Evil Insect God

Chapter 1158: Star guest

In the face of flames, it is natural to use fire worms. Although Huo Hai’s fire worms have never been deliberately promoted, they are only in the realm of the spirit king, but they have very strong restraints on flames.

This time, Huo Hai finally used his own magic blessing method, using the new star handprint, Huo Hai can complete the spell in the shortest time, and the effect is very powerful, although the spirit worm of the spirit king realm, Huo Hai cannot Bless it to the level of your own, but after blessing, the firefly can also exert the power of the spiritual emperor realm.

Naturally capable of devouring flames, fire worms love flames but others can’t understand them. Opened their mouths, the fire worms quickly swallowed the flames near Huo Hai. At this time, Feng Yu even forgot to continue. Manipulation.

It wasn't until his own spirit worms burned out that Feng Yu reacted, "Damn it, how could this happen, the insect that devours flames, which insect spiritualist would waste time controlling this insect." Feng Yu's heart was full of shock.

No matter where you look from it, Huo Hai doesn’t look like an orthodox worm spiritist, or even a qualified worm spiritist, but this unqualified worm spiritist always has a variety of powerful spirit insects. , And also had many effects. No matter how he came, he would be completely restrained. This sense of frustration made Feng Yu extremely annoyed.

Feng Yu's growth has always been smooth and smooth. He was born in a large family of Beast King Sect. It can be said that he was born with a golden key, and his talent was also good. The resources for cultivation were given away by others.

Growing up to this day, none of the worm spiritualists I have seen is his own opponent, but today, he has been hit repeatedly. Feng Yu even wondered if he was really a qualified worm spiritualist. For a long time, Feng Yu raised his head and stared at Huo Hai fiercely: "The last trick, if you can stop it, then you will win."

Feng Yu roared, and calmly took out a red-lighted insect. The insect was only the size of a palm, but it exuded a strong smell of blood. It looked like a beetle, but it had densely packed teeth.

Speaking of it, a bug with so many teeth is really rare, and Huo Hai's expression became serious. Obviously, the cultivation base of this bug has reached the level of the peak of the spiritual emperor. Once it is done, the two are superimposed and powerful. .

"This blood control worm was only obtained from the killing field after a lot of hardships. It can control the blood of others. Originally, I planned to refining and help improve it after breaking through, so that I can enter the realm of the spirit emperor. It’s time to have a certain fighting ability, but today you are going to use it, you will be the first person to die under the control of the blood worm."

Huo Hai also has a certain understanding of blood worm control. It is said that it is a kind of spirit worm that is corroded by the blood and murderous aura on the killing field and finally mutated. This kind of spirit worm is born with the ability to control blood.

If you become stronger, you can even directly control the blood in someone else's body. It can be said to be killing people invisible. Feng Yu quickly made handprints one by one with his hands. At the same time, he began to chant special spells in his mouth. Wen, this time it seemed that Feng Yu had really tried his best. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai also became serious.

The power of the two peaks of the spiritual emperor is superimposed, and the power that can be exerted is far beyond the normal peak of the spiritual emperor, and even stronger than Huo Hai itself at this time. A mysterious power spread, and Huo Hai immediately felt himself The blood began to change.

With the flow of blood, one's own spiritual power and spirit seem to be mobilized. The blood control worm is swallowed up by blood. After the blood is swallowed, the spiritual power and spiritual power are not left, and the blood control worm is really powerful.

Huo Hai felt the uncontrollable blood of his own, and even wanted to break away from him. It seemed that there was no way for conventional spirit worms. Although Star Gu could easily kill the opponent, Huo Hai used it once at the beginning. The sea also has his own pride. If he would be beaten by this guy on the spirit worm, then how would he be worthy of the title of worm emperor.

"Hmph, since you used the spirit worm that you played for the first time, I happen to have one here too." Huo Hai waved his hand, and a big butterfly that was full of gray and white color under the sun appeared.

Death moth, this is the death moth that Huo Hai hatched before, but with the help of Huo Hai, it just reached the peak some time ago. The transformation of the spirit emperor was completed. Compared with its mother, the ability of this newborn death moth is much stronger. Up.

And because it was cultivated since childhood, this Grim Reaper moth has a very high IQ. Like normal humans, it can use spirit waves to communicate, and its fighting methods are more abundant. It is not at all the dull and silly look of the general Reaper moth, Huo Hai Pinch out a handprint, slightly blessed with spiritual power, this spiritual power is enough in Huo Hai's view.

