Evil Insect God

Chapter 1162: Moving Stars for the second layer

"Why haven't finished it yet? Oh, I just care about perfection and forget the amount of spiritual power." Huo Hai finally thought of where he was negligent. The previous self had always focused on perfection.

Just like this time, what Huo Hai wanted was how to make his Star Soul Attraction stronger, but Huo Hai had forgotten that the stronger the soul power, the more the stars' spiritual power would be absorbed, and there was not enough star power. , I don't know what will happen after the failure, whether the progress is locked or directly destroyed, Huo Hai doesn't know all this.

In desperation, Huo Hai can only think of other ways. Until now, he can only increase the amount of star spiritual power as much as possible. His own star spiritual power cannot be used to temper the star spirit, but Huo Hai It's not impossible.

Walking to the side of the pool, Huo Hai directly threw a large number of spirit crystals into the pool. Then, Huo Hai used all his strength to urge the spirit formations, allowing the pool to refine the spiritual power within these spirit crystals in the shortest possible time. Pure star power.

This approach is very wasteful, because the spiritual power that can be used in a spiritual crystal is at most one-tenth, far less than it is used to aid cultivation, but Huo Hai does not care about those, as long as he can complete his own star soul guide, Huo While using the inner space to decompose the spirit crystals, the sea urges the spirit formation to decompose the spirit crystals in the pool to increase power.

"It's not enough. Fortunately, I reacted quickly." Three days later, Huo Hai calculated it. As expected, all the remaining spiritual power was completely consumed, and there was nothing left. If it weren't for the quick response, there is nothing left now. Spiritual power is used.

However, the current Star Soul Attraction is only less than half completed. The Star Soul Attraction is still constantly absorbing the power of the stars and transforming itself. Huo Hai sinks his heart and continues to work hard to decompose the spirit crystals to supply the Star Soul Attraction with spiritual power. .

Five more days have passed, and eight days have been continuously urging the spiritual formation. Huo Hai also felt exhausted at this time. Such a large spiritual formation is not an easy job to mobilize with the power of one person, "Great. , Finally finished.” Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that Star Soul Yin had completely turned silvery white, and he was asleep as he sat there.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Huo Hai opened his eyes, he exhaled: "It's been a long time since I slept so comfortable." The last time he was in a coma, Huo Hai didn't feel at all, but now it's really comfortable to sleep.

Since practicing, Huo Hai hasn’t slept for a long time. Most of them use practice to replace sleep. Sometimes, it’s normal for him to stay awake for a few days and months. Even Huo Hai sometimes feels like he It's not like people anymore.

I felt myself, and basically recovered, and in the spirit formation, a basketball-sized silver-white ball was constantly puffing up the spiritual power of the stars. From a distance, it looked like a huge star." Is this the Star Soul Enlightenment? It seems a little different from the record, but the quality should be better than the natural Star Soul Enlightenment."

Huo Hai looked at it carefully, the color and luster of the Star Soul Enlightenment he made was very pure, there was no other power mixed in it, and the size was also the largest. After a trial, the Star Soul Enlightenment itself had no rejection.

"Senior's efforts were not in vain, and the Star Soul Yin could be made in this way." Huo Hai took a deep breath, and his whole body radiated spiritual power, attracting and communicating with the Star Soul Yin. A few minutes later, the star soul Yin turned into A stream of light merged into Huo Hai's body. When he closed his eyes, Huo Hai could see a silver-white light group floating in the spirit source.

According to the cultivation method of the second level of Moving Stars and Fighting, Huo Hai immediately began to continuously use his spiritual power and spiritual power to temper this Star Soul Attraction. When creating Star Soul Attraction, he must have the most natural and purest Star Spirit Power. .

But to temper the Star Soul Attraction, you need to use your own spiritual power and spiritual power. The stronger the willpower, the more beneficial it is for the tempering. With Huo Hai’s strength, such a Star Soul Attraction is less than ten. Tian has been completely tempered.

The next step is to build a basic spiritual formation. "What kind of spiritual formation is better? The basic spiritual formation is the most important. What kind of spiritual formation is built will have what kind of characteristics? Which one? Good kind of..."

As Huo Hai thought, he looked at some records on the scroll about moving stars and changing fights. The second level of moving stars and changing fights was actually the real secret technique of moving stars and changing fights. Without Star Soul Attracting, it was impossible to practice. Only if you have the Star Soul Guide, this shifting star and changing battle can be regarded as a real heaven-level war spirit art, which can be cultivated to the heaven-level level.

The basic spirit formation is the most important. This is related to the characteristics of moving the stars and changing the battle. Generally speaking, the best spirit formation is of course related to the power of the stars. Only this kind of spirit formation is the most stable foundation. , And the most suitable.

