Evil Insect God

Chapter 1169: breakthrough

Everything is difficult at the beginning, after all, it is the first time to portray the rune of will, so the difficulty is far more difficult than portraying the rune in the future, not only to break the original spiritual power protection layer, but also to keep your own spirit inside. force.

The more you describe it, the more pressure Huo Hai feels on his spirit, and the quicker his spiritual power recovers. Huo Hai doesn’t worry much, but the consumption of mental power will be much faster. If this continues, I’m afraid Wait until one's mental power is exhausted, and even half of the entire rune can't be completed, so it will take two or three times to complete the first rune.

Leaving flaws, not perfect, Huo Hai is absolutely not allowed, but there is no way. After the energy is exhausted, no matter how hard Huo Hai works, it is impossible to complete the rune. Huo Hai is now somewhat depressed. .

When I polished the crystal nucleus, I polished the crystal nucleus too perfect, and it has reached the extreme. The more you reach the extreme nucleus, the more difficult it is to depict the will rune in it, and the greater the consumption.

However, if it was not perfect before, Huo Hai could not have this kind of strength now. In desperation, Huo Hai could only persist. Whenever he could persist, he would insist on it. The rune was perfected bit by bit. , Unknowingly, the rune had been completed one-third, and under Huo Hai's control, no error appeared.

But at this time, Huo Hai felt his mental power, and he felt that his successor was weak. Sure enough, he couldn't finish half of it the first time. It seemed that to finish this rune, he needed to divide it into three times.

Just when Huo Hai had almost given up, Huo Hai suddenly felt his sea of ​​consciousness tremble, "What's going on, hey, how did this thing come out." Before Huo Hai looked at it, he suddenly found a touch of transparency. The light poured in.

Isn’t this the light that is hidden in my soul and cannot be mobilized? This light has saved Huo Hai several times, but it is a pity that Huo Hai has not figured out what it is. Now this light suddenly appeared in Huo Hai was surprised at what he was going to do in his star core. As the light appeared, Huo Hai suddenly felt that he had recovered a lot.

Under the characterization of spiritual power, it seems that it is a lot easier, "No matter what, as long as it can assist in portraying runes." Thinking of this, Huo Hai continued to operate his spiritual power, and with the cooperation of spiritual power, he continued to characterize the runes. Text to the crystal core.

Huo Hai's whole body's attention was completely concentrated, and he did not pay attention to his mental energy consumption. At this time, Huo Hai's eyes only left the characterization of runes. Gradually, half of the runes were completed, and two thirds of the runes were completed. The rune is completed, five-sixths of the rune is completed, the rune is getting closer to the final completion, and Huo Hai's attention is getting more and more concentrated.

I don't know how long it has passed, Huo Hai's star core suddenly vibrated, and the concentration in Huo Hai's eyes also dissipated again, and a tired feeling came to his heart, "It's finally completed, what a surprise."

Huo Hai didn't expect that he could actually form the rune in one shot when he first portrayed the rune. What happened to the previous light? Huo Hai was about to give up even before.

At this moment, the completely completed rune suddenly emitted a bright light, and the light directly pierced the original spiritual protection layer surrounding the star core, and the leaked star core looked like a superior Like crystal, the rune in the middle is gleaming, it is a work of art. Every time the spiritual power flows, the rune will shimmer with bright light.

All the spiritual power in the whole body suddenly flowed at this moment. When all the spiritual power passed through the first star core, it would instantly be compressed a lot, and a large amount of impurities would be continuously repelled out.

Moreover, the new spiritual power, the willpower contained in it, is even stronger, not only that, this willpower has even begun to merge with one's own spiritual power, and gradually begins to influence and change one's own spiritual power.

"This is the special spiritual power of the Lingdi realm, right? Willpower changes the spiritual power. The spiritual power belongs to itself. It has gradually been able to compete with the power between the heavens and the earth." Huo Hai smiled slightly and remembered some descriptions about the Lingdi .

The spiritual power contained in the spiritual emperor itself is a power that can change the heavens and the earth. The most important thing of this power is the willpower integrated in it. If a spiritual emperor master releases a group of flames in one place, then this place will be Always keep the flame burning, this situation can be maintained for a long time after the Lingdi leaves, this is changing the power of heaven and earth.

The higher the spiritual emperor's level, the more thoroughly his spiritual power is transformed by willpower, and the longer this phenomenon will last. Therefore, where the spiritual emperor masters fight, there are often some very special relics.

Among these ruins, the power of heaven and earth is extremely chaotic, while the spirit emperor's own will is very strong. Before this will disappears, experts with the same attributes can even learn something from it to improve their strength.

