Evil Insect God

Chapter 1147: intelligence

Huo Hai found a lot of people looking for things along the way, so he simply chose a guy who didn't look like a good person, and Xiaodie directly controlled it. After he controlled it, Huo Hai could ask at will.

"It turned out to be like this. I really didn't expect such a big movement." Looking at the guy in front of him who was directly controlled by Fluttershy, a wry smile flashed in Huo Hai's eyes. This is actually related to Huo Hai. .

During this year, Huo Hai wasted the same amount of use of the spirit power of the stars. After using it, he directly rejected it. The spirit formation could not absorb so much spirit energy in a short time, and then recondense it. Only through other outlets, these auras can be continuously rejected, which is the accumulation of the entire spiritual formation for tens of thousands of years.

It only took Huo Hai less than half a year to consume so much spiritual power and release a large amount of spiritual power, which caused the concentration of spiritual power around the plains to continue to rise. If it were not too close to the Scorching Sun Sect, it would have caused everyone's attention. Attention.

Even so, some time ago, this place finally attracted the attention of big and small forces, but after a period of rise in spiritual power, it then began to decline. There were no ground veins and spiritual stone veins nearby. Later, the people of the Lie Sun Sect thought that this place It should be that a certain treasure was born, maybe it was hidden again, or it may have been obtained.

After that, there was a big battle here. Many people searched here without finding the so-called treasures. Many people have been searching here for more than half a year. Fortunately, these people have not found the spiritual formation, otherwise they will be in trouble.

Simply let these people continue to look for them, anyway, there is nothing in the spiritual formation now, even if they are found, it does not matter. Huo Hai ignored these people, leaving the plateau area all the way, and took the teleportation formation to the middle. .

What Huo Hai wants now is news about the Blood God Sect. When he came near the Blood God Sect, Huo Hai still did not find the wanted order for himself. After thinking about it, he should register as a mercenary first. The mercenary management in the Heavenly Soul Realm is very loose, as long as you register in any mercenary union, you can become an official mercenary.

You don’t even need to register. You can become a mercenary as long as you pick up a medal. Mercenary organizations in various regions are not a unified form, but their tasks can be accepted at will.

As long as there is a task, any mercenary and adventurer can follow, and there are no restrictions, all mercenary organizations are the same, they only see who completed it, and they can get rewards for completing it.

So the organization of mercenaries and adventurers in the Heavenly Soul Domain is actually quite chaotic. Huo Hai registered easily, and then began to inquire: "Yes, I don’t know if the Blood God Sect has any quests recently. "Huo Hai's words are not very abrupt, here is very close to the Blood God Sect, and the Blood God Sect is also a top sect.

All the actions of the Blood God Sect have a great impact on the surrounding environment. The Blood God Sect's mission usually also affects the trend of the general trend here. Even for ordinary people, the Blood God Sect's mission is very generous.

Regardless of the remuneration or other things, the Blood God Sect, as the top sect, will not be embarrassed with mercenaries on such small things. These large sects have a very tall image in the hearts of mercenary adventurers.

"Of course there are tasks for the Blood God Sect, but they are all tasks for collecting materials and elixir. By the way, there is another task for collecting information. Do you want to do it?" The reception lady behind the counter was carefully selected by Huo Hai. From the beginning, Huo Hai noticed that this person was very talkative and couldn't hide things in his heart. It was just right to come here to talk.

"Give me a list of tasks. By the way, tell me what happened to the Blood God Sect and why there is a task of collecting intelligence."

Huo Hai got a list of tasks, and then the reception lady next to him began to talk endlessly. The people around seemed to be used to this situation, so he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

"You may not know that the Blood God Sect here is an orthodox branch, and there is also a blood curse branch. Didn’t the orthodox branch appear a saint some time ago? Someone seems to have attacked the blood curse branch. I really don’t know what it is. It's done by humans, the high-level of the blood curse branch actually doesn't know this at all, and they are furious."

Hearing this, Huo Hai felt even more weird. He turned into a branch of the blood curse and came to attack. After listening, Huo Hai understood a little bit, "That’s the case, it seems that the blood rose helped us conceal something that day. thing."

Huo Hai finally knew why the Blood God Sect didn't want the two of them, and didn't even have any information. He thought it was the Blood Rose that had concealed the information, so the Blood God Sect orthodox branch suspected the people of the Blood Curse branch.

As long as the people of the blood curse branch see the person who has the blood flame, whether it is an orthodox branch or not, they will start to capture them back, but this matter, the high level of the blood curse branch does not know it.

