Evil Insect God

Chapter 1142: Windfall

Huo Hai has no way to determine the exact location of the star map for the time being. The star map is too complicated. Now Huo Hai can only determine that the thing is in the West. As for the specific location, he will slowly explore it.

The star map is just such a shortcoming. It is necessary to determine the position according to the changes of the stars, but the stars in the sky are constantly changing positions. Using this method to determine the specific position is really not what normal people like. , Simply, first follow the location recorded on the map of the Gale Squad.

Huo Hai didn't hesitate, anyway, he was all in the west. He took the teleportation array all the way, and it only took less than a day for Huo Hai to arrive at his destination. The transportation in the Heavenly Soul Region was convenient, making it easy for people to go anywhere.

What makes Huo Hai feel strange is that he came along the way, but there was no wanted order from the Blood God Sect, not to mention the order to close the teleportation array. I really don’t know what the Blood God Sect was doing. Huo Hai was also puzzled. .

No matter how much, let's find a place first. The location of the Secret Realm of the Storm Team is very secret. If it weren't for their own record, Huo Hai would not be able to find it. "Hehe, these guys, no wonder they will leave this secret." In the valley, Huo Hai looked at the big waterfall ahead, that's right, this secret realm was in this place.

Huo Hai quickly passed through the waterfall. Behind the waterfall is the location of the entrance to the secret realm. The Gale Squad only discovered this because of an accident. It is blocked by the waterfall, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Huo Hai recalled the secret method mentioned by the wind, and quickly typed a series of handprints with both hands. This is similar to the code, the spiritual power flows, and the runes are punched into the void. When the last rune is played, all the runes seem What I felt, I immediately merged into the void, no, it should be said that all the runes were absorbed by the void.

Then, a hole that can only accommodate two people passing through side by side appeared, "How small is the door of this secret realm, it seems that the secret realm will not be too big." Seeing this scene, Huo Hai was slightly disappointed.

After walking into it, Huo Hai discovered that this secret realm is really not very big, at most only a town the size. Such a secret realm, for those big forces, probably has no effect at all, and the Gale Team cannot sell it.

The secret realm does not have a special environment, let alone any special production, and has no characteristics. Apart from being used as a warehouse, there is no other purpose. The whole secret realm, except for a large piece of stone, has nothing. No, I can't say that there is nothing. The slabs inside and the things on the slabs are the collections of the Storm Team.

With a warehouse, the violent wind team naturally won't bring too many things on them, and they didn't get anything useful from the violent wind team that day, and it is precisely because of this, no matter what, let's go and take a look first.

Huo Hai stepped forward and looked over the stone slab. "The vision of this violent wind team is too bad, why are they so shabby?" A strange look flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and he had to say, violent wind There are still many spirit crystals in the team.

It may be that the remaining spirit crystals from the secret realm were sold before, but there was no time to buy other things. Huo Hai saw at least 20 million spirit crystals beside the stone slab, more than he had collected in the Haotu Empire. Of course, the vast land empire uses a lot of spirit crystals, and the Gale Squad has only a few people, so they don't need that many.

It is the three sets of formation plates that were originally obtained, and the market price is also 30 million Lingjing. Now they have been used by Huo Hai. Two sets have not been recovered. With a wave of hands, the Lingjing has been collected by Huo Hai in the inner space. Of it.

After Huo Hai looked at the things on the slate, most of them were some medicinal pills, and they were also explosive medicinal pills, but the side effects of this thing were relatively small, and it should be something they usually use.

There are also some healing types of medicines that have good effects. Huo Hai doesn’t know what they are using for some special equipment. In short, he can’t use them anymore. As for the various spare weapons, there is no such thing in Huo Hai’s hands. Xia Jian is better, except for these garbage-like things, the rest are some spirit arts and war spirit arts.

Huo Hai picked it up and looked through it. This is Huo Hai’s habit. Watching more Ling Jue and Ling Jue is of great help to him in comprehending the Spirit Jue and improving his strength. Therefore, the Spirit Jue that Huo Hai obtained Basically they will take a look.

It's a pity that the level of the squad's spirit technique is too bad, or its own skills are too bad, but it is right to think about it, the squad of violent wind was killed by himself, and they did not display any decent war spirit technique.

"I really shouldn't have expectations for them." Huo Hai shook his head and sorted the things into different categories. He didn't use it, so he would throw it to his family in the future. Before he knew it, the Huo family was in Huo Hai. In his heart, it has become a place similar to a garbage disposal station. If the Huo family knew about it, they would not know how they would feel.