Therefore, every time the Spirit Emperor is highly manual, as long as the battlefield is not too dangerous, it is easy to attract many Spirit Kings and Spirit Kings to watch. Now his spiritual power is constantly changing in this direction. This is a breakthrough to the Spirit Emperor. After the realm, it was transformed for the first time, but Huo Hai was certain that his spiritual power transformed far beyond the normal Spirit Emperor.

It’s just that it’s more troublesome to continue to improve in the future. The Spirit Emperor is different from the Spirit Emperor. When you portray the first rune, you will undergo the first transformation. Every time you portray one-ninth of your crystal core, you will Transform once.

Even if others reach a thousand crystal nuclei, they will complete every one hundred and eleven runes, but Huo Hai needs 333 runes to transform once. The workload is at least a normal spirit emperor. More than three times.

Of course, with each transformation, the degree of spiritual power transformation will be higher, and the power of spiritual power will be stronger. As for the gains or the losses, this will vary from person to person. In pursuit of perfection, always give up some what.

With the flow of runes, Huo Hai’s own aura gradually began to transform, and Huo Hai’s own aura also began to continue to improve, becoming more mysterious and noble. People who practiced the change of the stars have this kind of aura. With a lot of aura Being continuously absorbed by Huo Hai, Huo Hai feels that his own strength is constantly improving, becoming stronger in all aspects.

After squeezing his fist, Huo Hai felt a sense of complacency once again. This is the feeling that will appear every time he breaks through the realm. It seems that he needs to be suppressed little by little by time, or relieved through battle.

Huo Hai knows very well that he can't be invincible at all. There is too much of this feeling, and Huo Hai naturally has a vigilant mentality. However, in any case, his strength has improved a lot. This is very important. Certainly, the self at this time can definitely squeeze the previous one hundred selves easily, and it will not take too much effort.

The higher the level, the greater the gap between each other every time he breaks through a large level, but at the same time, Huo Hai felt that a very special aura suddenly appeared around him.

"Is it repulsive by the power of heaven and earth? It really is a special treatment unique to the realm of the spirit emperor." After reaching the realm of the spirit emperor, you will begin to gradually break away from the control of heaven and earth, and your spiritual power will slowly move towards the power of heaven and earth. Nature change.

Although they are of the same nature, they are only in levels. In fact, the origins between the two are completely different. As the cultivation level continues to improve, each time one's spiritual power changes, it will make one's spiritual nature stronger, and it will be in harmony with the world. The greater the difference in power, that is to say, as you practice, the power of heaven and earth will repel yourself more and more.

"Hmph, sooner or later, I will transcend the heaven and the earth, and become the spirit deity." If the spirit emperor wants to become the spirit deity, he must be completely detached from the pressure of the power of heaven and earth. control.

It is precisely because of this that the Lingzun realm master can escape the limitation of lifespan. Strictly speaking, the heavenly master can no longer be regarded as a normal creature. Huo Hai believes that this day will not be too far away.

"Hey, I don't know how long it will take to complete three thousand runes. It seems that we need to prepare more things to restore mental power in the future." The first time Huo Hai portrayed runes, he consumed most of his mental power. .

It’s just that Huo Hai didn’t expect that the mental power consumed by the characterization of runes would recover so slowly. If it’s normal consumption, Huo Hai only needs to meditate and recuperate for one day. But now, most of the mental power is exhausted. It takes at least five days for Huo Hai to recover, and things that don't restore mental power are troublesome.

But what surprised Huo Hai was that with the completion of the first rune characterization, the weird light in his soul actually increased a bit. Although it was only a small point, Huo Hai still noticed it. After all, this is himself. soul.

After thinking for a long time, I still have no idea. Forget it, let me consolidate myself. Generally, the spirit emperor only needs to describe half of the first rune, even if he breaks through, most of the subsequent consolidation is supplementing the rune. Wen, Huo Hai doesn't need this step, he just needs to completely transform his spiritual power, and then replenish the spiritual power that can be accommodated after his breakthrough.

With the continuous circulation of special spiritual power, the protective layer of the original spiritual power wrapped around the star core in Huo Hai's body gradually began to dissipate. The crystal clear star cores appeared one by one in Huo Hai's spiritual cave, extremely dazzling .

In the future, if you continue to portray new runes, you don’t need to maintain this layer of original spiritual protection. This is the real reason why the first star core is the most difficult to portray. In fact, most of Huo Hai’s spirit The power is all spent on maintaining the protection of breaking through the original spiritual power, and the spiritual power consumed by the depiction of runes is not as much as Huo Hai imagined.

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