Evil Insect God

Chapter 1172: Accident

The direction to the southwest of the entrance is also the direction of Crazy Dragon City. If you just ask around the entrance, you can immediately know where the Crazy Dragon City is. At the speed of Huo Hai, you can quickly arrive.

Back home this time, in order to make Fang Biya and the others improve faster, Huo Hai once again used all the Vein Scrubs on his body. It seems that he still needs to clean up a little bit. The Vessel Scrubs were used too quickly. Up.

Huo Hai came all the way to the secret realm, and quickly entered it. This grass was used in this way. I am afraid that there will be no washing grass in the secret realm for a long time. This is a special elixir that can be classified into the quality of the emperor. The value of the first-class quality elixir is not as high as that of the scouring grass. Huo Hai feels a little distressed if he continues to use it.

As soon as he came out, Huo Hai’s keen ears immediately heard a few people nearby talking, “Huh, the Jin family and the Chi family are so incompetent. There is no compromise. I would like to see if they can still persist. how long."

Huo Hai was taken aback, what was going on, "Yeah, yeah, daring to offend the Sirius Gate, it’s surprising to live to this day. It’s really strange. How could the Sirius Gate let the two families be so, otherwise they would have already Can't hold on anymore."

The headed man snorted coldly: "Hmph, what offends the Sirius Gate? Do the Jin and Chi family dare to offend the Sirius Gate? What they really offend is the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group. The Sirius Gate wants to take advantage of this opportunity and madness. The leader of Long has a relationship, otherwise, how could they do such a thankless thing, the Jin family and the Chi family are not ordinary small families."

"What's the matter, how can they offend the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps." This is a new thing.

The leader said in a low voice, "I also heard from a friend of mine, isn’t the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps trying to capture the Insect King, but it seems that it suffered some losses during the capture, so the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps Go crazy."

"What does this have to do with the Jinjiachi family?" A young man next to him immediately asked, which was so strange.

The leader snorted coldly: "Don't interrupt, listen to me, the Jin family and the Chi family seem to have something to do with the insect emperor, and the relationship is good. Someone had seen it at the beginning, but no one took it seriously. Now, the Sirius Gate is forcing the two. The family tells the whereabouts of the insect emperor, but the two families don’t even say if they died. The Sirius Gate wanted to please the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group, so it became like this."

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. He continued to listen, only to find that the Jin family and Chi family had been surrounded by the Sirius Gate for more than two months. Thinking of this, Huo Hai’s eyes flashed murderous look.

"Very well, Sirius Gate, and the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps. I haven't gone to find you yet. It's okay for you. Let me trouble you first. If that's the case, then you don't need to exist anymore." , It was the robbers here, not from the Sirius Gate, so Huo Hai didn't want to clean them up, just as reward for providing news to himself.

Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he soon came to the location blocked by the barriers of the barren mountain, imitating Fluttershy's control ability, Huo Hai easily got all the information about the Sirius Gate. The location of the Sirius Gate is here. Not far from the mountain.

Huo Hai condensed a group of spiritual power at will, and directly pressed it down, just like the method of using the crazy dragon on that day, but the spirit emperor’s master shot is not something that ordinary people can resist. Only a group of spiritual power will pass all people. Killing, Huo Hai's spiritual power condensed, can be much stronger than the spiritual power condensed by the crazy dragon, the two are not at the same level.

Soon, Huo Hai came to the Sirius Gate based on the information provided by these people, "It's really flattering, but it's okay to save trouble." Although Xiaodie has gone to metamorphosis, Huo Hai is so long. In the time, he also learned how to use some mental powers. For a master of the same level, Huo Hai still couldn't control the other's spirit.

But for the kind of people whose strength is far lower than his own, Huo Hai can barely control the other party and obtain some information. If he uses the tarsal needle to toss for a while, then it will be easier to control. The two cooperate, it is a little troublesome. .

But in this way, Huo Hai can get what he wants from the mouth of the fourth-level spirit emperor. The fourth-level spirit emperor is already a high-level figure in the Sirius Gate. This time Huo Hai came to the Sirius Gate. Intend to destroy them.

People don’t offend me and I don’t offend people. This is Huo Hai’s purpose. But after coming here, Huo Hai discovered that the Sirius Gate master had already left. In order to please the mad dragon, the Sirius Gate master actually took action and brought With most of the elites of the Zongmen, they set off directly and headed towards the Jin Family and Chi Family. In the base camp, there are not many masters.

If this is the case, Huo Hai is not welcome. The Sirius Gate is guarding this place, and the income is indeed high, but because it is a very important key position after all, the Sirius Gate usually also honors many large forces.