Then, the Grim Reaper Moth slammed its wings twice, and a faint dust spilled out and melted into the gust of wind. It did not attract anyone's attention at all. Feng Yu was about to laugh, but suddenly felt sleepy.

"What's going on, why, why am I so sleepy, I..." Feng Yu's own spells stopped, and the whole person fell from the air. Huo Hai slowly calmed down his own blood and touched the Death Moth.

With Huo Hai’s special resistance now, the dust of the Death Moth has little effect on him. “Yes, I did a good job. It showed such strength in the first battle.” The praised Death Moth continued to excite. Waving his wings, Huo Hai waved his hand and took it back, then fell to the ground and came to the sleeping Feng Yu.

"It's a pity, it's you who died, and your spirit worms are not as good as mine." Huo Hai said, no matter whether he could hear it or not, there seems to be no one who was stunned by the death moth dust. The antidote can be cured.

"This blood control worm should be useful to deal with the blood **** sect in the future. Forget it, put it away first." Huo Hai waved his hand to take away the blood control worm. This blood control worm did not let him wake up temporarily, and waited until he assimilated it. Let's talk about it.

As for Feng Yu, it was of no use to Huo Hai. Huo Hai looked at Feng Yu a few times, then shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, he shot out a sword aura. Feng Yu, who did not resist, looked extremely vulnerable under the sword aura. , After just a sword, Feng Yu was penetrated into the spirit source, and after death he could not even leave a shadow of the original source, let alone cause any movement.

Huo Hai beckoned, a white soul flew out, was collected by Huo Hai, and collected the things on Feng Yu's body. Huo Hai doubled over and looked a little helpless: "Hey, I know, these big things The secret of the door is not so easy to get."

Among the Space Rings, there is no Spirit Jue Fighting Spirit Jue. Most of them are used to feed and cultivate spirit worms. Huo Hai didn't even find a written item, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Forget it, it's not bad to get a soul. There are already ninety-nine souls, and one is short of one. You can create a star soul and attract it. Next, where do you want to find it? Huo Hai casually sent out one. The flames easily burned the corpses on the ground to ashes, and even the bugs Feng Yu had already summoned did not let go.

At this moment, a few figures suddenly jumped out of the corner, and the light of the spiritual circle on his body flickered. Huo Hai could not feel a breath at close range, "Who are you, what are you doing here."

Hearing that, a few people immediately opened the cloak, and the spiritual formation was lifted. There were only five people here, four men and one woman, the strongest one. The cultivation base has reached the seventh level of the spiritual emperor, but in Huo Hai’s view It's nothing.

"Don't get me wrong, we have no malice. Since your Excellency has killed the Insect King upright, you will be the only Insect King in the future, but this dead Insect King is a member of the Beast King Sect, so you may be in trouble."

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "You are threatening me. Only you know about this. As long as you are dead, no one will know." Huo Hai snorted a murderous look in his eyes, although he didn't do anything. But the five people still felt that they had been cut open. Oh my god, is this guy really the pinnacle spirit emperor, how could he be so strong.

The leader quickly said: "Please wait a minute, we are all members of the Sky Star Sect, and there is no malicious intent towards you."

Seeing Huo Hai’s breath receding, everyone was relieved: “The Star Handprint and the Star Fire that your Excellency just used, we have already seen. Your Excellency should be the descendant of the ancient Celestial Star Sect. It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it. , Anyway, we have already identified it." Huo Hai squinted and looked at these people, not knowing what they wanted to do.

Huo Hai didn't respond, and the person headed immediately said: "Your Excellency, our Sky Star Sect is also a legacy of the ancient Sky Star Sect. We are both disciples of the Sky Star Sect. Naturally, we want to be together and contribute to the development of the Sect."

"Our Heavenly Star Sect has many descendants of the ancient Heavenly Star Sect. They are now at a very high level in the sect. As long as they continue to develop, the sect will definitely become the top sect again."

Huo Hai smiled coldly: "Then, what are you going to say." Unexpectedly, after saying so much, Huo Hai was still indifferent. Several people looked at each other, and a trace of depression flashed in their eyes. This guy is really salty. Not enter.

After taking a deep breath, the five-man leader said again: "As a descendant of the Star Sect, of course you should join the Star Sect. We formally invite you to join the Star Sect. With your talent, you will soon be able to break through after joining the Sect. When we reach the realm of Lingdi, then our sect will be able to add another master to sit down." The others also looked excited.

Huo Hai sneered in his heart and wanted me to help you develop. It was a joke. He thought he was someone.

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