But in this way, there is no characteristic of moving the star and changing the battle, "Wait, why did I forget this, the star spirit formation does not necessarily have to be the spirit formation that condenses the power of the stars." Huo Hai's eyes It gradually started to light up.

Taking out the sky star spirit array, Huo Hai recalled some of the spirit arrays in his mind, and at the same time began to quickly comprehend and construct. At the same time, Huo Hai also began to understand the arrangement of the star array bit by bit, Huo Hai himself There is no way to arrange a star array, but within Huo Hai's spiritual source, this is Huo Hai's own world, and it is not very difficult to create a star array.

After spending a few days, Huo Hai referred to a large number of spiritual formations, and finally created a star formation of his own. Although the star formation was very simple and nothing special, what Huo Hai wanted was this kind of foundation.

"Very good, the teleportation array formed by the star array. With such a spirit array as the foundation, I should have obtained space ability." Space ability is a very powerful ability, even higher than Huo Hai's star attribute spiritual power.

Huo Hai is not a spatial attribute. There is no way to change this. However, some special war spirit techniques can still be relied on. No matter what, try it first. Even if you fail, you can also learn the heavenly war spirit techniques. Thinking of this, Huo Hai began to carefully control the fusion of his own spirit and spiritual power, and then penetrated into the Star Soul Yin.

After being tempered, the Star Soul Yin exudes a special power, as if it is engraved in his own heart. The Star Soul Yin is the control of his own pace of moving stars and changing fights, displaying the spiritual power required for moving stars and changing fights. All have been transformed by the Star Soul Yin.

It took more than an hour before Huo Hai clicked on the first star point. The star array is not so easy to arrange. To arrange the star array, it must correspond to the stars in the sky, and the stars in the sky change every moment.

This is the most difficult point of the star array layout. Only after the complete correspondence can the star array be qualified to form the star array. If it weren't for Huo Hai's own star stone wall, it would be impossible to construct the star array even in the spirit source.

After the first star was clicked in, Huo Hai began to wait. There was no way to form an array instantly, so he could only wait for the opportunity. After the stars came back here again, Huo Hai seized the opportunity and clicked the second star. After the two star points formed, Huo Hai waited, but the two star points had already begun to emit a faint light.

This light of stars represents the success of the star points, not failure. Huo Hai will only complete a star point every time until the stars return. Usually, Huo Hai can only complete three or five star points in one night.

In order to lay out this basic spiritual formation, Huo Hai spent ten days. On the night of the tenth day, Huo Hai finally hit the last star point. Suddenly, the star soul led the inner light to flow, forming the star formation. The star point began to move, and the trajectory of the movement was exactly the same as the corresponding star. Seeing this scene, Huo Hai finally felt relieved.

"Fortunately, fortunately, there was no mistake, and my star soul was not wasted." The star point rotates on its own, which means that his star array has been truly completed. The first time a star array has been completed, Huo Hai's heart rises. A sense of accomplishment.

This is a star formation, one of the most difficult types of spiritual formations in the Sky Star Sect. Even in the ancient Sky Star Sect, not many people can succeed. Now I have succeeded. Although it is in the spiritual source, it is also an achievement. With this Once successful, Huo Hai's understanding of the spirit formation will advance by leaps and bounds, and even now, he has gained a lot of benefits.

"I'll try, what special ability do you have." Huo Hai began to move the star to change the battle, but now the current star change to the battle can not be used as he wants, expand the body method, the position where he walks is only above the star soul guide For a few points, Huo Hai was a little uncomfortable.

However, at these points, Huo Hai could act at will. While walking around, Huo Hai also felt a mysterious power flowing around him. It seemed that as long as his power was slightly stronger, he could break through the surrounding space.

It's a pity that Huo Hai exhausted his strength, but couldn't break through, and could only be suppressed by space: "My strength is not enough. Perhaps, the spiritual formation is not completely perfected. Let's complete the spiritual formation first." Star Soul As an array base, the above is not only capable of depicting a basic spiritual array, but with this spiritual array as the core, continue to integrate and construct the spiritual array.

This is not what Huo Hai did at the beginning, as long as he understands the spirit formation, Huo Hai tried to integrate a spirit formation into it, and soon, based on the original star formation, some strange lines formed and the outline of the spirit formation appeared.

It seems that it is not enough to integrate a spiritual formation. If so, then continue, Huo Hai's heart is fierce, and according to the practice method of moving stars and fighting battles, he continuously integrates spirit formations one after another. Every time one is merged, the star soul is attracted. The lines in it will become more complicated. Some lines will disappear, some will change, and some will appear out of thin air. Only the basic core remains unchanged.

Soon, a complex spirit formation appeared in Huo Hai’s Star Soul Enchantment, and as the spirit formation continued to merge, the spirit formation became larger and more complex, and the profound aura contained in it became more and more fascinating. The sea feels mysterious.

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