Therefore, the Sirius Gate has not gained much, and even a large guardian formation is not mixed in. It is just because the Sirius Gate is a product of the balance of major forces, so few people dare to trouble the Sirius Gate. .

Now Huo Hai has found it. Because there is no large guardian formation, it is much easier for Huo Hai to deal with the Sirius Gate. With a flash of figure, Huo Hai quickly appeared above the Sirius Gate. Cubs of the Sirius Gate, aren't you looking for this young master? Today, this young master is here, so please give me the seeds." Huo Hai's voice suddenly resounded throughout the col.

Upon hearing this, a large number of Sirius Gate masters appeared here one after another. For so many years, no one dared to come to the Sirius Gate to make trouble. Seeing Huo Hai in the sky, the people from the Sirius Gate suddenly cursed at Huo Hai. stand up.

"Little Bunny, dare to come to our Sirius Gate to go wild. I really don’t know how to live or die. Get out quickly, or grandpa, I will go up and kill you." In the Sirius Gate, these guys are bold enough. He is actually a Spirit King who can't even fly, dare to speak like this in front of him, I'm afraid he thinks he is just a Spirit King.

"Boy, who are you, why do you come to us to make trouble? Behind our Sirius Gate is the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps." This is a spiritual emperor who is talking, because he can't feel Huo Hai's specific cultivation. .

Worried that there is a backer behind Huo Hai, so he took out his backer first. He didn’t believe that Huo Hai dared to offend the mad dragon casually. You know, there are only a few mad dragons in the easternmost part of the Heavenly Soul Region. One of the Lingdi.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Are you just such a small number of people in the Sirius Gate? Are they all here? If there are still people, come out." Huo Hai's calm words made everyone feel confused. , What the **** is going on, isn't this kid worried at all, or is there a strong backing behind him.

Looking around, a fifth-level spirit emperor at the head said: "Our people have almost arrived, but our sect master is not here now. If you retreat now, we can not tell the sect master this matter."

"Damn **** boy, what are you asking so much for, how many of us have to do with you."

Many people are still clamoring. The Sirius Gate is not so much a sect as a bandit den. Suddenly, the corner of Huo Hai’s mouth is curved, his smile is very bright, even if you can’t see it, it can still make people. I feel that Huo Hai is in a very good mood.

"I have asked so much what I am doing, of course, I have to make sure, all of you are here, and you can catch it all at once." Huo Hai's spirit worms have gone to metamorphosis, and now there is no spirit worm detection, which is really unsettling Convenience.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened: "Boy, what are you talking about, I want to catch it all in one go, damn, this kid must be crazy, get rid of him, anyway, behind us is the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps, I don't believe it. Now, there are still people here who dare to offend our Sirius Gate." A group of people finally became angry at this time. This guy actually wanted to wait for his life.

No matter who they are, they will basically regard their own lives as extremely important. If they want their own lives, they will fight each other desperately, especially now that both the enemy and the enemy seem to have an advantage.

"Boy, tell me the backer behind you, otherwise, you will have to pay for what happened to you today." The headed spirit emperor has faintly surrounded Huo Hai, and his whole body power began to surge.

Huo Hai said indifferently: "Backer, no, you don't have to worry about it. I am just myself. Today, I just see you not pleasing to your eyes. If you want to slap to death, it's like slapping some mosquitoes and flies to death. It's no big deal. "Huo Hai spread his hands, his tone was very relaxed, as if in Huo Hai's eyes, they were really mosquitoes and flies.

"Damn, I dare to look down on us so much. I won't teach you a lesson today. You don't know that the sky is thicker." The headed spirit emperor gave others a color, which is to catch Huo Hai.

I don’t know what the backing is behind Huo Hai, they still dare not kill him casually. After all, this is in the base camp. There are so many people watching. If it is in the wild, even if it is secretly killed, they will not do it. Does not come out.

Seeing a few spirit emperors rushing towards him, Huo Hai smiled indifferently. Even before the breakthrough, Huo Hai didn’t care, not to mention that now, a momentum came out, and the power of heaven and earth suddenly solidified. With eyes wide open, Huo Hai was locked in the air like this, struggling hard, but couldn't break free of this power.

"My lord, Lord Lingdi, we don't know Taishan. Please raise your hand and let us go."

Finally, the leader of the spirit emperor discovered something was wrong, and could use his aura to fix all of his own people. Even the pinnacle spirit emperor could not do it. Only the masters of the spirit emperor realm could do this.

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