In the news that Huo Hai received, the blood curse branch seemed to think that it was his own people, because it was eager for quick success, so it attacked the saint, but because of this, the orthodox branch became vigilant and lost a very good opportunity. Because of this incident, many people in the blood curse branch have been implicated in it, and the end is miserable.

Now the relationship between the two sects has once again become tense, because people with blood flames are really fast in the blood **** sect, and there is a great possibility that they will grow to the realm of spirits.

Since the split, for tens of thousands of years, as long as the blood curse branch finds the appearance of the holy child or the holy woman, in order not to be annexed by the other party, it will try every means to kill it in the bud. This is also the past tens of thousands of years. , The real reason why the Blood God Sect never appeared a heavenly master, talented people died in internal friction.

Now that the new saint has appeared, it has almost become the branch of the blood curse of the saint’s natural enemy. Naturally, it is necessary to work on it, so the two sects once again start a fierce collision. However, the saint wants to improve her strength, and it is impossible to simply practice. .

A lot of killings and battles are needed to improve. The blood flame secret method can never reach the extreme by finding a place for meditation. It is precisely because of this that the blood curse branch will be given some opportunities, otherwise the sects will have been merged. .

Before reaching the extreme height, blood roses are actually dangerous. This is the real reason why Song Muhua is so anxious to rescue the blood roses. Of course, the secret method causes amnesia, which is also one of the reasons.

"That's right, there is another news that you definitely don't know. Recently, we have a master called Bloodblade, who is specifically against the Lie Sun Sect. The wanted order of the Lie Sun Sect has been issued to the entire Heavenly Soul Realm." The reception lady said that Huo Hai also had the whereabouts of Hu Gui this year. This guy really did not live up to Huo Hai's expectations.

Relying on the blood blade and the auxiliary secret method to absorb the murderous aura to assist in the improvement of his own strength, at this time Hu Gui’s morning light formula, the blood light that has been cultivated, can not see the previous shadow, when he first started to escape, his cultivation level was not enough. You also need to hide.

However, since the past year, the bloodblade has passed by almost as if the chickens and dogs will not stay. At first, it can be restrained. Later, it is almost impossible to look at the living things. Only those masters who surpass him will make him shrink. .

A large number of disciples of the Lie Sun Sect were killed in the process of hunting and killing. The hatred between Li Sun Sect and Hu Gui has become deeper and deeper. Since Hu Gui fled, the speed of improvement has become very strange, in less than a year. He actually reached the realm of the Spirit Sovereign, and now many people want to get the secret of Hu Gui's rapid improvement, and they are constantly looking for it.

These people are simply looking for death, Huo Hai thought slightly in his heart, dying under the bloodblade is basically improving the strength of the opponent, and he can be promoted to the spiritual emperor within a year. I don't know how long it will take Hu Gui to achieve Where is Lingdi?

However, it now appears that Hu Gui has basically become a killing machine, and Hu Gui’s hatred is basically directed at the Scorching Sun Sect. The plan is successful, as long as Hu Gui can survive to the end, even if it cannot be destroyed. The Liege Sect will also cause huge losses to the Liege Sect, "Hehe, I dare not touch this person."

Huo Hai spoke modestly, and then went on to look at the task list in his hand, but the reception lady was still chattering, and finally met a person who could listen to her words. The suffocated reception lady wanted to say something happy all at once.

As a receptionist, I have access to a lot of information every day, so naturally I know a lot. While listening, Huo Hai selects the information he needs. Although most of the information is either too fake or too fictitious, or inexplicable .

However, Huo Hai still got a lot of information he needed from it. These are usually not well-known, but they have reached the pinnacle spirit emperor's master, the pinnacle spirit emperor's realm, but you can't find one in the Molian domain. , But in the Heavenly Soul Realm, even among the mercenary adventurers, a lot can be found.

Even now, there are a lot of people hiding around Huo Hai. If they don't reach the realm of Spirit Emperor, they are still ants in the Heavenly Soul Realm, but they are just bigger ants. Huo Hai now wants to catch these guys whose cultivation is similar to his own.

"Hehe, I have selected the task, and I will come back to hand it over when I finish it." Huo Hai smiled and put the task information back, then turned around and left, but when he turned around, a light flashed across Huo Hai's body.

The sharp-eyed people have already seen that this thing is a long sword, a hidden long sword, and depending on its quality, it definitely has reached the peak of the imperial rank. This kind of weapon is difficult to obtain in casual cultivators. Everyone immediately All tempted.

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