time was Yun'er's wood attribute essence, which gave Yun'er the ability to control the Treant Warriors, which made up for Yun'er's lack of combat power as a wizard, and this time, it was the second person who appeared next to Huo Hai. Times.

Xiaoyun’s natural ability is to condense the clouds and mist, and summon a big cloud tree of the same level as him. This big tree looks similar to the previous small tree, but it is many times larger. The attack method is cloud vines and powerful. It was terrifying. With Xiaoyun's various attack methods, Xiaoyun even had the ability to challenge some 9th-level spirit emperors.

Today's Xiaoyun finally broke away from the original fate of pure assistance, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Yes, it's not bad, well, since there is no other ability, then you continue to open the way for me, we should go back now."

Huo Hai is still quite satisfied. Unfortunately, Xiao Yun’s combat effectiveness is far worse than Xiao Jin Xiaodie, who also has the same origin. Both Soul Extinguish Fire and Poison Fire are much stronger than Yunwu in terms of offensiveness. Fighting with the two of them, Xiao Yun is absolutely impossible to win, and lose very quickly, today Xiao Yun still can not fight as the main battle spirit insect.

I packed my things and counted the time. I have already stayed in Yanyun Lake for two months. If the Piaohua Pavilion wants to do anything, I should almost finish it. I should go back quickly to see how they are going.

Speaking of it, Huo Hai does not want the Xuanbing Sect to be completely destroyed. Under the control of a Xuanbing Sect, Piaohua Pavilion will have no energy to care about others. In this way, other major forces, especially his family members. , It will be safer.

Huo Hai rushed out of the clouds and mist all the way, and then flew quickly towards the direction of the cross canyon. On the way, Huo Hai didn't even stop. In just two days, Huo Hai completed the journey that originally took three days. Entering the Cross Canyon, Huo Hai didn't intend to hide, but after thinking about it, he let Xiaodie hide himself.

As always, after Huo Hai entered the family teleportation formation, it was discovered, "Don't shout, it's me, I will go to the lobby later, you will inform the patriarch and the elder them." Huo Hai faced the next person. The guard said.

Seeing that it was Huo Hai, the guard looked excited and hurriedly saluted. After Huo Hai had walked a certain distance, the guard remembered what Huo Hai had just said to himself. Thinking of this, the guard quickly turned and ran towards other places.

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