Evil Insect God

Chapter 1153: Star Cliff

After the last battle, Huo Hai felt that the will contained in his spiritual power was stronger. In the past, Huo Hai felt that increasing star cores would not help at all to improve combat effectiveness, but only increased potential.

Now Huo Hai finally understands that his own crystal nucleus is the center that carries his will. There are more condensed crystal nuclei. Although the spiritual power has not increased much, this is because of the limits of his own spiritual veins and spiritual source, but his own spiritual power The willpower in it will become very terrifying and powerful. With the blessing of willpower, the control and power of spiritual power will increase a lot.

And this is also a kind of foundation. Only when the will to blend in is strong enough, will there be enough power to attack the heavenly realm.

Now is not the time to consider these, Huo Hai cautiously bypassed the people who were constantly searching all the way, and sneaked up to the entrance of the ruins. From a distance, there were a lot more people at the entrance of the ruins.

Secretly released the Star Gu and let Xiaodie hide it with illusion from a long distance. A few Star Gus quickly spared him, "Huh, I didn't give up here. You can wait for tens of thousands of years, let alone only one. More than a year."

Star Gu gave a lap, and immediately found some clues. On the surface, the number of people guarding the ruins is just a little more. This is to prevent ordinary people from entering. Most people will be blocked by these people, but some powerful people. Experts, it's simply not something these people can stop, Huo Hai's Star Gu, many hidden experts have been found around.

Even in the caves inside the ruins, there are many masters hidden. Many of these masters have even reached the realm of the spirit emperor. Guarding such a place with a master of the realm of the spirit emperor is really overkill.

However, Huo Hai knew that they had done nothing wrong in doing this, because it is very likely that the star stone wall is inside, "Fortunately, there is no master guard in the spirit emperor realm." Huo Hai smiled slightly, actually thinking about it. .

A master of the spirit emperor realm, how can you come to guard the gate casually? You must know that any master of the spirit emperor is the most precious treasure of the major sects. There are already so many master guards here, and a lot of guards have been added. The spirit formation, found the problem, believe that the master of the spirit emperor realm will rush over in the first time, Huo Hai dare not take it lightly.

When I came here, I didn’t feel the breath of a master of the spirit emperor in the branch hall of the Sky Star Sect, but Huo Hai instinctively felt that this should be hidden with a special technique. The Sky Star Sect did a great job in hiding the spirit emperor. profession.

Fluttershy's hallucinations unfolded, Huo Hai cautiously avoided the master guards and some peripheral spirit formations, and then sneaked into it. Before he could fully enter, Star Gu had already flown in, while carefully sensing the surroundings. The spirit formation and the aura of masters, while showing Huo Hai the way, this entrance is really not easy to enter.

Huo Hai went all the way, and it took a full hour before he finally fully penetrated the passage. At this time, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, there is no guard inside, otherwise it will be really troublesome. "

Huo Hai snorted and walked in secretly along the route. He had already been here once, and the second time was naturally a familiar road. The first passage and the second passage, Huo Hai went in easily.

After the two layers of maze, it is the third floor, the headquarters hall left by the ancient Tianxing Sect. Last time, Huo Hai had already visited, "There are still people hiding here, and you really have them." Huo Hai just arrived, and he felt like A faint breath, replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that only a master of the spirit emperor realm can feel it.

The Lingdi is a master, and rarely does this kind of sneaky things. The major sects monitor the Lingdi masters of other sects very closely. Once they find that the Lingdi masters appear, they will immediately monitor them.

There are a few people who only have the realm of the Spirit King hidden around, but the hiding ability of these people is really great, Huo Hai dare not care, but secretly continue to feel it, and at the same time release Xiaodie.

"A total of nine people, all of them are in various blind spots. If one person is missed, I am afraid they will sound an alarm." Huo Hai sneered in his heart: "Xiaodie, control them. We will withdraw when I succeed. "Huo Hai gave an order, and Xiaodie completely expanded his illusion field. There is not much space here, Xiaodie can completely cover it all.

Although a few people were hidden secretly, they were only more troublesome in the dark. Once they got to the bright surface, they didn't count anything. It was just a mere spirit king. Fluttershy could easily control it all the time, without direct control at all.

Under the illusion, the scenery in front of several people did not change, but what they saw and heard was not the real situation in front of them. These people were definitely specially trained, otherwise few people can stay so boring.