The things on the stone slabs are put away, and there is only a pile of things that have been thrown around. These things are randomly thrown aside, no matter how they look like rubbish, even the Gale Squad can’t look down on them, Huo Hai is even more Needless to say.

Huo Hai just glanced at it and planned to leave, but at this glance, Huo Hai seemed to have hit the fixation method, and his whole body froze. Suddenly, Huo Hai turned around and walked to this pile of rubbish. Beside, looking at a scroll.

On the part of the scroll that leaked out, the words "Star Soul" were written. Huo Hai took it out carefully and then cleaned it up. "It's okay, or else I really missed it." Sure enough, the real writing on the scroll. , Is the three words Star Soul Yin, this thing is only used by the ancient Sky Star Sect, but is this scroll really the Star Soul Yin?

Huo Hai frowned, anyway, as long as you find something related to the ancient Sky Star Sect, "Perhaps, this thing records the hidden location of the Star Soul Yin." Huo Hai muttered to himself and comforted himself. .

Opening the scroll and looking down, Huo Hai finally understood what it was, "It turns out, is the real Star Soul Yin this kind of thing." Huo Hai nodded, understanding somewhat, it seems that the original Star Soul Yin The record is beautified.

The record on the scroll is an ancient Tianxingzong master who has conducted in-depth research on Xinghunying. He believes that Xinghunying is not the soul of stars at all, but the souls of people and spirit beasts, some people and spirit beasts. Because the special circumstances were preserved after death, after absorbing the power of the stars throughout the year, they were completely assimilated.

This thing is what the Sky Star Sect thinks is the Star Soul Attraction, and even for this thing, this person has done a lot of research, and it turns out that as long as the souls of the ground-level masters can collect 100, they can be merged into a soul. The heart merges it through a special spiritual formation, and then uses another special spiritual formation to attract the power of the stars.

There is enough celestial spiritual power for tempering, and after a while, an artificial celestial soul guide is created.

This kind of artificially created Star Soul Attraction, if the soul level used is a little higher, the effect will be better than the natural Star Soul Attraction. Huo Hai continued to look at the back, and there were two special spirit formations in front of him.

"No wonder this thing will be treated as rubbish." The Star Soul Guide can only be used by the talents of the Sky Star Sect, and only a few special spiritual techniques can be used for cultivation. What use is this thing for the Storm Team? The quality is so high that they will not bring them to their warehouses, and now they are just cheap.

Huo Hai just didn't know why this thing came here. In fact, after this person researched the method of producing Star Soul Yin, he did a great job to the Sky Star Sect, but the problem is that this method of production is really evil. Up.

Because of the creation of Star Soul Attraction, this person has offended too many sects. The Sky Star Sect at that time had not reached its peak, so this person was eventually driven out by the Sky Star Sect. He was chased and killed all the way. The effort was hidden.

It’s just that I don’t know why, it was accidentally discovered by the Gale Team, and then sent here. In the end, things fell into Huo Hai’s hands. I have to say that everything is God’s will. Huo Hai has seen it now. There are only a few secret methods that can control and use the soul, just to get two special spiritual formations, Huo Hai has to study it carefully.

The two spirit formations are very complicated, and it is so easy to study there clearly. With Huo Hai's current understanding of the spirit formations, it took two days to understand the two spirit formations roughly.

It can be arranged, but the success rate is not high, and there is no way to change and use it freely. It seems that it takes a while to study it clearly, just because there is nothing wrong with me recently anyway.

Besides, collecting souls can’t be done in one day or two days. Huo Hai puts things away and wasted such a long time. He should be able to go on the road. Huo Hai doesn’t want to continue wasting time. If he is found by the Blood God Sect It's not good to come over, "Go on, I want to see what is hidden in the ancient Sky Star Sect."

In contrast to the star map, Huo Hai went all the way to the west through the teleportation array, moving faster than before, and moving forward, Huo Hai was still carefully inquiring about everything about the Blood God Sect.

What surprised Huo Hai was that the Blood God Sect seemed completely ignorant of his own affairs. "What the **** is going on? Didn't the Blood Rose tell the Blood God Sect our specific information." Huo Hai looked strange, the blood rose looks like now. , It’s not very possible to still face them, but the performance that day seems to be completely different from the normal Blood God Sect master.

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