Regardless of these people, Huo Hai immediately came to the spirit formation that day. At this time, the spirit formation had completely collapsed, but the hidden spirit formation that day melted into the cracks in the ground. Huo Hai carefully used the secret technique of the Sky Star Sect little by little. At the same time, he found out the original spirit array bit by bit according to his memory. This work took Huo Hai two days.

"Fortunately, the research on the spirit array has been more in-depth recently, otherwise there is really no way." Huo Hai wiped the cold sweat on his head. This spirit array is based on the star array. The star array is more complicated than the star map. s things.

Huo Hai is now able to barely understand the star array. It’s not possible to arrange one by himself. Even with the assistance of the array, he can’t do it. Two days later, Huo Hai started to move cautiously and quickly clicked nine. Next, he hit nine different points. What made Huo Hai dumbfounded was that these nine points were exactly the nine points that he cracked the first layer.

The key position of breaking the formation has not changed at all, but the technique used by Huo Hai to break the formation is different. It is precisely because he found that the breaking point is not the slightest difference from the previous one, Huo Hai wasted a long time and thoroughly checked it.

As Huo Hai energized the spirit formation, there was not much movement in the spirit formation this time. When Huo Hai was wandering, a powerful suction force acted on Huo Hai’s body. The next moment, Huo Hai’s eyes were dark, all The scene completely changed.

"This is a secret realm. What a weird secret realm gate." It turns out that the last hidden spirit formation is not using the spirit formation to hide objects at all, but a special door to the secret realm. Who would have thought that such an important spirit formation in the Sky Star Sect Above, there are so many things hidden, even a small secret space.

In this regard, Huo Hai really didn't know what to say, looking forward, Huo Hai was shocked.

In the town-sized secret realm, a huge stone stele rose from the ground. The bottom of the stone stele is connected to the ground, and the top of the secret realm is on top. It seems that this stone stele is everything in the whole secret realm.

Huo Hai didn't know what kind of material it was made of, but it felt like a stone tablet. The stars above the huge stone tablet circulated, exuding a strong stellar spiritual power.

Looking at this stone tablet, Huo Hai has a feeling of looking at the entire starry sky, with countless stars circulating in it, and it is very clear that if you compare it with the starry sky outside, you will find that all the stars in the starry sky can be reflected on the stone tablet.

"Xingchen stone wall, this is the star stone wall." Huo Hai's eyes brightened and even shouted out loudly. If this kind of strange thing is not a star stone wall, Huo Hai believes that nothing can be called a star stone wall. Huo Hai, as if possessed by a demon, walked forward step by step, and after a while, he came to the front of the star stone wall.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt that his spiritual power began to flow uncontrollably. While the huge spiritual power was flowing, the power of the stars gradually resonated with the power of the star rock wall.

Suddenly, the spiritual power of the surrounding stars condensed into a huge phantom. On the surface, it seemed to be a middle-aged man, faintly, but also seemed to be an old man: "Younger generation, you finally found this place, yours The spiritual power of the stars is pure enough, and it seems to be qualified. There is not much time. Don't talk, just listen to me."

The phantom quickly told everything here, Huo Hai listened and sighed. It turned out that this person was the great elder of the Sky Star Sect at the time. When the ancient Sky Star Sect was finally destroyed, the great elder did not appear. Many people thought that The elder ran away.

No one knows, the great elder was ordered by the sect master to leave something for future generations, disguise the entire spiritual formation and secret realm, set tests, etc., everything is done by the great elder, and in the end, the great elder general My soul was preserved using a special method. For a long time, this soul has been sleeping on the stone wall of stars, waiting to be awakened.

Once awakened, the soul will flow quickly, so there is not much time. If the purity of the power of the stars cannot be recognized, it will be impossible to wake the soul of the great elder.

But if the soul of the great elder does not wake up, it will always suppress the star stone wall, so outsiders can't even think about it. In these respects, the Sky Star Sect is not comparable to any other sect, so no one has discovered anything for so many years. .

But now, Huo Hai’s power of stars can easily awaken the soul of the great elder, proving that Huo Hai has reached the requirements of the ancient Sky Star Sect in terms of the purity of the power of stars and his own talent. This kind of aptitude and foundation, Even in the ancient Tianxing Sect period, none of the sects could reach it. The Great Elder looked at Huo Hai, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

"You don’t need to do the extra. With the Star Cliff, you will never have any difficulty in becoming a Spiritual Venerable. As long as you can avenge us in the future, I can feel the contract on you, so I won’t give you extra Contracted."

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